
Within the Dark

It was not a normal world. The world was not a free world, bloodshed, slavery, brainwashing were the order of the day. They all lived in perpetual ignorance cause it was where the church wanted them to be and remain. No one dared to speak out or challenge the Supreme Church. They claimed they had all the knowledge and God was on their side and not on the people. Everyone feared the church and none dared to speak out against them. There were whispers of a 'Chosen One'. One who would lead man out of darkness, restore free will and true worship. Years wemt by and people hoped this would be fulfilled but they grew weary and disappointed. Their spirits were broken and they gave up hope. But still Within Darkness, a light shine forth.

JUSTICE_Okan · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The Witch

"I'll ask again, who are you and what are you doing here?" Elsa asked them again.

Kyle felt he would die there and Lily felt the same too.

Then Elsa's familiar, a crow spoke to her. "Don't you think it will be more beneficial of we handed them to the coven?"

Elsa thought it to be a good idea. She removed a small box from her pocket. "Ovgfum air ferig, sisko ferg." She recited a spell and the dropped the little box on the floor.

"Get in." She said to Kyle and Lily.

Kyle looked at the box and looked back at Elsa, still in pains he answered. "How is that possible?"

"I said get in!" She yelled at them.

Kyle put his left leg in the box and surprisingly, it went in. He looked back at Lily who was still wriggling in pains. He used his leg to find somewhere to step on but he miscalculated and fell in. Seconds later, Lily fell In too.

They were no longer in pains. They both looked up. The box entrance was very high, they saw Elsa face peer down at them. Then the box was closed.


"We shouldn't have passed that bridge." Anne said to Luke." Now, we've lost him."

"That was the shortest way." He said. "Don't worry, we'll find him. "

" I hope so cause I don't wish to be the subject of wrath for Nestor Phillos. "

Luke paused as he saw something in the air.

Anne noticed this and she questioned him.

" That's smoke, " He said." There's a village nearby. "

" So we might find him there? "

" Let's hope so. "


Sandra was in the kitchen trying to prepare a meal. Though she was in the kitchen, she couldn't stop thinking of Kyle. Was he alive? Was he dead? Was she wrong to let him go?

Suddenly, the doorbell rang!

"Hey!" It was Nick. "I was passing by and decided to check up on you."

" I don't remember telling you where I live. " She asked.

" I asked. It seems you are a popular personality here. "

She smiled and opened the door." Come in. "

" Thank you. " He said.

" So what should I get you? " She asked him.

" I'm okay. " He said.

" You can't come into my home and refuse to take something. "

" No, really. I'm okay. "

" If you say so. " She smiled." As you can see, I was in the kitchen before you arrived so—"

" It's okay, you can go back. "

" You'll be okay? " She asked him and he nodded with a smile.


Lily and Kyle sat down opposite each other. They've been quiet since they entered the box.

"You might just spit it out." Lily broke the silence.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"Whatever you wish to tell me, now's your best chance."

" Yeah, the problem here is that they are much. " He got up." I won't be able to say them before we are killed eventually. "

" I'm sorry for what I did? "

Kyle was silent for a while then he spoke." I could have died, Lily. " He turned back to her. " You didn't think about that, didn't you? "

" I know I make rash decision and I'm sorry for everything I did, all those I hurt. I wish I could make all those acts, right. "

" Is it death speaking or? "

" Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? "

" That's a thing I've been made to believe in since I was a kid. "

" As a Skrit, we believe in the power of science and rationality over Religion. I've been taught from a young age to disregard everything pertaining to religion but I have this fear within me that what if it all is true? I've heard hell is a terrible place , what if I fail to enter Heaven? I can't imagine spending an eternity in torment. "

Kyle felt pity for her." Don't worry, Lily, no one's dying today. "

The box turned upside down and they fell upwards. As they were falling upwards towards the cover, it was removed and they fell out of the box.

Kyle and lily got up and dusted themselves. When they looked up, they were shocked.

There were in front of a huge crowd with a throne behind them and in the throne sat a woman with blood running down her lips.

Behind them was Elsa. She walked past them and bowed before the woman on the throne.

The woman spoke. "Osgu, guk udo ai frigk ver og? (Elsa what have you brought for us?)."

"I vig tig urunig im la elo (I found these strangers in my home)." She said.

" Gio e toa gelo vrel? (Where do they come from?)."

" I fosado toa fo Skrit. (I believe they are Skrits)."

Kyle interrupted. " Go for mek Skrits. (We are not Skrits.)."

The whole people were shocked.

" A mortal? You speak the witches language? " The queen asked. "Are you a Witch? "

" I am not a Witch. "

" Then how do you understand the desecrated tongue? "Elsa asked him.

" I don't know, I just do. "

The queen called her attendant. " Give them a room and treat them as part of our people. "

" Please, we don't want to wait. We need to be on our way. "

" Rest, tonight and in the morning, we'll send you in your way. " The queen replied. " It's such an honor to have you here. "

Kyle was suprised at the sudden change in the queen's attitude.


Sandra sat opposite Nick with her plate of food.

"Are you sure you don't want some food?" She asked him.

"I don't." He replied looking tensed and Sandra noticed it.

"What's wrong with you, Nick?" She asked him.

Nick got up and walked to the window. He opened the curtain a bit so he could take a peek. He closed it back afterwards.

"They are watching you." He said.


"The Church." He replied. " I come with aessage from Ron."

"Ron?" Her heart skipped a beat as she heard that name. "Is he alive? Is he safe?" She asked him.

"Yes, he's safe but he worries about you and the boy." He sighed. " He heard about the trials."

"He shouldn't bother himself about us." She replied. "I would rather have him focus on his task."

Nick smiled. " He says to tell you that he loves you both. I don't see the boy, where is he?"

She bursts into tears. "He died."

Nick sat down close to her. "Take heart. He's rested now." Then he got up.

"I have to go. He's waiting for me." Nick said.

As he opened the door, a Churchman was standing there. Before he could react, the Churchman hit his face with his gun handle and he fell down bleeding.

The Churchman turned to Sandra and went after her. Unfortunately for him, Nick got up and stabbed him in thw back with a knife.

"You killed a Churchman."

"Yes and more will come unless we get out of here."

"How? They are everywhere. "

Nick walked to the bookshelf and pushed it. The bookshelf moved revealing a dark passage.

" How'd you— that has been there all this time?" She asked him.

"I believe so, Ron told me of it and where it leads."

"Where does it lead?" She asked him.

" Outside Brees."

Sandra didn't want to leave Brees, it was her home. She had grown there, had ups and down moments and importantly fallen in love. Staying would mean the end for her and she didn't want to die now. This would mean she would be opening a new chapter to her life.


Kyle stepped out of the bathroom in his towel. The door opened and Elsa stepped in.

"That door was there for a reason." Kyle said.

"I don't knock, normally, I go through doors."

"That's creepy."

"I'm a Witch, creepy is my personality." She sat down on the bed.

"Why are you here?"

"I didn't believe your little play out there, I still don't like you. So tell me, what do you want? "

" That's where you are wrong, gir—"

" Elsa! It's Elsa. "

" Elsa, I'm not here for anything. I'll be on my way, tomorrow. "

" You better be. " She got up." I can't stand another day of your presence. " Then she left.


Lily and Kyle were prepared to move and the witches were sending them off.

" Thank you for your kindness. " Kyle said to the Queen.

" It's an honor to have you with us. Is there anything you request? "The queen asked." We would happily grant it. "

" When I think of it, there is something. " He said. " I want her to go with me as a reminder of your kindness. " He said pointing to Elsa.

" Elsa? " The Queen smiled." You can have her. "

Elsa was suprised." What? I'm not going with him. "

" You don't have a choice, Elsa. You'll go with them, it's an order from me. "

Lily and Kyle smiled. Elsa picked a bag of supplies, she threw a hateful glare at Kyle and Lily and then walked pass them.

As they were going, the queen's assistant asked the Queen who was watching them.

"Why did you let her go?"

"It's as the prophecy, a Witch, a Skrit, and a Christian will help the Chosen one in his journey. If he walks a lonely road, he'll fail. I've prepared Elsa for this moment."

" What's next for us?"

The Queen smiled and looked at the hills. " It'll come from that Hill and you'll see it."


A Churchman entered Sandra's home and saw the dead body of another Churchman.

He examined the body and it's surroundings.

"She wasn't alone." He said to the other Churchmen standing there. "We can't let her go, we'll find her and drag her back to Brees for judgement." He got up. "Rally the troops, we have a fugitive to catch. "


Anne and Luke looked down the cliff they were standing on. They could see the witches village.

"Which village is this?" Anne asked.

"The hideout of the remaining witches."

"We should just leave them and go our way."

"No, if the Church learns that we annihilate the remaining of the witches, we'll be honored and given a position whereby we won't have to weary ourselves with the search of this boy. "

Anne saw it as a good idea and approved it. " So what's the plan? "

" We attack and send the witches tribe to extinction. "