
Just the Beginning, Part 2

"You're unbelievable." I let out a deep breath, shaking my head as we headed out the door. "This morning you were in love with Mr. Wilson! What happened?"

"Dakota happened!" she replied as we walked down the hall to our next classes. I had Honors English Lit and she had Geometry. That was one thing I had going for me. Most of my classes were advanced. But sometimes it was a curse.

"Hi, there," an unfamiliar voice said. I turned and it was Dakota, looking right at me as he passed. His black, fitted T-shirt accented his firm muscles in just the right places.

I nodded, speechless, and a moment later, he disappeared down the hall. How could I let someone I just met affect me this way?

"Man, girl!" Michelle froze with wide eyes, watching as he walked away. A few students walking by followed her gaze and giggled. "Man!"

"Ssshhh...." I grabbed her arm and pulling her down the hallway. "Someone's going to hear you!" If she didn't quit, Dakota was going to hear her. But when I looked, he was already gone.

"So what?" She said loudly, the tapping of her stilettos echoed down the hall. "He's hot! You should go for it!"

"Will you stop it, Michelle? It's no big deal!" I stage whispered, pulling her along. When I looked up, I was almost to my class.

"No big deal?" Michelle shouted, catching the attention of some seniors passing by. "My, Lord, Jessica! The hottest guy in school just said hello to you and you say it's no big deal?" Her voice hit three octaves as she spoke.

"Michelle!" I said, trying to calm her down. "It's not a big deal!"

She just glared at me, clutching the straps of her book bag as a crease formed between her eyes and her mouth set in disapproval. I knew that look.

"Okay, okay. Whatever." I sighed. "I have to get to class." I started walking away.

"At least tell me you think he's hot!" Michelle shouted, frozen in the hallway, smiling. Students walking by gave her dirty looks.

"Michelle, go to class!" I walked backward, laughing.

"Not until you say it!" she yelled down the hallway after me.

I backed away, trying to find a way out of this. "Okay, Michelle! He's hot! Completely and totally hot!"

At the other end of the hall, Michelle grinned, satisfied. Then a horrified look came into her eyes, as if she'd seen a ghost. Suddenly, I bumped into a brick wall behind me. I cringed, afraid to look, praying that it wasn't him.

"Who's hot?" Dakota whispered behind me, amused.

I cringed, knowing it was him. His voice should not sound so familiar to me.

At the other end of the hall, Michelle gave me an apologetic look. Then she hurried away as fast as her stilettos could carry her.

Some friend you are! Benedict Arnold, deserting me in my hour of need, I thought, watching as she disappeared around a corner. I was afraid to turn around to see if it was him. Maybe it wasn't. Or, better yet, if I didn't turn around, maybe I could erase this embarrassing moment completely from my mind and pretend that it never happened. But curiosity got the better of me and I slowly turned around. Sure enough, he was there, looking at me with those beautiful, innocent eyes, with a smirk on his lips.

"Oh... uh... nothing," I stammered, wishing that I could crawl under a rock. "I… uh… I'm late for class. Have to go!"

"Yeah, I know," Dakota answered.

Looking into his eyes, I was finding it hard to stay coherent.

"What class are you going to now?"

"Honors English Lit." I shifted nervously to my other foot, looking down. That didn't help because I was then looking at his chest. His rock-solid chest. Man was he gorgeous!

He looked oblivious to my uncomfortable stammering. "That's great! So do I, and I'm not sure where it is." He looked truly happy at the discovery. Umm... he was smart as well as good looking. "Will you walk me to class?"

"Sure. I'd be glad to," I answered, trying to concentrate on breathing. "It's right this way."

"Great! Thanks," he replied, smiling broadly. "I guess we'd better hurry then."

"Yeah... right." I clutched the strap on my backpack as I brushed strands of hair away from my face.

He walked with me to class. And at that moment, I would have been happy just walking right out the door with him. But, instead, I turned the corner down the next hallway, headed toward our next class.

"Are you Ute, also?" he asked as we neared the class.

I nodded. "Yes. I live in the village down the road."

"No way!" His eyes widened innocently. "So do I."

When we reached our destination, I didn't want this moment to end, but we were already late. I hoped we wouldn't get into trouble, but even if we did, it was worth it. I gave him a small smile as we hurried through the door. Luckily, there were two empty seats in the back. I hurried toward them, not sure if he would follow. Maybe he just walked with me to class, and that would be that.

Ms. Burke was just getting started. So, I headed toward the back and Dakota followed, trying to dart to the back after me when Ms. Burke spotted him.

"Dakota!" she announced, as if he were her very best friend in the world. But she was one of the best teachers in the school. "You must be Dakota, my new student! Welcome to my class! If you have any questions...." Ms. Burke prattled on as Dakota smiled politely, taking all the attention in stride. Then he slowly made his way to the empty seat beside me.

Dakota was still nodding politely to Ms. Burke when he reached his seat. Everyone was staring, but he just smiled, not looking even slightly embarrassed. If I were in his shoes, I would be ready to duck under the nearest desk, but he looked no worse for wear. It seemed that little bothered him.

Once we were settled in our seats, Ms. Burke went on with her lesson. We were studying the poems of Emily Dickenson, one of my favorite poets. Luckily, I knew most of her poems by heart.

Dakota stole a glimpse at me and smiled, as my heart beat wildly. I looked away, toward Ms. Burke, even though I knew I wouldn't remember anything that she said. When our eyes met occasionally, I would smile, then I'd look back at Ms. Burke, trying not to be too obvious. Honestly, I couldn't tell you a thing that she had said. Then halfway through the lesson, he whispered low so that no one else could hear, "Can I talk to you after class?"

A slight smile lit my lips as I tried to keep my cool. I nodded slightly and smiled, then turned my attention back to class. I took my books and paper out of my backpack and slid them onto my desk to make it look good, even though there was no way I could concentrate.

"Wait for me." Dakota concealed a smile, then turned his attention to Ms. Burke, as well.

It was a good thing that Ms. Burke didn't ask me anything during her lecture because there was no way I could have said anything coherent. Across the aisle, I could feel heat coming from Dakota's body as I tried to remember how to breathe. Dakota was probably the hottest guy I'd ever met. I tried to concentrate as the hour dragged on.

Finally, the bell rang, ending my misery. Quickly, I rose from my seat and headed for the door.

"Hey!" Dakota's voice rang out behind me. "Wait up!"

Letting out a deep breath, I stopped by the door and did as he asked, trying to still my heart as I waited.

He grinned broadly stopping by my side. "What class are you going to now?"

"Biology." Yes, I did say it coherently. I think. "What class do you have now?"

"PE," he replied, frowning. "Can you tell me where the gym is?"

I nodded. Surely he knew where the gym was, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. "I'll show you. My class isn't far from there." Actually, it wasn't that close, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"So, are you from here?" he asked as we walked.

"Yes," I nodded, holding the strap of my backpack as we walked. "I've lived here all my life."

"Wow, that's great," he replied, shifting his books into his other hand. He carried a backpack but had quickly scooped up his books off his desk, hurrying to catch up with me.

"Where are you from?"

He was about a good foot taller than me, even though I was five foot six inches—relatively tall for a woman. But I had long legs. He had to be at least six foot three inches tall.

"I'm from Utah." Dakota had a faraway look in his eyes, as if remembering something. "We just came back here from the reservation."

I walked slowly, not wanting this moment to end. "Did your family come with you?"

"Yes, my brother, Noah," he replied, his eyebrows pulling together, sending his dark eyes into shadow. The faraway look in his eyes returned.
