
The Call

3RD Person

After Axle was knighted, he walked the halls of the Temple. After all this hard work, I made it. A true Jedi. He thought to himself. He saw Ahsoka up ahead. They ran to each other. "Hey!" Ahsoka smiled as she greeted him. "Hey." Axle smiled back looking into her eyes. "You made it. I'm so proud of you." Ahsoka grinned. "You will too. Very soon I bet." Axle ensured her. They looked around to see if there was anyone around and they quickly hugged for a second. All of a sudden, Axle had a vision of a moon in the Yavin system. "Is something wrong?" Ahsoka asked. "No, I'm just so excited for when you are knighted. Think of how fun it would be to both be knights together." Axle replied. They hugged one more time. "I better get back to Master Skywalker." Ahsoka grinned again. "Ok, I'll see you later." Axle nodded. Ahsoka nodded back and walked away.

Axle went to Master Yoda's quarters. He rang the bell. "Enter." the Jedi Master responded. Axle walked in, "Master.....I think I know what planet I must go to." Yoda perked up and gave his full attention. "I think it's a moon in the Yavin system." Axle finished. "Hmmm....sure of this are you?" Yoda said. "I am." Axle confirmed. "Then, go you must. Along with you, a company of clones you will take. Non-negotiable this is." Master Yoda answered. Axle nodded in agreement.


The Venator-Class Star Destroyer dropped out of Hyperspace. "Which moon is it?" Chase asked. Axle stroked his chin and closed his eyes. He saw a lush green forest with old structures. He then saw what the moon looked like and how far from Yavin Prime "The fourth moon from Yavin Prime." Axle answered. "Alright boys get us over there." Chase ordered.


"Only one gunship will go down there with me along with a squad." Axle ordered. "Understood sir." Chase responded and boarded the gunship. They descended onto the moon and landed next to a large old structure. Axle got out of the ship. "Wait here. Send one small drone to follow me, but keep its distance." He ordered as he walked into the building.

He could sense something. A cold feeling. He kept walking until he came to a canopy. Axle looked down into the underground room. Faint blue lights lit up the room. Two figures were talking done below, "What do you sense Master?" It was Dooku. Axle was confused. Why would Dooku be here? He thought. The other figure he didn't recognize. He was wearing a cloak which made it harder to tell. "I sense, a powerful movement in the force. Someone has been selected by a spirit." The figure said. "Who?" Dooku asked. "I can not say. But the force is strong with this one." The figure answered as he continued, "We must find him and kill him before he becomes too powerful." "It will be done my lord." Dooku answered. Axle was stunned.

He felt something take over him. He didn't think, just reacted. Axle jumped down into the room, "HOW YOU DOIN?!" "TINGUARD!" Dooku responded. "Foolish of you child." The other hissed. "How did you find this place?" Dooku asked as he gritted his teeth and ignited his saber. "Come on, it's me. I always find my way into trouble. Thing is, I have the skill to get out." Axle answered, igniting his single blade. He could feel the force in him. This place seemed to give him a great boost in strength. Axle felt more natural with this power. He and Dooku locked blades. Then Axle used this great boost of strength to overwhelm Dooku hitting his blade, knocking it off balance. Dooku then came back around and tried to stab him. Axle then reached out his hand and absorbed the attack. Dooku was stunned as Axle looked up and smiled. He moved his hand closer to Dooku's hilt until he grabbed it, absorbing the red blade's energy. Axle grabbed the hilt out of the Sith Lord's hands and smacked him with it, tossed it aside and force pushed Dooku all the way to the other side of the room knocking him out.

Axle then faced the other figure in a ready position. The figure ignited his red blade and attacked the young Jedi. Axle used his strength and power to keep him in the game. Parrying one of the Sith's blows, he got into another blade lock. Axle then detached his shoto saber from his blade and ignited it, almost striking the figure. They pushed each other away. Axle backflipped and spun his blades. He sensed the Sith Lord's power and he assumed that it had to have been Sidious. Axle charged Sidious who ignited his second blade. Axle jumped up and did his favorite move: The sideway forward moving saber multi-corkscrew. Axle slammed into Sidious. Axle felt another boost of power and his strikes became more powerful, knocking Sidious back. Axle then parried Sidious knocking him further back. The young Jedi spun around and used all his energy, using a force light shock wave, as it smacked Sidious into the same wall Dooku hit. Sidious threw several smoke detonators, "Come apprentice. We have failed." He and Dooku then left the room running back to their ship.

When the smoke cleared, Axle disengaged his sabers and collapsed from extreme exhaustion. "They...They were going easy on me." Axle panted. "Axle." Ellisia's voice echoed. "Ellisia.....I'm here." Axle said out of breath as he tried to stand up. "What was that energy?" He asked. "This was a taste of your power. When you finish your journey, you will be able to control it. Be warned, using this power will drain you drastically no matter how much you train." Ellisia answered, "Come to the wall of symbols." Axle walked over to it. "This is the same wall I smacked Dooku and Sidious into." He jokes. "Touch the symbol." Ellisia instructed. A symbol lit up just like back on Ithor. Axle reached out and touched it. He saw four planets. Coruscant, Marraband, Malachor, and Dagobah. Axle then came back to himself. "Those planets are your next journey. Follow them in the order you saw them." Ellisia explained "How come I was able to see four planets here, but not on Coruscant." Axle asked. "Because your connection to the force is stronger on this planet. And now that you absorbed your true power here, you will be able to use it wherever you wish." Ellisia informed. "I understand." Axle said. "You must go. One more thing. In order to complete your journey, you must find a Jedi holocron and a Sith holocron on one of the four planets." Ellisa informed. "I will." Axle nodded and left the old temple.

He then arrived back at the gunship. "Are you ok? We saw the whole thing from the drone and we sent it to the Jedi council to view it too." Chase said. "I'm fine, I feel great." Axle responded smiling at his friend. The gunship took off and landed back at the cruiser. The cruiser then jumped to Hyperspace back to Coruscant.


The cruiser arrived back at Coruscant and several Jedi boarded the ship. Anakin, Master Windu, Master Yoda, and Ahsoka walked out of their ship. "That was very foolish, but impressive." Mace said. "I felt something take over me when I engaged. If I was fully myself, I would definitely not have done that." Axle said which made everyone chuckle. Master Yoda approached him. "Begun your journey has. Need this to start you will." the Jedi Master said holding up a holocron. Axle grabbed it. "Thank you Master." He responded, which made Yoda smile. "I believe it is time I show you the rest of my saber techniques. You are ready." Master Windu said. Axle smiled.


After training with Master Windu, Axle and Ahsoka were alone in a hallway. "Axle, you know this is a very dangerous mission to go to the Sith homeworlds." Ahsoka said. "I know, but I must go. I need to find out what this vision means." He answered. Ahsoka looked into his eyes and saw a serious face, but she could sense that he was feeling something else. She could feel the same thing. They were both thinking about each other, how much they grew and how much experience they have earned. "Axle, I hope you'll be ok." She said, Axle moved closer to her, their lips mear centimeters away. "I will be fine. I'll come back." He whispered. They both looked in each other's eyes sensing a mix of different emotions and hormones within each other. "I will always be here for you Ahsoka." He whispered again as they moved their faces closer. "I know you will." She answered as she moved her lips to meet his. They started to make out hugging each other. Then Ahsoka pushed Axle into a room, walked in and closed the doors locking them.

Rex and Chase were at the end of the Hallway and saw them. Their jaws just dropped and they stared until they went into their room. "I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that." Rex groaned as he put his helmet back on, turned and walked. Chase did the same, "I need a drink."
