
Wolfe Queen

People dressed in black, with their faces covered by masks. In the hall of the villa stood men dressed in black, with their faces covered with masks. Don't recognize, all the men or women standing there, just bowed their heads. Standing in front of you wearing a three p suit. And even with a mask on his face, the eyes in which the thirst for someone's blood is clearly visible, the devilish smile on the lips, it is clearly visible. His purpose is about to be fulfilled. For which he had been waiting for ages. At last that day has come. In the darkness of the night, where all the worlds, fast asleep, were dreaming their dreams. On the other side, in the middle of Jaglo, many people, dressed in black, stand outside the villa, as if they are keeping watch. People dressed in black, with their faces covered by masks. In the hall of the villa stood men dressed in black, with their faces covered with masks. Don't recognize, all the men or women standing there, just bowed their heads. Standing in front of you wearing a three p suit. And even with a mask on his face, the eyes in which the thirst for someone's blood is clearly visible, the devilish smile on the lips, it is clearly visible.

Malti · ファンタジー
13 Chs


People dressed in black, with their faces covered by masks. In the hall of the villa stood men dressed in black, with their faces covered with masks.

Don't recognize, all the men or women standing there, just bowed their heads. Standing in front of you wearing a three p suit. And even with a mask on his face, the eyes in which the thirst for someone's blood is clearly visible, the devilish smile on the lips, it is clearly visible.

His purpose is about to be fulfilled. For which he had been waiting for ages.

At last that day has come. In the darkness of the night, where all the worlds, fast asleep, were dreaming their dreams.

On the other side, in the middle of Jaglo, many people, dressed in black, stand outside the villa, as if they are keeping watch.

People dressed in black, with their faces covered by masks.

In the hall of the villa stood men dressed in black, with their faces covered with masks. Don't recognize, all the men or women standing there, just bowed their heads.

Standing in front of you wearing a three p suit. And even with a mask on his face, the eyes in which the thirst for someone's blood is clearly visible, the devilish smile on the lips, it is clearly visible.

His purpose is about to be fulfilled. For which he had been waiting for ages.

At last that day has come. that far away, In the deep forest, two powers are fighting with each other. that the dark forces in the forests of the new moon Black powers in the dark dark night , occurs at the extreme limit.

On that day the power of the dark forces increases a lot. There the day is the same as the night. ,there's a very old and scary

There is a very big villa.

and around him a lot of people dressed in black

He stands there with his head bowed.

A secret room inside the villa,,,, and in it a king side bed, on it, very beautiful girl, with long and dark hair falling in her face. ,

He grew up Stomach was visible.

And many women are standing around him.

That night the sky is covered with dark clouds.

The sound of lightning thundering loudly in the sky reverberated throughout the villa. In the same secret room, the woman could hear even the sound of lightning।

There are small cities around the forest, but none of those cities ever think of going to that forest because .

Where does that forest go to be a temple of evil forces because there is not one but many evil forces living there and is among a well-known demonic force that we blood Drinking beast vampire Dracula or we also know him by the name of vampire He lives among them like ordinary people during the day and at night in search of my food in my true form go in search of quenching their thirst for blood A woman on the bed inside the room is about to give birth to a child and is crying out in pain in giving birth to the child. His screams echoed throughout the villa and his voice crossed the silence of the entire forest. I am calling the lightning. Many animals attack people standing outside the villa. This animal is not a common animal, send a man-eater who lives like a common man during the day and arranges for his prey and his enmity at night. Not one or two, but thousands of wolves surround that fort and stand there and who make the people standing to welcome the arrival of their guest their prey. To enter inside the villa, they move forward moment by moment, only then inside the villa there are many people wearing black clothes in a large hall-like room and their face is also half covered with cloth. A man runs to the villa and tells everyone sitting there that many wolves have attacked us outside. have come sit me his head is standing And says everyone come in their real form and give them the same blood. And his eyes are very red as if the blood of his body has come into his eyes and the veins of his whole face are strangely recovered. And it has a mouth with long and sharp teeth on both sides, coming out and all who stand by him turn into their demonic selves And the nails of their hands become long like those of an animal and the nerves of their hands grow.

That's why the same spy of the mansion got disturbed by the power

She studies in the room and the whole forest echoes with the sound of a loud baby crying, then a different round of light is formed in the sky and that person enters directly inside the villa.

Outside, the man-eating wolves also slowly enter inside the villa.

And attacks with full force on a demonic blood-drinking beast standing in front and all the man-eating wolves entered inside the villa with the whole army.

And the whole villa starts echoing with the sounds of beating and screaming. The whole city around is stunned by the different activities happening in the forest.

And all the people of the surrounding city with burning firewood in their hands. enter the jungle and reach that villa

From inside the villa, the noises of noise and noise came out, due to the conflict between the evil forces inside the villa, the whole villa became illuminated with a different glow.

Then come over there. People surround the whole villa with firewood burning in their hands. In the secret room of the villa, a woman is smiling at her newborn baby.

..Only then a woman from outside comes round in panic,and says,,Many man-eating wolves have entered the villa.They came here only with the aim of killing the newborn baby.

The jackal has attacked the wolf.

So the woman lying on the bed starts crying seeing the newborn baby for her hand. And you get up from there and start going towards the hall.

so the other woman interrupts.