
Prophecy and Peace

3RD Person

After helping Phoenix Squadron receive information about supplies, Axle and Shadow Legion join forces with them creating a larger rebel cell. Axle and Ahsoka are in their quarters aboard The Predator waking up. "I've missed this." Ahsoka whispered, laying on Axle's chest. He kissed her on the forehead, "So did I." She got up off the bed, "I'm gonna take a shower." Axle sat up, "Ok." he said with a yawn. She smirked at him, "You're going to join me." She then walked into the refresher. Axle looked around laughing and walked into the refresher as well.


Ezra snuck over to the Gray Jedi's quarters. He wanted to learn more about Republic and Jedi history. The door was locked, but he reached out his hand and focused on the lock. The door opened and he walked in. Everything was in the same place it was last night when he snuck in. He heard the shower running and voices inside the refresher. "They do everything together, don't they." Ezra said. He understood that they are deeply in love with each other and they haven't seen each other in years, but he's never seen them at the mission briefings or anywhere concerning Lothal. They're Clone Wars heroes, couldn't they be more helpful? Ezra asked himself.

Ezra walked over to the desk where he previously found a Jedi holocron, but it was gone. He looked around for it and found some old holo-discs. He activated one and it revealed a picture of a young Axle and Ahsoka holding each other smiling. Ezra swiped to another picture. This one showed a whole bunch of people. Rex, Chase and a few other clones he never recognized before. Axle stood in the middle of the pic. This must have been Axle's command unit, he thought to himself. Ezra swiped one more time revealing a picture of many Jedi and clones. He recognized Rex and Chase again. He saw what looked like Master Yoda from Kanan's description. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi standing Next to each other with Axle and Ahsoka in between them with their arms around each other again. He even saw a young Kanan, or Kaleb during this time, standing next to them.

The door to the refresher opened and Ezra quickly hid behind some shelves close to the door. Ahsoka had a towel wrapped around her as she walked over to her clothes on the floor. Axle walked out wearing a white robe. He walked over to the holo-discs that Ezra left out. He picked one of them up and looked at the picture with all the Jedi and clones. Ahsoka walked over to him and stared at the picture as well. They both focused on the four Jedi in the middle. Skywalker on the left with Ahsoka standing in front of him, and Kenobi on the right with Axle standing in front of him as the Jedi Master had his hand on his shoulder. Axle had his arm wrapped around Ahsoka as they all smiled looking forward. It was as if their mentors and past selves were looking right at them. Ezra could feel some sad emotion from the two as they kept staring. "We were about Ezra's age when this picture was taken." Axle said, breaking the silence. Ahsoka held him tightly, "I know. I miss them." Ezra felt even more sadness radiating off the two. "I do too." Axle answered her. They stopped and stared into each other's eyes. They obviously knew what they were thinking through their telepathy. Ahsoka quickly moved in to kiss him again and again. Ezra knew where this was going and he left the room quickly. How many times do they do that a day? He thought to himself. Axle and Ahsoka fell back on the bed. "Do you think the kid knew that we knew he was here?" Axle smirked. Ahsoka got on top of him and pulled him closer, "Stop talking."


Axle's POV

Ahsoka and I walked into the bridge holding each other tightly as usual. Holding each other felt cleansing beyond belief. That's why we do it. To cleanse ourselves from all harmful feelings. We will forever follow our love and follow our own code. The Gray Jedi code is our path, but the Jedi code is our life.

Sato walked over to us, "Well, it looks like you are both well rested." "A nice long nap with the love of my life certainly cleared up my head." I answered by winking at him. Ahsoka giggled and closed her eyes leaning against my chest. Sato smiled, "I'm glad to hear it. We will be briefing the attack shortly. When you are ready, come join us." I gave him a smile and nodded. I looked down at Ahsoka who opened her eyes. We both giggled together and walked over to the bridge windows.

We looked out at the stars surrounded by darkness. "There is no light without darkness, but darkness cannot be allowed to flourish. That's why the stars exist. To show that the darkness will never win." I explained. We turned to face each other and we put our heads together closing our eyes, "You are what drives the darkness away from me. You are my bright star." I whispered. She grinned, "Well, this star glows extra bright when it's around something it likes." I remembered when I said that to her at the second Battle of Geonosis. We were just friends back then. That was the line that made us attracted to each other. "I love you. So much." I whispered softer. She moved her lips closer to mine, "I love you more." We kissed slowly and passionately.

Ezra's POV

I looked over to Axle and Ahsoka kissing in front of the bridge windows. Even when the briefing about an important mission is about to start they just think about....love. That's all they focus on. They have so much power and knowledge at their fingertips and don't use them. I took my eyes away from them and back to the conversation Zeb, Sabine, and Hera were talking about.

Ahsoka's POV

Kissing the love of my life felt like a fantasy. It has been three years and I am finally at his side again and I will continue to stay at his side from now until our death. I don't care what happens as long as I am with Axle. "All I want to do is relax. I wish there was no war. Just for a little while. A peaceful few days just for the two of us." I said. He tightened his grip around me, "I want that too. The two of us together at the most peaceful and quiet place in the galaxy."

Sato's POV

I overheard the two talking. I thought of the idea of them going on a vacation. They have been in war their entire lives. That is not healthy at all for anyone. I thought about that idea more. Axle and Ahsoka have given everything to keep everyone safe. They have fought for peace ever since they were three years old. The sad part was that they haven't even experienced peace. The wars destroyed their chances. I looked at them for a while longer.

Axle's POV

Ahsoka and I walked over to the briefing after spending what felt like a lifetime at the windows. Sato smiled at us and began to speak, "The information we have recovered has revealed supply bays all over the sector. The only problem is all of them are heavily guarded." I thought for a moment, "Which one is the most secured?" Sato looked at me like that was an unimportant question, "The station in Oon's asteroid belt. Why?" "Then that's our target." I answered. "Are you crazy? Their blockade will tear our fleet to shreds let alone with their anti-spacecraft turrets." Sato replied. I smiled at him, "Relax. You don't need an army to bring another one down. Trust me." Sato looked around trying to think of something else to say. He takes a big sigh, "Alright. I trust you. What is your plan?" I activated the holo-table revealing the simulation as I explained, "When our fleet comes out of hyperspace our fighters will launch and spread out across the line of scrimmage. The fleet will approach the blockade until we are right on top of them. The fighters will break off and take out any threat." I looked towards Hera, "Captain Syndulla, the fighters will clear a path for you. When I give the single you blast through their defenses and rush onto the platform closest to their supplies. The Ghost crew will do what they do best and steal as much gear and equipment as possible. Once the Ghost returns to orbit, the fighters will clear a path back to the Predator. The operation doesn't end until everyone is safe." Sato stroke his chin, "This could work, but why the most heavily guarded?" "Because that is where the Empire will never expect an attack." I answered.

Ahsoka and I walked through the hangar. "I remembered our first mission with the Predator." Ahsoka said smiling. I looked at her and laughed, "I remember that too. You were nervous more than anything and I..." "You wanted to be the spearhead of the attack." Ahsoka smirked back. I kissed her, "I don't recognize ourselves any more. I feel as wise as Master Yoda." Ahsoka looked in my eyes, "But the attitude of Anakin. And that's why I love you. You will never turn your back on those who need us."

We walked over to the starfighters. I held Ahsoka's hand and took her over to a red and green A-Wing, "I painted it myself. Do you like it?" She brushed her hands against the ship and walked around it, "The same colors as my Republic starfighter. I love it. You really painted this by yourself?" I smiled and put my arm around her, "I made every paint streak. It's yours." "Thank you." She said and climbed into the cockpit. She looked around at the controls and gripped the control stick. I giggled, "You still know how to fly?" She rolled her eyes at me and smirked pressing the ignition buttons. I winked at her, "Ok then. I'll be flying right next to you."

Sato's POV

I saw Axle and Ahsoka by the A-Wings. Ahsoka was gifted her own starfighter designed by Axle all by himself. The paint job was very impressive. I wonder how long he has been working on it. Considering the shining glow of the polished hull, I'd say he has been wanting to show her for a while. I kept thinking about what the pair were talking about earlier. About a break from all this chaos. Thoughts crossed my mind. Ideas that would be beneficial.

Kanan's POV

I ran over to Axle after he was done talking to Ahsoka, "So you painted a starfighter from the exact colors of Ahsoka's old Republic interceptor and made it look like it came fresh out of the assembly line?" He looked up in exhaustion, "You have no idea how long it took me to make sure it didn't look like a hot mess." I was still shocked, "Dude that's insane. But it was for an amazing woman so I get your motives." We laughed. I sighed and looked down, "Just like old times. Except....I wish Jax, Quin, and Kalir were here." Axle nodded and put his hand on my shoulder, "Quin would give you a high five for that joke. I miss them too." I smiled. Even though I was the youngest of the group, I still was considered a great friend to talk to. Quin and I would always make up jokes and congratulate me when I make something up without help. I miss those knuckleheads.

Axle's POV

I walked back over to the A-Wings and jumped into my personal interceptor. Ahsoka was fiddling with the controls. I was overjoyed at her smile. She really loved her new toy. "I can't wait to see how much better you've gotten." I smirked at her. She turned and grinned, "I can't wait to show you." Her happiness in her voice was all I needed to hear.

"We're coming out of hyperspace. Get ready." The speakers reported. We felt the ship arch forward and the giant, red hangar doors slowly opened. Ahsoka and I flew our fighters over to the runway. "This part never gets old." I laughed over the comms as the starfighters launched out of the hangar at thousands of miles per hour. Flying an A-Wing interceptor was like being strapped to a rocket. It's one of the fastest ships in the galaxy which is why it's so fun to fly.

Commander Sato spoke over the comms, "Squadron leaders check in." "Emerald leader standing by." I responded. "Phoenix leader standing by. Shadow leader standing by." The Ghost flew next to us, "Ghost standing by." The Imperials sent their own cheap-made ties to counter-attack. "Here comes the welcome party." Ahsoka jokes. I laughed, "Let's see how good you've gotten at target practice."


3RD Person

"Lord Vader, One of our strongest protected supply bays, is under attack by a massive rebel fleet in the Oon sector." An officer reported. The Dark Lord turned to leave the room, "Prepare my ship."


Ezra's POV

The attack was going as planned. The fleet reached the blockade and our fighters got to work clearing a path. "This is Ghost, we have several Tie squadrons incoming!!!" Hera yelled. "Ghost, I'm on your wing." Axle replied. He and Ahsoka shot past us like missiles. I stared in awe as the two Gray Jedi toured up the Imperials with ease. "How do they do that?" I asked. Kanan laughed, "They learned from one of the best starfighter pilots in the Jedi order. Plus they are in complete sync with each other's minds. They know what each other are thinking and make quick reactions." I continued to look at the amazing skill and profession of the two ex-Jedi. "Emerald leader to Ghost, we cleared a path for you." Axle said. Hera started down the entrance, "Copy that General. Thanks."

Axle's POV

The Ghost flew through the blockade. I should feel happy that the plan was working, but I wasn't. A dark presence flew over me. "Ahsoka, stay with the Ghost and keep any Ties off of them." I ordered. She flew down with the large freighter, "I'm on it." The dark presence was coming from within the asteroid belt. I flew into the large rocks, dodging them and searched for the source of darkness.

I made a full stop and closed my eyes. I heard something strange. A deep breathing of some kind. My eyes snapped open and I turned to look behind me. A Tie fighter blasted its green lasers at me. I accelerated and maneuvered around the asteroids. The Tie fighter still kept following me and kept shooting. There was no way a normal Tie pilot would be able to avoid these rocks. I closed my eyes again and sensed the darkness. It was coming from that Imperial fighter. The deep breathing continued. I needed to get him off me. There was a little trick Anakin taught me about getting a tail off of you. I accelerated to top speed and moved around an asteroid. I quickly cut my engines and drifted around the rock.

Vader's POV

There was something different about this pilot. He was much more skilled at navigating an asteroid field. He seemed to be well trained. Out of nowhere, he accelerated to a blazing speed and drifted around the asteroid. I knew that move. The A-Wing pilot turned its guns on me and opened fire. It was too late to react and my left wing exploded off. My engines cut and I was dead in space. The pilot slowed down and stopped right in front of my cockpit windshield.

Axle's POV

I felt something strange. The darkness was stronger than an Inquisitor. I looked inside the cockpit and the pilot stared right back.

Vader's POV

The pilot looked familiar. I felt his presence. My mind connected to the familiar face, "The Grey Wolf lives."

Axle's POV

My eyes snapped open. I know that voice. I could hear it through the mask. My fear increased rapidly as did my heart rate. My mind went blank. I gasped for air hoping to wake up from this nightmare.

Vader's POV

He was no longer the man he was. His fear turned back the clock. All I saw was a scared little boy in a dangerous and cruel world.

Axle's POV

I gritted my teeth and put my fingers on the trigger. Neither one of us moved. I wanted to blast the Dark Lord to oblivion. But I didn't. I remember what Master Qui-Gon had told me. The prophecy is not dead. Anakin Skywalker will bring balance to the force. I kept looking at the dark figure. I used Master Qui-Gon's knowledge. Anakin was trapped by Darth Vader. I closed my eyes and focused on Skywalker's presence. I needed to look within.

Vader's POV

I could feel his push. The boy wanted to get inside my head. I wanted to kill him right now. I wanted to end this suffering. But instead I let him in anyway. It was more painful than anything to feel his willingness to follow the light. He was not a full Jedi which made him dangerous. He used his darkness to pull me closer.

Axle's POV

I opened my eyes and they turned their yellow red color. They glared at the Sith Lord. My darkness was more powerful than his will ever be. I have mastered the ability of keeping it from consuming me. I stared into Vader's head. I looked around this cage of hell. Chains and fire surrounded his thoughts. "Axle." I heard. I turned around and I saw him. Anakin Skywalker in chains staring back at me. He smiled, "You will know what to do."

I snapped back to reality and my eyes became their normal color. Vader looked exhausted. Anakin was trying to break free. The Dark Lord stopped struggling and looked back at me. I could feel his anger and he lashed out trying to grab me through the force. I didn't even move. His grip faded. My darkness is more powerful than his, but so is my light. He cannot touch me.

More Tie fighters flew at us. I looked back at Vader who continued to yell enraged. I felt a tear fall from my face. I closed my eyes and flew off back toward the fleet. The Ghost was returning from its mission. I flew next to Ahsoka's wing. She looked back at me with a sad face. She was reading my mind. I nodded to her, confirming what just happened.

We landed back on the Predator and the fleet jumped to lightspeed. I slowly got out of my ship and fell to my knees. Chase ran over to help me up, "Axle, are you alright?" I looked at him with sad eyes, "I...I don't know. I thought I saw....I thought I saw Anakin." Chase looked down and then to Ahsoka who had small tears running down her face. "I'll...leave you two alone for a bit." Chase said and walked away.

Ahsoka and I sat down on the wing of my A-Wing. "Do you think it's true?" She asked me, "Do you think Anakin is somehow still in there?" I pulled her in tighter, "Yes. I believe Anakin is in there somewhere. We just have to let destiny decide when he will come out." She closed her eyes and cried in my arms, "I just want to leave. I want to forget all about this. I want peace."


Ahsoka and I were in our room. Ahsoka was fast asleep on the bed, but I stayed up and sat there just looking on the ground. I wanted to leave everything behind and go somewhere peaceful with Ahsoka. I don't think there are many places like that left in the galaxy. I did know one place. The perfect place. A place where there are no disturbances. An oasis in the desert. A sweet spot in the sour universe. A golden place in the time of silver. I have been there only once. A place with a gorgeous beach. The sand is warm and the water is cool. The sunsets are beautiful just like her. If only this war wasn't keeping us away.

I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I answered. Commander Sato walked in, "May we speak?" I got up and nodded, "Sure. What's going on?" Sato looked at the sleeping Togruta, "You and Ahsoka have fought your entire lives to bring peace when you never even experienced it. Ahsoka has told me that ever since you were young children you two have been in continuous wars without a break." I nodded and looked back at Ahsoka. I placed my hand on her sleeping face. She smiled at the feeling of my skin. "This is too unhealthy for you both." Sato continued, "I am proposing that you and Commander Tano take a leave of absence." I looked back at him, "We...We can't. We need to stay and protect the fleet." Sato gave a tender smile, "We all want you two to go. We can handle everything." I gave him a confused look, "We?" Sato stepped aside as clones, rebels, and the Specters stood behind him. Kanan smiled at me, "You need to go. We'll be fine here." I looked back at Ahsoka who was still asleep. The others started to plead, "Go with her. Go have fun. Just the two of you. You both deserve this." I thought for a moment and faced the others, "I....I don't know what to say." Sato stood in front of me, "I do." He placed his hand on my shoulder, "Thank you." The others got on one knee and repeated, "Thank you." I smiled. It's time Ahsoka and I learn peace.
