
World of Ruby (Dunia Ruby) Vol. 2 by Chynthia D.

Romansa Fantasi
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What is World of Ruby (Dunia Ruby) Vol. 2 by Chynthia D.

WebNovel で公開されている、Shin_Shine_9575 の作者が書いた World of Ruby (Dunia Ruby) Vol. 2 by Chynthia D. の小説を読んでください。Ruby adalah seorang perempuan berusia 26 tahun yang tinggal di dunianya bersama keluarganya. Namun bukan bumi dunianya. Nama dunianya adalah Dandelion Star/Dandion Star. Di Dandion Star, sangat berbed...


Ruby adalah seorang perempuan berusia 26 tahun yang tinggal di dunianya bersama keluarganya. Namun bukan bumi dunianya. Nama dunianya adalah Dandelion Star/Dandion Star. Di Dandion Star, sangat berbeda seperti yang ada di bumi. Disana juga tidak ada hewan. Hanya manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, dan "penjaga". Manusia sudah beradab, berpendidikan. Tumbuhan juga dibudidayakan dengan baik, dengan berbagai varietas. Hewan ada beberapa jenisnya. Penjaga adalah kaum raksasa yang berkepribadian cinta damai dan suka menolong. Kulitnya berwarna hijau laut, berambut panjang hitam bergelombang, bertubuh besar, bermata besar dan tajam dengan bola mata hitam legam. Orang biasa akan menganggap mereka seperti makhluk air, karena punya kemampuan berenang, dan bernapas di air. Para penjaga senang membangun pemukiman di dalam laut. Para penjaga memiliki tingkat keraksasaan yang beraneka macam. Namun tinggi minimal mereka adalah 5 meter, yaitu Kaum Duawi, sedangkan ada kaum lainnya, ada Kaum Sumva, Faga, Amera, yang tertinggi adalah Kaum Raks, dengan tinggi badan 1000mtr. Mereka sangat sedikit bicara, namun tidak suka memimpin, tidak suka tampil, hanya senang tinggal di Dandion Star dan sangat peduli pada kelestarian lingkungan. Dandelion star adalah dunia yang damai. Hampir seluruhnya memakan tumbuhan. Teknologi juga tidak dikembangkan sebagai kesepakatan manusia dan penjaga di Dandion Star. Teknologi dianggap akan menimbulkan malapetaka bagi Dandion Star. Apakah Dandion Star adalah tempat terbaik dan yang sempurna yang ada? Setelah bertemu dengan Erand Koindi, Pangeran Raksasa Laut. Ruby dan Erand pun berteman baik. Kali ini Ruby kedatangan sepupunya Lola yang meneliti tanaman madu biru, yang menurut firasat Ruby berasal dari dunia laut. Ini tentunya akan mengancam kehidupan kaum raksasa. Apakah Ruby dapat membantu Erand merahasiakan kehidupan dunia raksasa laut, kali ini?


Only Half Bad

Having been a villain for over six centuries, you'd think Rogan was used to the sad endings to his every story. But he wasn't. He was bitter, angry and frankly, bloody tired of it. Living in a new kingdom, Rogan goes about trying every method to break the spell that keeps him alive so he could embrace the peace of death but, to Rogan's annoyance, even death evades him! But that wasn't all fate had to throw at him. After handing him an ugly path in life, saddling him with a life he didn't want, fate suddenly decided it wanted to throw a wild-haired, infuriatingly clueless forest girl into Rogan's path. However, despite annoying him, the girl proves useful, and according to the Villain Book of Evil Laws, it was only right for a villain to use others, so Rogan decides to keep her. When Rogan realizes that the girl's life was being threatened by enemies far greater than her, he finds himself stuck between going ahead with his plans of self-destruction and destroying his excellent Villain reputation by saving her. Maia wanted only one thing. To survive. If a short-tempered, sharp-tongued Vampire Sorcerer was her only way to do that, then so be it! Maia would stick to him like glue, no matter how many times he glared at her with his swirling dark eyes and spat out curse words like a snake did venom! Sadly, her safe little spot besides the Sorcerer darts back and forth between chilly cold and steaming hot, making Maia suddenly realize that perhaps being besides him wasn't as safe as she'd thought. Book 2 of Only Half series after Only Half Dead( Only Half Dead full book on AnyStories)

ekridah_ · ファンタジー

Nexus Federation: Universal warfare

Hey guys this is my first story so there will be lots of redos, coming to the story it will be thousands of years in the future where humans have colonized and reshaped planets in the solar system to survive, After multiple world wars and alien invasions, humans get divided into 5 groups based on the nature of their power, the biggest and strongest force are the mutants, next strongest are the magic users that use mana, 3rd strongest and also close to the strength of magic users are the aura users who use life energy, next are the Espers that are very few in number and their power depends on the extent to which they can unlock and use the human brain capacity that helps in telekinesis, telepathy and other mental abilities that will be explained in the story and finally the last group of people will be the androids part human and part robots. The main enemies will be the asuras that also live in the milky way galaxy(Rubix galaxy according to my story) and also devas though they are not antagonistic completely their petty nature that looks down on the humans leads to some conflicts. The Nexus Federation is founded by John Nexus the strongest human and mutant that ever existed at the current point of the story, he freed humanity from the slavery of the asuras that had took place for 7326 years and the dates have been reset to AN(After Nexus) under Johns might and leadership the entire humanity had united and managed to drive the asuras out of the solar system, but after 5848 years of his reign of leading the nexus federation, he passed away in a fierce battle against one of the strongest asuras for dominating the Rubix galaxy. In the year of 7048 once again a new generation of prodigies appear that give hope and confidence to the leaders of the nexus federation to achieve what John Nexus couldn't, Read more to find out if these new generation elite can achieve the hopes and dreams of humanity. The cover is not mine. I don't know who the creator is, but if the creator wants to take credit or take it down please contact and let me know

Chanu_Q6 · 軍事
4 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


