

Jenna gripped her knees as she anxiously awaited the verdict. Her heartbeat hammered in her ears as she waited for the judge to speak and it seemed like years passed before he did. 

"The jury has agreed that Anthony Shaw is to be declared guilty."

It took everything in her not to jump up and scream in victory. She was finally going home!

She was finally going home. What did she even need to do to make that happen? It was the middle of the semester but she didn't want to wait a moment longer than necessary to be back with her family so she was just going to have to retake those classes when she transferred back to UF. 

And that didn't even account for what on earth she was going to tell Bryce. Was he really going to take things okay or would she lose him over this? It would be quite a shock finding out your girlfriend wasn't who you thought she was.
