
chapter 2:The principal's office

in the principal's, Whitney is waiting patiently but furiously for the principal to show up. after a few minutes the principal walks in and takes a sit in front of Whitney who is also sitting down. ''so what did you do this time" the principal said." how did you know I did something" Whitney replied ." you always do something so what did you do ". Whitney replied saying "she asked a question and I didn't answer". (The principal is a nice middle aged man who is average in height has brown hair and his name is Mr Elvis brown).so what was the question said Mr Elvis, the question was 'what is the Newton law of force " Whitney replied," so what is the Newton law of force" the principal asked. Whitney takes a moment of silence before she answers Mr Brown's question correctly. Mr Brown was confused at first before he eventually takes a deep breath and breaks the silence " then why didn't you answer the question in class" the principal said . Whitney keeps silent for a moment and then Mr Brown cuts the silence saying " I know you are one of the best students in this school, but lately you have been repeating classes, and you haven't even graduated, you are almost eighteen so what's the problem" . Whitney is still silent, then Mr Brown cuts in " I can't help you if you don't tell me what the problem is " Whitney then replies with no hesitation " I'm black ! yeah I said it" . The silent was even thicker now after Whitney made that statement. Mr Brown clears his throats and says " I don't get", Whitney then replies " I see the way they look at me, I hear the things they say, last week I got a threat note saying I should go back to the wild where I came from and keep my disease to myself". Mr Brown takes a deep breath and replies " I understand", now tension has filled the air, Whitney cuts him before he could speak further " don't say that word, understand cause you understand nothing so stop pretending like you do. I'm so sick and tired of every one keep saying they understand but they don't, they know nothing". after those words came out from her mouth, droplets of tears slowly slides down her cheeks she then continues to speak letting her emotions get the best of her ." do you know how it feels to be judged because of your skin colour, I go places and people move away from me like I'm some kind of serial killer or a phase two covid, so stop with all the i understand act, because you understand nothing. and the last time I checked you are the principal and not the school counsellor neither are you my therapist so just purnish me already or if you don't I will take my leave". Mr Brown then sighs and replies by saying " ok fine, I guess we are done here, suspension a week". Whitney leaves immediately and wipes her teary eyes as she leaves the office.
