

Another one?

❄️ 1st December,

From today, each student who has taken the form for badminton session will start hard practicing to get qualified in the final stage. Plus, the vote for SUC will also start from today and will end on 5th December.

Mary, Amy, Pan and Zara were sitting on their seats while chatting with each other on what's app group chat.

Amy : Hey, I'm excited for today's badminton practice!!

Pan : Yea, I am excited to win the vote and obviously will win.

Mary : Lmao, how did you know that you will win??

Zara : Daydreaming is reality in her life.

Mary : Ahahahhahah

Amy : 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Pan : You bitc- wait wait..

Zara: What?

Pan : Zara, don't turn behind.. The new boy Alan, is staring at you in a romantic way??

Amy : Wait, I just noticed that too!!??

Mary : AHAHAHAHA, Zara got a boy, Alan likes Zara 🤣🤣

Zara : I want to change my seat-

Pan : Same!! This Nion is always staring at me like a boyfriend

Pan couldn't text anymore, Nion suddenly started to talk with her in a loud voice that made other 3 means Amy, Mary and Zara look at them.

Nion : Hey, Pan.

Pan : Um, yeah?

Nion : Wanna have a talk just..

Pan : Well, I guess you have friends to talk with?

Nion : Uh, yeah, you're right. But I have a gift for you.

Pan : What???? [ I am getting a gift from the same person, who's shoes were destroyed into drain by me? Does he like me?? ]

*Nion pulled a lunch box from his bag and opened it. It was full of red velvet cookies which was Pan's favorite. She loved most to eat any kind of cookies.

Pan was trying not to react much at the cookies, she just sat there looking at Nion and his box..

Nion : I made these cookie for you!

Pan : What?! Why?

Nion : I saw a post of yours with your friends on Facebook eating those cookies so I thought that you love those.

Pan : Oh..but I am not hungry today [ Shit!! Why am I refusing??!He is too nice ]

After refusing the cookie placing a stone on her heart, Pan started to text on her group chat, that time, Nion stuffed a cookie in her mouth.

Pan : Wh-

Nion : Please eat them by yourself, bye~

Placing the lunch box on Pan's hands, Nion ran to Alan's desk and started talking with him.

Other hands, Amy was laughing her ass out seeing what just happened to Pan. She's was about to fall on her desk mate, Mendes out of uncontrollable laughter, however Amy managed not to fall on Mendes yet she was still laughing.

Mendes : You look more cute when you laugh like this than reading a book 24/7.

Amy finally stopped her laughing listening to Mendes and tried not to blush at his words.

Meanwhile, Mary was just smiling at Pan and Nion's incident, but when she saw Amy and Mendes's one she finally bursted out of laughter and the sound was ears busting, her desk mate, Sazid looked at Mary's laughing like he had never saw her laughing like this and started to smile in a romantic way . Mary got shy by this point. She got that she was loud as hell other hand Sazid's romantic smile made her blushing enough that was noticed by Amy, Pan and Zara.

Zara also couldn't stopped laughing from the beginning to the end. Pan to Mary.

However, after the lunch time ends, a teacher came and told the students to submit their vote paper in SUC vote counter. Everyone will write their favorite person's name in the voting paper and will drop it in the box. They didn't use computer to process the vote cause paper voting can raise more interest in students!

After getting the paper, obviously Amy and Zara voted for Mary and Pan for being SUC members. And submitted them in the vote counter. The vote continued for more 4 hours...

Amy and Zara completed their practice in that time.

[ Time ships ]

Four of them decided to walk on foot to their apartment after having a meal in MacDonald's.

Amy : Um, tomorrow is the day from when we will start our official practice for badminton session.

Zara : Yeah, it will be cool.

Pan : Yesss, and tomorrow the second semester's students are going to join the voting.

Mary : I am nervous.

Amy : Why?

Mary : What if none of me or Pan gonna win the voting??

Amy : Don't worry about that. I am sure that both of you guys are going to win!

Zara : Remember, we always helped weak students also helped seniors as well as juniors many times!

Amy : We never misbehaved with someone except Bully gang and jerks.

Talking like this, Zara suddenly stops. Rest of them stops as well seeing Zara in confusion.

Pan :What now lilliput?

Zara : Ahh, I think my period just come to give a freaking visit!!

Mary : OH no, on street??

Amy : Ok, okay. Let's get a taxi then.

Zara : No, no I don't have pads in home!!

Mary : Fatty foodie used mine also.

Pan and Mary started fighting and running across the street then Amy told Zara that she will go to the store with her to buy some sanitary napkins.

Amy : Girls, get going, I and Zara will be in a while.

Pan : Okay, okay.

Then Zara and Amy went to the next road from where they were.

They were done buying pads but it was alright 8:30 pm, after some goot steps they came into a dark street full of trees. It isn't dark usually but it's so late at night, moreover the street lamps were off. They turned on their flashlights of their phones. Suddenly they heard someone talking to another person at one side of a huge tree. At first, Zara really got scared and jumped behind Amy.

Zara : I-is there any ghost?!

Amy : No,Zara. It's human. Let's see what's going on.

Zar : Noooo, Amy, let's not get into any trouble.

But My didn't listen to her, she already moved forward leaving Zara behind.

She waved her hand to Zara to make sure that she should stay there.

When Amy came a little closer, she was shocked and speechless. She saw a man with pretty muscles and a girl, they were arguing about leaving her or cheating on her. But that wasn't a big deal until Amy finally noticed that girl and she knew her very well!!!

It was MATAL MAY...

Amy couldn't saw the boy's face again it was so dark. Suddenly he slapped Matal, she falls down and he ran away, there was a car nearby, he ran away riding the car in 10 seconds.

Amy runs to Matal, seeing Amy running Zara couldn't stay there, she also followed Amy and saw Matal was senseless...


A book without rating, votes or comments? Doesn't look that good! Please encourage our book with your <3

Question :Will they leave Matal there??

Stay tuned for further chapters!
