
Chapter 4: The Aftermath

The following morning I awoke feeling sore from last night. I did fight a grown man whom was stronger than me I'm surprised I survived that fight at all. I did my usual morning routine, have a shower, get dressed, go downstairs make breakfast then leave for school at eight o'clock.

It just took me about ten minutes to arrive at my school once at school I went straight to my classroom and took my seat as usual. As I waited for the teacher to arrive two classmates approached me.

"Morning Keith" greeted Leon

Leon Drew he is a friend of mine whom I've known for a few years since I was twelve. He is above average height, he has a muscular built, messy dark blue hair that falls to middle of his back and sapphire blue eyes.

"Morning Leon" I greeted

"Morning Keith" greeted Loyd

Loyd Drew he is a friend of mine whom I've known for a few years since I was twelve he is the younger twin brother of Leon. He is above average height with a small built, has messy dark blue hair that falls below his neck and sapphire blue eyes.

"Morning Loyd" I greeted

"How was your awakening ceremony?" Asked Leon

"It was beyond anything I could of imagined " I replied

"I bet it was. Both Leon and myself were shocked when we had our systems awoken" said Loyd

Both Leon and Loyd had their system awoken last year. Their birthday was in March cause they were already eighteen they had their systems awoken . mine is in July at the time they had their systems awoken I was still seventeen.

"Unfortunately we can't tell you what our systems is" said Leon

It's prohibited for anyone from revealing their systems to anyone else to avoid other people from making fun of you cause of what system you have. And to prevent people from abusing their systems or other peoples systems.

"It's a good thing too. I don't want you two to feel jealous or anything " I said jokingly

"We aren't letting you get away with that remark" said Leon

"Yeah. It ain't us whom going to be jealous it's you" said Loyd

We continued to talk until our home room teacher arrived everyone took their seats as he took the register. The lesson I have after home room are the same lessons I have everyday: Maths, Literacy, we have a break, history, then lunch followed by P.E then it's the end of the school day. There isn't any chance in our routine it's always the same lessons.

After bidding farewell to both Leon and Loyd my only friends at school I made my way home. I won't deny that I'm the most unpopular boy in my entire school, it's not cause I don't interact with my fellow classmates it's cause of my family name Astral. It's a long story to make it short my father did something horrible that caused the entire Astral family to be looked down upon by everyone in the country.

I arrived home, I put my bag down as I sat on my sofa. I just wonder where my life will go from here. I have no family, barely any friends I'm poor as they get. I do have a part time job on the weekends but it barely pays enough to cover my daily living expenses. My future isn't looking great.

Knock! knock!

I heard knocking on my front door which was actually strange as no one comes to my house. In fact not even Leon or Loyd have been to my house it's not that I'm ashamed to bring them back. Leon and Loyd are always busy as they usually out trying to either impress girls or level there systems up for the tournament. So who could be knowing on my door, there's only one way to find out.

"How may I help you?" I asked as I opened the door.

My eyes went wide. Outside the front door was a member of the royal guards, guards that report directly to the king. I was shocked and nervous, why would the royal guard be here? And what could he want with me?

"Keith Astral I presume?" Asked the man

"Y-yes" I replied

"Please come with me. The king want to meet you at once" said the man

"With me?" I asked

"Yes" replied the man

My mind just went blank. My father was a knight and he barely met the king while he was alive until his death and no one else has ever met the king. Yet I am being called to meet the king in his palace for some reason, have I done something to upset the king.

I left my town in a carriage that had already been arranged by the king for me to travel in. To say I was nervous would be a understatement of the year I am extremely nervous. It took over a hour or so to travel to the capital city of Frost and to the royal palace.

"Follow me please" said the man

I followed the man just as he asked me to besides it wouldn't do me any good to run the guard could easily chase me drag and drag me I front of the king. We arrived before the door to the throne room I was going to meet the king I was getting nervous by the minute.

"I bring Keith Astral. Your majesty" said the man before leaving.

"Be at ease Keith Astral " said the king

The King, Reilus Frost the fourth is the current king of the country of Trinity. He is tall at best above average height he isn't muscular nor is he fat, he has pale white skin with good complexion, he has long silver that falls below to the middle of his back and emerald green eyes.

"Yes your majesty " I said

I might of just said that but that doesn't change I'm extremely nervous. I mean who wouldn't? I'm stand in front of the king. I might actually look a bit scared to the king and everyone around him.

"I've called you here to thank you" said the king

"Thank me?" I asked

I was utterly confused. Did I do something to earn the king's thank you? I don't think I have, I haven't nothing that would even reach the kings ears yet here he is thanking me.

"Yes. For saving our children" said the king

"Yesterday night, our daughter and two sons snuck out of the palace for a late night stroll." Added the king

"When they were almost attacked from what I've heard you at the right moment. For doing what you did you saved our children" said the queen

The queen the wife of the king Karen Frost. She was a beautiful woman beyond any doubt, she is slim with what I can say huge breasts, she has white fair skin with good complexion, she has long white hair that falls to the middle of her back that is tied into a ponytail and sapphire blue eyes.

Hold on. Their daughter and two sons? Could it be the young woman and the two kids I met the night my system was awoken. You've got to be kidding me! They were the kings children I didn't even realise that they were.

"…I just happened to be on my way home from having my system awoken. There isn't any need to thank me" I said

"If you didn't have your system awoken who knows what would of happened to our children" said the king.

"Thank you for saving our children" thanked the queen

"It's the least I could do. I wasn't about to sit by and allow two young kids to be killed. " I said

My nerviness has now more or less vanished. I originally thought I was summoned cause I must of done something wrong or upset the king but now that I know I was summoned to be thanked I'm more relaxed.

"I know of your star level" said the king

Of course he knew. Elder Fa stated that all systems record were stored away that no one other that king is able to see them. But why did the king want to know what my star level is anyway?

"As thanks for saving my children I offer you this: sixty golden coins" added the king

"…" I was stunned into in silence

Sixty? One gold coin is enough to get me through the week but sixty? That would last me around ten years or even more. Isn't this a bit too much to be given to a commoner like me?

"In addition I will also give you my daughter's hand in marriage" said the king

"…" I was stunned into silence yet again

This is crazy! Not only are they giving me sixty golden coins but also their daughter the princess! How can they offer their daughter away like she is just a prize?

"Um, I don't mean to be rude but marrying your daughter to someone she doesn't know. Isn't that being a little too careless?" I asked

"We wouldn't give our daughter to just anyone you know. Besides not only did you save her but also the heir to my family" replied the king

"My family has had many rules that have been passed down for generations. Not only did you save her but your also a ten star." Added the king

"All daughters of my family have been told from birth along with all the males that if a ten star should appear we are to marry into his or her family " said the king

That explains a lot really. I mean I get it I save the heir and the second in line to throne as well so that does make sense for the huge amount of money. I know my system is a ten star but their family rules seem unfair to the person in question. What if she doesn't want to marry the person would they force her to?

"Um, is the princess okay with me a commoner?" I asked

"She doesn't really care if your a commoner or a noble to be Frank she has done nothing but talk about you" replied the king

"You've caught our daughter's heart" said the queen

"We barely even know each other" I said

It's not that I'm against marrying the princess I would have to be crazy to. It's just I don't want to marry her cause I'm a star level ten and I really want to make sure that she is okay with me.

"I know. Why not spend a year to get to know our daughter before marrying her?" Asked the queen

"As you wish" I replied

There wasn't much I could do there. Refusing would be rude and as a commoner that isn't acceptable nowhere in this country or anywhere in the world so I had to accept the queen's idea.

"I'm sure you will like our daughter when you get to know her" said the king.

The king continued talking mostly about the decision he made to have guards look into the attack on his children. The king wondered if I was angry for the death of my father which I wasn't there wasn't any point in being angry at this point.

"No I'm not angry. It's pointless to seek vengeance besides my father was convicted of a crime and received the punishment by law." I said

"I would be lying if I said I don't miss my father. He was my role model which was the reason I helped your children." I added

"He alway said if someone is in trouble help them no matter what " I said

My father was the only other male member in the family other than me so I really looked up to my father. When he was convicted of a crime I really didn't know what to make of it.

"It sounds like your father was indeed a noble man in heart" said the queen

After we finished our talks I was allowed to leave taking the many with of course. I took the carriage they arranged for me, it took a hour before I returned home.

By the time I had dinner it was already nine o'clock, after eating got ready for bed. Today has been very stressful and eventful. I just hope everything is normal tomorrow.
