
woke up in fallout as a cyborg

a man whose a big fan of fallout wakes up in a experimental vault where his body had been enhanced by robotics and Is greeted by a Instructional video hey hope you like it I've been wanting to do a Fallout fic for a while. if you liked it send a power stone my way

frost_claw · ゲーム
14 Chs

the over achiever

Dan had leveled up after killing them he was now level two he put half the points into guns and the rest in lockpick and science




the sun began to rise and Dan slowly woke up getting ready to leave when he remembered the tied up Brahmin " i can't just leave it here to starve it did nothing wrong" Dan untied the Brahmin and went back to the road when Dan noticed something about a few miles off the road. going near it, it was a wrecked car into a boulder going through the interior , there was nothing special just a few paper clips and a drivers license in the glovebox

prying open the hood of the car the engine was smashed to bits going around back Dan saw where the battery was it a fusion core with less than 10 precent of it's charge left

Dan drained the core to charge himself back up and kept the empty fusion core casing and went back onto the road after a while Dan saw a structure near him on his map going near it he saw

a run down shack made of scrap metal with a boarded up doors putting listening closer he heard faint movement inside

prying off the pieces of planks Dan unholstered his 10 mm pistol and slowly began opening the door but before he cold completely open it a ghoul jumped on him and making him fall down then another ghoul came out and they started to dogpile Dan and started to bite him in the fleshy bits

Dan furious, quickly grabbed one of the head of the ghouls and squeezed until he shattered the skull then grabbed the arm of the second one he pulled the ghoul closer to him and shot him in the head the ghoul went limp and fell down on Dan.

he pushed the dead ghoul off him then took out a stimpack and Jammed it into one of his veins slowly the deep bite marks slowly started to close back up

Dan walked into the shack there saw a toolbox laying around some half eaten mole rats and an entrance to a cave on the table was a combat knife jammed into the table with Dan pulled it from the table and walked into the cave it wasn't that big it from what the map showed it was just a few kilometers big Dan looked around and grabbed some glowing mushrooms but suddenly

from the distance a a distinct snarl could only be a night stalker Dan started to sneak into the cave and took out the hunting rifle and loaded the clip

at the very end of the cave Dan saw the stalker tearing apart a dead ghoul around it was a small open metal crate around it were dozens of chewed up casings of buffout and jet. it probably got stuck in the cave when the shack was sealed it seemed distracted enough so Dan lined up the shot went into vats and aimed a bullet to the head the bullet was a direct hit the impact of the force threw the stalker to the floor

Dan celebrated for a split second but the reality kicked in as the stalker got back up surviving a shot in the head and now it was pissed it ran towards Dan , he managed to hit it with another shot to the body but it didn't stop, it pounced on Dan making him drop the gun a few feet away

it but down into Dan's shoulder and didn't let go Dan tried to fight through the pain and grab the gun but it was too far away Dan grabbed the combat knife and started stabbing it in the neck over and over but it wouldn't die that easily

it finally let go and was about to for the jugular but Dan grabbed upper and lower jaws stopping it from attacking then Dan pulled the lower jaw to the side causing it's jaw to be dislocated Dan then threw it on the ground and pierced it's skull the knife was too damaged so as soon as the knife went through the skull the hilt broke off leaving the blade half way imbedded in the skull. the bugger was still alive Dan started to stomp the blade into the skull


after a few more stomps it was dead Dan quickly injected himself with a stimpack it took him three just to get back to full health his right arm was crippled so that was another stimpack

"shit that was my last one"

Dan started to skin the stalker and cut his tail off

Dan had to sit down for a bit but after a few minutes he got back up and started to look through the crate

"the jackass took all the chems"

then going through the ghoul he felt something metallic turning it around he found a 10 mm pistol with a weird attachment it had a bunch of tubes going into it and a slot for three e cells on the side it's name was ingraved "the over achiever"

it already had the e cells so Dan put the mag into the pistol and shot it at the ghoul the bullet that came out of it was glowing green and moving a bit faster than a normal bullet, after it made contact with the ghoul it made a much bigger bullet hole and it liquified a small area of the ghoul

Dan could only say two words "worth...it..."