
The Sudden Power

PK scribbled on a page about the strange power that had been bestowed upon him one day. Poomirak Ken is his full name. His aunt was afraid that his name would be mocked, so she advised him to change it to PK, which he did.

He gained the power after graduating from high school and enrolling in university. He had a breakup at the time and was depressed as a result, which is when an earthquake struck and he heard the sound, "Say World Edit to change the world." He was too depressed to care at the time, but he now had the time to consider it after his brief depression episode.

Normally, people would dismiss it as an auditory illusion, but for some reason, that moment clung to him like glue. He wanted to give it a shot, and to his surprise, a large human-like eye similar to his appeared in front of him. At that moment, he realised that the power he had gained was not an illusion.

"Good day, umm. I'm PK, and who are you?"

The eye blinked, then formed a curve as if smiling, and a voice appeared in PK's head.

"I'm not sure who I am. But I know that wherever there is intelligent life, I exist. Only now have I awoken and chosen you, who has a lovely eye... er, soul."

Confounded, PK considered the possibility that this eye had chosen him solely because of his eyes. It doesn't matter, he reasoned, a supernatural power excites him enough to ignore minor details.

"So... what can I do? As in with you." Pk has a look of curiosity on his face.

" You have the ability to command the entire world. Many people have complained about the world but have been powerless to change it. However, as the chosen one, you have the ability to change the world into whatever you desire. The world you live in today is the result of my previous chosen choices made a million years ago. Even he with eight eyes cannot match the beauty of your two eyes... I mean soul."

"All you have to do is say you like my eyes."

"A person like myself couldn't be so superficial." While blushing, the eye said.

Pk developed an unusual eye as he grew older. Even though it appears to be a normal brown eye, when examined closely with a micro-scope, people can see that his eyes contain all of the colours of the rainbow, as if shards of glass have bonded together to form a rich brown colour.

By the way, PK has no idea why, but he can feel the eye blushing in his mind. He thought it was cute in some ways.

"So, what's your name?" Pk inquired of the brown eye.

"My previous contractor referred to me as AEIER-."

What resulted was an unpronounceable name, similar to the ridiculous names people have in Africa.

"From now on, I'll just call you soul. Soul refers to the world's soul, and the eye is the window into that soul."

"Wow! It's so poetic. This one will be known as the Soul from now on." Soul eyes twinkle with awe.

"However, can you make it so that there is mana in the world?" PK inquired of Soul.

"What is mana?" Soul inquired, perplexed.

At this point, PK realises that Soul is not omniscient, so he explains what a mana is simply.

"Mana is an energy or particle in the air that organisms can absorb and store, allowing them to perform superhuman feats such as creating supernatural disasters or splitting a mountain with a sword."

"Wow, that's a great idea; you're the most inventive contractor I've ever worked with. My previous contractor simply desired a world with plenty of food and a power-based hierarchy."

"So, do you think you'll be able to pull it off?"

"I can do it, but because your description and intent are hazy, I can't guarantee the accuracy."

"I'll give you some books on mana to read."

Pk decided that if he could teach Soul enough about mana, he might not be so bored. He was eager to enter the magical world of Mana.

Even if people die, he thought that people will die regardless. However, the world he created will be one for which some will be grateful for, and that will suffice for him. The main reason is that he became bored with his monotonous life and desired an adventure. If he really feel guilty, he could just create a replica of the impure world and Shenron so that people could be resurrected and then his guilt would be completely erased.