
Wonders of gods

作者: WizardReader
連載中 · 242 ビュー
  • 2 章
  • レビュー結果
  • N/A

What is Wonders of gods

WebNovel で公開されている、WizardReader の作者が書いた Wonders of gods の小説を読んでください。This is a story of our protagonist navigating the complexities of his immortal existence in a world of gods and myths.P.S this is my first ever written piece, created for me to explore and practice wr...


This is a story of our protagonist navigating the complexities of his immortal existence in a world of gods and myths. P.S this is my first ever written piece, created for me to explore and practice writing. Also I don't have a cover T-T .


Help! The Frosty Noble’s Son Is in Love With Me!

# 1v1 # HAPPYENDING # DIMENSIONAL # NOBILITY Qu Fulan transmigrated into a historical fiction novel titled ‘The Noble Daughter Falls from Grace’. She was now the female lead, who was reduced from nobility to another noble's handmaiden as her family went through hard times. Having learned the plot of the story and obtained a pocket dimension, she quickly set three objectives for herself. One: Evolving from a maid who only did menial tasks into a vital retainer Two: Reclaim her slave contract Three: Earn enough money to fill her pocket dimension With all three objectives complete, she happily took her slave contract and left without a word to her former master. Nonetheless, the guards stopped her at the gates. "You cannot leave, madam." Qu Fulan was dumbstruck. "What did you call me?" "Madam," the guard replied. "You cannot leave as you have accepted the marriage certificate." Qu Fulan promptly took the slave contract out of her backpack, and was almost blinded by the two words gleaming brightly on the sheet: Marriage Certificate! *** Mr. Pei had never suffered any defeats in life, but seemed to repeatedly suffer setbacks after falling in love with this woman. Setback one: Everyone said that ladies loved white peonies, so he bought her some... Only to find out that she preferred to walk in the snow while looking at flowering plums. Setback two: Everyone said that ladies must never be spoiled, and would get flustered if you cold-shoulder them for days... But he got flustered before she did. Setback three: After going to great lengths and finally making him fall for her, it turns out that she preferred managing businesses!

Frozen River Old Moon · 一般的
40 Chs

The Destiny [Book #1 of 'The Royal Arrangements']

An obeying prince soon to be the king of one of the third parts of the empire Vanya, ORION CADDEL HENDRIX. Was like a shadow, silent. Always there. Obeying. Following and always ready to act when the lights are on from any side it's reflected. And that's the side no one liked. Too much involved, he was in himself. Too invested in work, the kingdom felt his first priority and everything else second. And to enhance those hours, now he had to get married to inaugurate, to have the kingdom to his name according to the will. No dating rumors, no princess he liked enough to look for. Got involved in an arranged marriage, arranged by his father. He has no objection but to have the lady stay for as long as he did. Nor that he had enough time to reflect on his own desire, he couldn't lose the chance to help his people enough. He obeyed. Listened. Respected. And would give chances but would ask you to stay for the sake of his own duties. ~~~ The only daughter left, of the superior advisor of Vanya. She was known for her all-rounder abilities, mother's genes affecting her defensive yet independent qualities while her father's gave her the knowledge she needed for her entire life, SORIN KATZ. As bright as the sunflower, she had experienced the dullness of the rose. Breaking apart, falling down as the thorns shredded its sharpness. It might have been nothing to her face right on time but as it passed by, the hatred to destroy that person who caused it, made her eyes rumble in agony to mark her words and win against the world for her. Soon to be getting married, she hated the term emperor, king or duke who were superior, from her perspective they were just some rich bastards only there for their own pleasure and motives, nothing involved in between that. And she hated that fact... as much as she hated to find an exception out of all by the end or maybe she didn't. It remained as the fact it was known for. All the rich superiors are nothing but a parasite and the people are the only host they can feed up from. Whether as public or as a partner—

Riley_Bedwyn · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Every Problems Can Be Solved With Character Creation

Cho Yun is a low income construction worker who was repeatedly exploited by his uncaring boss. After his health failed miserably, he was fired and he got a lot of debt due to the hospital bills after he was taken there. After being thrown away from the hospital due to not being able to pay their fees for a month, he fell into the deepest pits of despair. He even thought that he was useless in this world. He has no family left, and his relatives have distanced themselves away from him, forgetting him. He has no girlfriend, and there is not even a friend in his life. Just when he felt like ending his life, a System suddenly makes itself known to his vision... [Congratulations, you awakened the power of Character Creation!] With this new power, he will solve all of his problem and become the most influential person in the whole world. "If I am lacking money, I only need to create a market genius and let them give me money!" "Am I lacking in power? Then I only need to create a combat instructor so I can become stronger!" "Someone wants to kill me? Then I'll create a super soldier and let them kill my foes!" "Every Problems can be solved with Character Creation!" ____________________________________________ The setting of this story is an alternate earth. While I'll be including some names of real life places, most of the place and people I will be putting here are entirely fictional and nonexistent to our world. This is a work of fiction, so any person, events, and places are either used as a referenced, or are entirely coincidental. This story is not going to be realistic, and most events will be exaggerated and nonsensical. As I said, this is a work of fiction, so I can just put whatever I want in this story without being heavily restricted. If you really don't like that, then I can only apologize in advance. I hope you have fun in this story, or you can also find stories that are much better than this one. That's all....

1st_Destroyer · 都市
2 Chs

My Heart Is Breaking

Hallo ketemu lagi dengan karya Berli yang kedua. Kalau yang kemarin kisah Lardo dan Lalita sekarang kita pindah ke kisah Tiara dan Dante. Semoga Kalian suka ya. Sertinya anda salah paham pak, kemarin hanya sebuah kesalahan, saya tidak bermaksud mengoda atau merayu anda seperti teman-teman saya yang lain. Dante menarik Tiara duduk dipangkuanya "Aahh...Tiara terkejut apa yang anda lakukan?!!!" "Mencari tahu nona" "Men..mencari tahu "tentang apa?" "Satu tangan Dante memeluk kuat pingang Tiara sehingga Tiara tetap dalam pangkuan Dante. Umm...Dante menyipitkan matanya, bagaimana rasanya bibir kecilmu ini Tiara. Aku penasaran, "Lepaskan. Aku bisa melaporkan anda telah melecehkan karyawan anda" "Ha.....ha...menurutmu apa ada yang akan percaya ?" "Aku tidak perduli, lepaskan aku." "Tidak sebelum aku tahu bagaimana rasanya bibir mungilmu ini, tidak pernah ada wanita yang menolakku Tiara dan aku tidak pernah meminta seorang wanita menghangatkan ranjangku seperti aku meminitamu barusan, kau sangat sepesial sayang, seharusnya kau bangga" Jadi berhenti jual mahal, aku sangat tahu dengan sikap sepertimu ini Tiara aku sedang tidak ingin merayumu. Ini hanya permainan kecilmu untuk menaikkan nilai" "Nilai katamu" aku bukan barang tuan besar!" teriak Tiara emosi "Sialan kau Tiara!" bentak Dante Keluar dari ruanganku sekarang juga! teriak Dante dingin, Tiara mencicit keluar dengan jantung berdebar sangat kencang, jangan lupa kopi pahitku besok pagi ingatnya dengan dingin "Apa kau tidak takut aku meracuni kopimu?" "Dante menatap intens kedalam kedua mata Tiara, aku yakin kau tidak akan melakukannya, sekarang keluar. Tiara memegangi dadanya, merasakan dentum jantungnya yang mengila, sialan Dante, aku belum pernah melihat Dante berteriak seperti tadi.

Berliana_Manalu · ファンタジー
207 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



Parents Strongly Cautionedmature rating