
Forest of night dreams part 1

Loud foot steps echoed as Zachary Richardson Clark ran through the forest of Night dreams, instead of night dreams calling it a nightmare was more apt.

Killing unstoppable tide of dark ones, Zach kept moving forward, he didn't even know where this forest will end. This area came under forbidden zone since two thousand years ago, their was a legend that once upon a time this place was no less than a fairy land and light ruled over entire place.

But something happened two thousand years ago and this place was left to waste and suddenly dark one started to rule this place and once a fairy land turned to forest of night mare.

No sane person will step a foot here willingly but Zachary still chose this, because his desperation forced him to this state.

Since last five hundred years no new wolf pup has been born in any wolf clan and if any were born they came with a defect and no Lycan gene was seen in any single one of them and after long discussion by clan elders, going through forest of night dreams was the only way.

It was said that this place though dangerous hid enormous treasure in its depth and anyone who clears this forest became the owner of the treasure. Their was a time when many brave wolves tried to cross it, but after seeing deaths in thousands it was decided to ban entry inside it.

Zach being the son of Supreme Lycan was strongest and last wolf ever born with complete Lycan genes was chosen for this task. Blood dripping from many wounds made Zach flinch as another dark one bit his shoulder ripping out a piece of meat with it.

Looking for any escape route he kept running until he reached the clearing where a castle shone on the center of it, being in the center of water body he found that no dark one approached the lake.

Treading through water he pushed open the gate of the castle with full force. But it would not even budge even after exerting his last remaining strength.

Taking a deep breath, he sat down beside the lake and started clearing his wounds, but what amazed him was that with touch of water on his wounds they were healed on its own, thinking no other way he jumped inside and let the water rejuvenate him.

Diving deep inside the water calmed his wolf when suddenly a beautiful fragrance made his wolf howl, taking deep breath he followed it's trace inside the water where he found another entrance to the same castle that was locked for him.

Fragrance was so intoxicating his wolf was running inside his mind as if his favourite steak and flower merged together and gave birth, it was weird but that's what he felt. Letting his wolf take control with dark eyes he searched the way to open the gate, He was prepared to use brute force of necessary, this fragrance was so maddening.

But with his touch the gate opened easily, entering inside it was different world, huge rows of trees filled it's view. He touched the first tree but it's fragrance was good but something was missing, moving forward he moved from one tree to another.

As his wolf was in control he didn't notice it but near the base of each tree a face was imprinted their.Moving forward he finally found the one tree that was the one he was searching. Taking its control back, he tried to pluck a flower but as if tree was agile it moved out of its reach, he was more than 6 feet and escaping it's grasp was not easy.

Again he tried but failed again, his wolf was grumbling inside, cursing him for delay, he wanted this tree now. With impatience he decided to remove tree from its root but than he noticed a beautiful face imprinted on the base.

It's was so beautiful and delicate he was scared to even touch it, he didn't even notice when his hand reached the cheek of the face and with close eyes he let the smooth texture entrap him. But one thing confused him, how can tree be so soft.

That's when he opened his eyes and they soon turned wide, as a beautiful mesmerizing face of a living girl started appearing with her body and suddenly it took a deep breath and started coughing.

He expected it to cry like new born does, she slowly rubbed her eyes as if they are stuck together for long time and needed effort to open them. Taking a deep breath his nostril flared as his wolf howled inside his mind and started running in circles so fast it made him dizzy, but one thing was clear this was his mate, whoever she was.

Hope you like this work, their will be multiple release till chapter 20, I will try to do in five days and if you like it do give power stone..

thank you

Notorious_doccreators' thoughts