
Wood Dragon Magician

Magic is fun. I love to play with them I am Joseph, nice to meet you all. Hope that you like my story [WPC]

Godemon · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 6: Space magic

One week had passed since Mr. Charlie had entrusted Joseph with the task of studying the fundamentals of magic. As the days turned into nights and the pages of the magic book turned beneath his fingers, Joseph immersed himself in its teachings, determined to prove himself worthy of his teacher's trust.

And now, as Mr. Charlie returned from his work, he found Joseph waiting for him with a newfound sense of confidence and knowledge.

"What is the definition of magician level, Joseph?" Mr. Charlie inquired, his eyes keen with curiosity.

Joseph straightened up, eager to demonstrate the fruits of his labor. "It indicates the amount of magic element that a magician can use," he explained confidently. "And it affects the power of a magic spell."

Mr. Charlie nodded in approval. "And how do we use magic?" he prompted further.

Joseph paused for a moment, recalling the lessons he had absorbed from the magic book. "We cast a spell," he began, his voice steady. "We connect with the magic element and use the spell to channel its power."

A smile spread across Mr. Charlie's face as he listened to Joseph's response. "Great," he exclaimed. "It seems like you've been studying the book diligently."

Joseph beamed with pride at his teacher's words. "Yes, teacher," he replied. "I wanted to make sure I was prepared for your return."

Mr. Charlie nodded approvingly. "Well done, Joseph. Today, we are going to delve into the world of space magic."

Joseph's eyes widened with excitement at the prospect of learning a new branch of magic. "Space magic?" he repeated, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Mr. Charlie nodded. "That's right. And our first lesson will focus on the art of teleportation."

As Joseph stood before Mr. Charlie, his eyes alight with excitement at the prospect of learning the art of teleportation, he couldn't help but recall the moment when his teacher had effortlessly descended from the towering tree with a single word.

"Go," Joseph whispered to himself, the memory vivid in his mind. In less than a second, Mr. Charlie had vanished before his eyes, only to reappear moments later in another location.

"The spell for teleportation is 'Go'," Mr. Charlie confirmed, his voice cutting through Joseph's reverie. "But mastering it will require dedication and practice."

Suddenly, Mr. Charlie's expression grew serious as he placed a hand on Joseph's shoulder, his gaze penetrating and intense.

"Joseph," he began, his voice solemn. "From today onward, you have three tasks."

Joseph listened intently, his curiosity piqued by Mr. Charlie's grave tone.

"First," Mr. Charlie continued, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "You must level up your wood magic to level 3. Your proficiency in wood magic will be crucial for your future development as a magician."

Joseph nodded, understanding the importance of honing his magical abilities to their fullest potential.

"Second," Mr. Charlie went on, his voice unwavering. "You must master the teleport spell. You must be able to teleport swiftly and accurately, without hesitation."

Joseph's heart skipped a beat at the mention of mastering such a formidable spell, but he knew that with determination and perseverance, he could rise to the challenge.

"And third," Mr. Charlie concluded, his expression grave. "You must build your stamina. The road ahead will be fraught with challenges, and you must be prepared to face them head-on."

Joseph furrowed his brow in confusion, sensing the gravity of Mr. Charlie's words but unsure of their true meaning.

"This is for the future," Mr. Charlie reiterated, his voice tinged with concern. "Remember, Joseph, your destiny as a magician holds great power and responsibility. You must be ready to embrace it."

Joseph nodded, his mind racing with questions and uncertainty. Yet, as long as he could still wield the magic that had captivated him from the very beginning, he was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Okay," he replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "I'll do my best, teacher."

With Mr. Charlie's three tasks weighing heavily on his mind, Joseph embarked on a new daily routine aimed at honing his skills and preparing himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

Each morning, before the sun had fully risen, Joseph would lace up his running shoes and set off on a jog through the quiet streets of his neighborhood. Beside him, Mr. Charlie would stand watch, pushing Joseph to exceed his limits with each step.

"Run, build your stamina," Mr. Charlie would urge, his voice a constant reminder of the trials that awaited. "You will suffer now, but in the future, you will be able to handle more."

And so Joseph would push himself to the brink, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he pushed his body to its limits. With each stride, he could feel his stamina growing, his muscles strengthening with each exertion.

After the grueling morning jog, Joseph would return home, his body weary but his spirit undaunted. With a quick breakfast to fuel his body, he would set to work on his wood magic, practicing the spells and incantations that would bring him closer to his goal of reaching Level 3.

Under the watchful eye of Mr. Charlie, Joseph would manipulate the wood element with precision and skill, channeling his magic with ever-increasing proficiency. With each successful spell cast, he could feel himself drawing closer to mastering the elemental forces that lay within him.

In the afternoon, when the sun hung high in the sky, Joseph would turn his attention to the art of teleportation. With a determined expression on his face, he would practice the teleport spell tirelessly, his movements fluid and precise as he sought to master the intricacies of space magic.

It was a grueling routine, filled with long hours of practice and exertion. But for Joseph, it was also a source of fulfillment and joy. With each passing day, he could feel himself growing stronger and more confident in his abilities, his progress evident in the steady improvement of his skills.

And as he lay down to sleep each night, exhausted but content, Joseph would drift off with a smile on his face, knowing that he was one step closer to realizing his dreams of becoming a true master of magic.