
World in the abyss

Vital_Panda · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 2

Luke found himself within a new area, colorful grass below his feet as he stood on what looked like a tiny island floating in a sea of darkness, the only thing accompanied him is the white soothing light to his back, lighting the ground he stood upon, also indicating he could always go back to where he came.

"I'm here!" Luke yelled, hoping to get a response from this old tree. It had a name. yet it told noone, it didn't think anyone was deserving to know.

The area was silent soon after, and after a few minutes, a wise old voice spoke, yet belonging to no man or woman, just a mixture of both. "Indeed you are." it stated, as if it had all the time in the world to state what needed to be said. "My child, you have waited for too long."

A purple glow filled the darkness, and within it, tiny dots of light emerged, filling it up as if it were stars in the sky. "These dots represent something. fate, the universe, stars, and sometimes our very being. While you may choose one during this process, it may not choose you."

"Even though it may not, do realize that this does not mean the end of your journey. This is merely a beginning. Luke, you may not realize it yet, but fate has plans for you." it went silent after. Luke was in a daze, forgetting about the question he wanted to ask as various orbs of light flew into his vision, hovering a few feet away, as if wanting to be chosen.

Each light carried its own color, but the one that caught Luke's attention was off in the distance, as if hiding in the corner, trying to be difficult to see, yet he somehow noticed it at first glance. he pointed towards it, and saw it tremble, then flew his direction. within seconds, it flew into his chest, a warm feeling emanated within as it borrowed itself into his heart.

Luke stood in a daze, feeling what he amounted to energy flowing through his bloodstream. What he did not realize, is that this would happen no matter the orb of light he chose, though only having a slight variable that makes each of them different.

What made the variable different with each orb? well it revolved around fate, and at the same time, didn't. It could be argued that each choice you make, you were fated to make. The reason why it can be argued that it doesnt is that fate itself didn't really do anything, it just guided things along a path that was chosen by others directly or indirectly.

This warm feeling soon turned hot, burning as Luke's skin turned red due to the heat. If one looked within his veins, they could see his blood being pumped faster and faster, turning all colorful like a rainbow, nearly glowing, yet contained within his body.

Before Luke could scream, he passed out, his body falling off the edge of the little area he stood on, falling into the abyss below. Unfortunately for him, or fortunately, this was unprecedented, so he'd be the first to experience such a phenomenon, yet the only one to do so, as the life tree won't let it happen again.


within a world, galxies away from the Island like world Luke grew up on, a forest is bustling with life. Within the forest itself is a clearing and various kinds of people could be seen, such as elves, dwarves, humans, and some other races hidden within like vampires and werewolves.

In the middle of this gathering stood a pillar, and it glowed, signaling something significant, yet a color never revealed before in history, so everyone had solemn faces, knowing a knew era is coming along.


The earth shook, the trees quivered as what looked like a tear spread across the sky, yet seconds later, closing as if it was a normal zipper zipping backup as if space itself didn't just rip, shaking the whole planet

While everyone was paying attention to the closing rift, a beam shot from the pillar, causing it t lose all its light, shooting off into the distance.

When a male looked back, seemingly in his twenties, he exclaimed in shock, "The light, its gone! Quick, we need to go!" Those who looked similar to him, other elves of his race, nodded and ran into the forest, scattering about as if this held the balance to their whole tribe.

With that as a starting cornerstone, all other races rushed off too, wanting to find whomever was blessed, and hopefully either get the blessing themselves if they aren't to late, or gain the child within their forces, but a different reality was waiting for them at the end of this road, one they wouldn't expect coming.