

Worlds of Magic and Love continues to alternative world were the same characters and some new are in this story. Will the mouse find her true love or will the human win over the new world and her soul mate who's soul mate is a animal.

Merricia_Dickson · LGBT+
17 Chs


The morning came and Jimmie went into Cemara room to wake her up but it seemed she been up for hours writing about the animals and spirits and morphing humans.

Her dad rushed cover to her and told her it was just a dream remember we are having the picnic with Venus and Kansas.

They're are No morphing animals and No Cemara baby, you had nightmare remember last night Its morning now wake up get dress today is the day.

I Jimmie ask Venus to marry me and we become a family Cemara smiled at her dad and went to the bathroom to fresh up

When her mind recalled her body morphing into a rabbit and meeting the coyote who was her dad.

Jimmie whistling downstairs and getting sandwiches ready for the picnic in the park.

Venus picked the spot and she was picking them up he yelled up at Ceeeeeemara jokey hurry up they are here.

Cemara ran down the stairs towards the door before it rang opened it and said Welcome to the Castle of Love she giggled a bit.

Her dad said come in Venus said its raining out there a picnic indoors sounds nice right now what do you think girls they both scream Yes!, and disappeared in Cemara's room until it was time.

Upstairs in her room she told Kansas about the dream or nightmare she had.

Kansas said she had she also had a similar dream with a forest and playing seeing something odd fall from the sky to the ground remember that and then you touched it.

And started transforming I remember screaming and your dad recusing me cause you transformed into a rabbit the girls were in deep talk before.

Venus came interpreted girls come down stairs we already for a indoor picnic.

Ten years has past since then and Cemara and Kansas have gone through some big changes in there life their parents married and they moved into a bigger house.

Kansas owns a cafe with animals its called Cleanse your Soul to relieve stress and Cemara became a teacher for the school called Treasure of Everlasting Elementary.

The two sisters live together in Treasure City Land of Feast, the two women now in there 20s have decided today after work to go look for the forest.

Since they were kids they made promise to each other to find the secret place again and see if it was real or only a dream or nightmare.

They drove to the spot in question when they arrived there was a small area of a forest and they're were more houses she went to the entrance of the village.

Cemara touched it was a brick wall with vines growing over it Kansas said lets go back obviously it was just a dream they both laughed it off.

And got back in the car before driving off they saw a Swan with a gold sax and sticker saying beast.

Cemara jumped out the car towards the Swan but hit a wall that wasn't there.

Kansas ran out the car too her and the felt strange ,Cemara got up and picked up her sister she placed her in the backseat.

And started the car up in her head she could her We gave you a chance, Why come back leave leave!!!!!

The two sisters drove home in silence when they got home they opened the car door and a little thing came bouncing out the two didn't see it Kansas opened the door and ran upstairs yelling I get the bathroom first.

Cemara just sighed and decided to get any information on the forest history including the town for she has always felt like she left someone important behind as well a part of her soul.

A rumbling began happening around the street and neighbours had turned on lights to see what was making such a noise so late at night.

Kansas started screaming as Cemara got upstairs she saw a bright beam come towards her a voice said We found you Ann-Dru!!

Kansas screamed Cemara tried to reach towards her sister but the beam was gone and so was Kansas.

Several parents started calling out for the second borns that has now gone missing they disappeared.

Cemara walked the streets as parents they begged for their children return.

Cemara's cell began to ring she looked down and saw it was her dad, she answered it Where's Kansas is she with you?

Cemara said No she was but something took her I tried dad said listen careful all second borns are being taken old and young.

Cemara you are also a second born am Sorry I never told you about it her I need you too come to your Grandma's house immediately we will explain everything.

The City began to unravel as Cemara tried to get too her Grandma's house the wind picked trees and grass.

Cemara was about to turn in to the house and she began too disappear the car stopped her dad ran outside but Cemara was gone.