
Within the Dark

It was not a normal world. The world was not a free world, bloodshed, slavery, brainwashing were the order of the day. They all lived in perpetual ignorance cause it was where the church wanted them to be and remain. No one dared to speak out or challenge the Supreme Church. They claimed they had all the knowledge and God was on their side and not on the people. Everyone feared the church and none dared to speak out against them. There were whispers of a 'Chosen One'. One who would lead man out of darkness, restore free will and true worship. Years wemt by and people hoped this would be fulfilled but they grew weary and disappointed. Their spirits were broken and they gave up hope. But still Within Darkness, a light shine forth.

JUSTICE_Okan · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Highway to Hell

Aella walked to the throne room which was also the council Hall. In front of her was the throne of the Doyen. She walked up to it and touched it. She could feel it's power and authority enter into her. This was her long awaited moment. She sat down on the throne that she had longed for. She felt like a god. Now, she could kill and give life, afterall, she is now a god.


Kyle stood confused on what to do, Lily was as well and there was silence between the three of them.

Kyle charged at Marco and pushed him. "You caused this!"

Marco replied. "I never knew it was holy water nor did I know that she's a witch."

Kyle proceeded to punch Marco on the face but his fist was caught by Marco.

"I didn't do it in purpose." He pushed Kyle backwards.

"So what should we do about her, now?" Kyle asked.

"Bury her, she's already dead." Lily suggested.

Marco picked a book that fell out of Elsa's bag. It was a book of spells. "I think I have a plan." He showed them the book.


Elsa found herself in a tarred road in the middle of a desert. The sun was scorching but the people around her never seemed to care as they were all walking straight.

"Hello." She called but none of the people present gave her any attention.

Elsa wondered what was far ahead. Where was she?


"This should be fun." Sandra said as she held Nick's broken arm.

"Something tells me you are enjoying this." He said.

"I have to cause you were on your business when you fell off the tree." She said. "Alright, in one, two." She snapped the arm putting the dislocated bone back in its place.

Nick cried out in pains. "You said three."

"Did I?" She asked him. "Now, get up. Where are we headed?"

Nick puts on his shirt. "Skrit. We'll be safe there."

"Have you been there, before?"


"Then what makes you sure we'll be safe there?"


Marco drew a pentagram on the floor following the directives in the book.

Kyle and Lily stood there watching him.

"What are you doing?" Lily asked Marco.

Marco replied. "Have you heard of a reaper?"

"Yeah." Kyle answered. "Someone who harvests crops."

Marco threw a suprised stare at him. "Well, it's what the Church teaches you." He picked the book. "A reaper is an Angel or rather a spirit in charge of harvesting Souls of humans when they die. They are the ones responsible for taking a soul to the afterlife. "

Lily started to laugh as she saw it funny. "Really? We are believing in this mumbo-jumbo?"

Kyle ignored Lily and asked Marco. "What is your plan?"

"Reapers are The Father's creation. They all work for Azrael the Archangel of death and destruction. "


"Some reapers don't buy into the idea of having a Master, so we call those ones rogue reapers." He opened the book." I've studied about them but I didn't know how to reach one but with this. "He raised the book up." We can. "

" So you intend on summoning a rogue reaper? " Kyle was finding it hard to believe.

" Not just summon, but trap it. " He pointed to the pentagram he had drawn." That will help. "

" This is crazy but I'm in. " Kyle said.

Lily took a step backwards." I'm not as crazy as you two. "


" Gfirik e gersg, uffor! I gellum to!" Marco said. The sky turned black and the temperature became cold. Smell of rotten bodies filled the air. Blood rained from the sky and then a lightning bolt struck the middle of the pentagram. Afterwards, an old woman without eyes on her face appeared. She had her hair made of intestines and her teeth were black. Her clothes were human skeleton woven together somehow. Despite her wrinkled face, her body was like that of a ladies in her early twenties.

"What do you want and why did you summon me?" She asked with anger in her voice.

Kyle and Lily were dumbfolded. So Marco spoke.

"We need your help."

"My help? Why would I help you?"

"Cause we offer something in return. Something you don't have."

She gave an evil laughter." What do you think you have that I would want? I have travelled through galaxies, worlds, realms and seen things that you wouldn't even dare to see. I've touched things that you can never touch. What are you? Just a sample of dust, what do you think you can give me that I don't already have? "

Marco smiled." Freedom. " He took a step closer to the pentagram." You are trapped here in this place with us. "

" That's a lie. " She tried to disappear but she couldn't." What did you do? "

" You see this pentagram? " He pointed to the pentagram he had drawn." It's a trap that will last for eternity unless the one who drew it cleans it. So I can leave you here for eternity. "

The reaper pondered for a second." What do you want? "

Kyle stepped forward." My friend here. " He pointed to Elsa." She was killed by holy water and I want you to savr her. "

" I cannot save her. She's a witch, her soul's already on its way to hell. " She laughed menacingly. " But there is a way to help her. "

" How? " Kyle asked.

" You can go to hell and stop her before she enters the pit. "

" Then what are we waiting for? "

She laughed again." Hell is no place for a child. Can you bear the grief and torment? It is not a place you go to and forget easily. "

Marco replied." Tell us what we need to do and how we will get there. "

" I'll take you there. But you'll have an hour to find her and return to the place where you'll be dropped so I can pick you or ... "

" Or what? "

" You'll be stuck there forever. " She laughed again.

Lily held Kyle back." Are you crazy? Why do you want to risk your life? "

Kyle answered ." I have to. "

Marco spoke to the Reaper." An hour is too little, why not two? "

" Time does as it pleases down there. " She answered." It might be a day or even a year up here. "

Kyle joined them." We are ready. "

" Good. " She said.

Marco cleaned the line and everything went blank for both of them.


Kyle opened his eyes. He felt the sand burn. He quickly got up and looked round. He was in a desert. Marco got up and dusted himself.

The weather was hot but to their suprise, there was no sun. In front of them was an highway which looked like it had no end. There were people of different races and colors walking the road.

" So this is hell? " Kyle asked.

" No, just the highway. " Marco replied.