
Worlds Merging

Vreikex_BON · ファンタジー
8 Chs


A blueish semi transparent window with text appeared in front of Josh

Josh fell down as he didnt know what to think it the moment

"Oh no did i do some drug accidentally?"

His hand went trough the window like nothing was there at all

"What is happening?"

He looked closer at the text in the window





Vitality: 12

Agility: 9

Intelligence: 3

Perception: 9


Josh felt insulted as he looked more at it

"3 Intelligence what the fuck is this?"

But the more he thought about it the more fitting he found it

"But what is vitality,xp and levels?"

Josh took out his phone and googled theese terms

In online gaming the abbreviation XP is used with the meaning "Experience Points" to refer to points gained in RPGs (Role Playing Games) as characters progress through the game and complete missions or achieve objectives

An accumulation of a sufficient number of experience points increases a characters level, a number that represents a character's overall skill and experience. To level or level up means to gain enough XP to reach the next level. By gaining a level, a character's abilities or stats will increase, making the character stronger and able to accomplish more difficult tasks.

Vitality usually stands for a stat for a character that increases the total health

"What is this?" his voice trembled

He kicked the book away from him

Something lit a spark in Josh's brain

"Wait a moment"

He grabbed the book and held it tightly to his chest

"If i understood this does this mean i can grow stronger?"


The next half an hour of his time was spent looking at mechanics of mmorpg and rpg games

He looked up from his phone at the window

"So this is a stat window"

"Close stat window"

The window dissapeared

Josh's eyes widened

"Holy shit"

"Open inventory"

A window with empty squares appeared in front of Josh


Josh's brain froze


He sat there not really knowing what to do

Josh slowly breathed in and out as he tried to coprehend the reality he was seeing in front of his eyes

"I guess this is my life now"

Josh sat on his trusty old sofa and sighed

"What has my life become?"


He smacked his thighs and got up


Josh opened the hunters app to find a available unclaimed E rank gate

He scrolled and scrolled untill he found one

"Ah there we go"

"Yes and nobody is registered yet"

A sly smile appeared on Josh's face

"So nobody is going to mind if a lonely E rank hunter walks in"


The gate was located at the beautiful Hyde Park full of great flora and fauna

His mom would take him here when he was younger

Josh used to sit on the benches and listen to the many birds that nested there

But now it was quiet, too quiet because of the invasion of the gate


Josh stood in front of the gate that disturbed the peace of such a nice place

This one wasn't as inviting as the last one, it was repelling

But Josh still entered, not for survival or a sense of exploration but something new

A strive for power, money a new goal

Josh hasn't felt like this for a long time


A small village was right in front of Josh, small not in terms of scale but structurally

The houses were wooden with thatch roofs

They had no windows and the doors were Josh's shoulder height

A strong repugnant smell hit Josh's nose, the stench of excrement

Josh knew what this meant goblins


Goblins are small humanoid monsters.

They vary in height from but are never taller than people's hips.They walk upright even though their arms nearly reach their knees.

Their eyes vary from red to yellow and are usually dull and glazed.

Hideously ugly they have a broad nose that sits on a flat face with pointed ears and a wide mouth.

Their mouth contains small, but sharp fangs.


One of the weakest monsters one could encounter, but a group can overwhelm even a seasoned hunter

And Josh certainly wasn't that

One of the goblins came out of its house just a few feet ahead of Josh

It rubbed its eyes like a human would after waking up

It looked around and spotted Josh


It wanted to open its mouth to scream and alert its comrades but before it happened a dagger flew through the air and hit it right between the eyes

Its body feebly dropped to the ground sapped of its life force

A sentence popped up in front of Josh

You have slain an enemy

You gain 100 xp

"Damn a hundred for a single goblin"

"That's pretty good"

A small blue crystal appeared next to the dead body of the goblin

It was maybe the size of Josh's palm but such crystals were irreplaceable in the creation of both offensive and defensive gear for hunters


"Nice 10 pounds for me"

"Now to find the rest"

Josh slowly entered the building out of which the first goblin came out off

The door led straight into a huge dark empty room

Nothing of note was inside except 5 peacefully sleeping goblins on the ground on some sort of animal hide

Josh slowly approached one of the 5 sleeping goblins and covered its mouth

He moved his dagger to the goblins throat and pushed in

The dagger slid from one side of its neck to the other as it left a gabing hole from which blood pooled out

You have slain an enemy

You gain 100 xp

He repeated this action 4 more times

Josh sat down on the hard wood floor and swiped the sweat and blood off of his forehead

"This is quite a bit of work but i'll be able to get a full english breakfast and buy some flowers"

His eyes watered a bit

"Ugh bad thoughts"

"3 more houses to go"


Josh found himself standing in front of the last house and before even opening the door he could hear snoring

Josh opened the door as slowly as he could as to not wake up the creature inside

He peeked straight at the creature

It was a goblin a bigger one but Josh was sure

It wore armor made of bone and it had a mace on its left side

"Well that is the boss"

"Lets not be greedy"

Josh closed the door and left


Josh came home and once more sat on his sofa

"200 pounds in crystals....tomorrow is going to be a good day"

"Open stat window"





Vitality: 12+

Agility: 9+

Intelligence: 3+

Perception: 9+

New plusses appeared next to the stats

"As i've seen people click on the plusses to increase the number so...."

His index finger hovered above the plusses and it went it

"So i have to tap it huh...can't imagine doing this in front of somebody i would be called crazy"

He tapped the plus next to strenght as much as he could

"Five points...but i don't feel any stronger...i hope this does something"

"Well even if it doesn't i'll finally have some good breakfast....and the flowers"

A bit of exposition, as not every reader might know such systems i also think its a nice way for Josh to understand it, as it was established he only played fifa.

Next chapter smaller 700 words or less

I also need to change the structure of the sentences

I want to explore Lexi for specific reasons i hope people will like

cant explain more because i think its gonna be a nice twist

Anyways there is quite a bit to be excited for i hope

Vreikex_BONcreators' thoughts