1 Winter

Many destinies are often told in Old Fashion Prophecies and for many generations. For instance

My father once said many people believe destiny is against your will .When he said that it made me think of my mom and what she went through with me as child. She helped me with deal with me not meeting my mate like i was supposed to at Sixteen like other wolves my age, most wolves my age find their mate at Sixteen to Eighteen and unfortunately I didn't as I had hoped. My mother had passed away three years ago and it took a toll on my Family and I. My Father has not been the same ever since she passed, it's as if his heart left broken with her and left behind this emotionless corps with a lost broken soul. My father is the Beta wolf of our family's packs is the Green Allied Monster Pack when he gets mad he hits the me and my older brother. He has left scars on my back when he was drunk and abused me. My baby brother hates me and i don't know why I have always been good to him. We have to put on act to others to look like the perfect family when are not.
