
Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

A college student reincarnates in the world of HP with the power to cast Lore of Magics from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe(Total War: Warhammer 3). It is going to be a weak to strong story. In time, I am thinking of expanding on all of the magical world rather than only focusing on Magical England. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this other than my OCs; anything else belongs to its respective author. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me in the comments, and I will fix it. I will try to release three chapters a week. If you want to read 35 chapters ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · 書籍·文学
75 Chs


A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them. I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.




When he reached his dorm room, Elmi's belongings, Byakko's cage included, awaited him. As he let Byakko out to play, other students began trickling into the dormitory. Among them, Elmi noticed Malfoy lingering at the dorm entrance, seemingly hesitant to enter. Ignoring the tension, Elmi addressed him,

"Malfoy, I will forgive your insolent behavior for one time and one time only, but if you point your wand at me again, I am not responsible for what is going to happen."

Malfoy, however, feigned indifference, quickly scurrying to his bed and pretending to be engrossed in sleep. Deciding not to press the issue further, Elmi took Byakko to the common room, engaging in a lively play until the mischievous kneazle grew bored of him. At that moment, an older girl approached Elmi. Just as Elmi was wrapping up the play session, an older girl approached him, catching his attention.

"Hi, Seraphina Rosier, a pleasure to meet you," she greeted.

Elmi, acting with manners, accepted her handshake. "Fredrick Elminster Fawley, pleasure is mine."

"I saw your little show with Malfoy, really enjoyed it. If I hadn't seen you at the sorting ceremony tonight, I could have sworn you were a 3rd-year student like me."

Seraphina has striking crimson-red hair that falls in cascading waves down her shoulders. Her piercing emerald-green eyes and aristocratic features give her an air of sophistication. She is of average height, but her confident posture makes her presence known.

"You know, that shield spell you used against Malfoy and his goons was impressive," Seraphina remarked, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "I haven't even seen any third-years use something like that. What's the incantation, if you don't mind me asking? I couldn't quite hear it because of all those shouting."

Elmi, evading a direct response, replied, "Oh, just a little something I picked up. Family grimoire and all that."

Seraphina raised an eyebrow, her sly grin revealing a hint of mischief. "Family grimoire, huh? Sounds like you've got access to some intriguing stuff. You Fawleys are one of the sacred twenty-eight like us, but I never heard that spell before. It must be a really old spell."

Elmi, recognizing the subtle probing, decided to play it coy. "Well, you know, family traditions and all. Can't reveal all the secrets, now can I?"

Seraphina chuckled, her emerald eyes gleaming with a mix of challenge and amusement. "Fair enough, Fredrick..."

Elmi cut her off and said,

"Call me Elminster or Fawley, please."

She smiled and then continued; 

"I do love a good mystery. But if you ever decide you want to share a bit more, I'll be right here, eager to learn." With a wink, she sauntered away, leaving Elmi in a state of bemused curiosity.

Seraphina is known for her captivating charm and unabashed flirtatious nature. She possesses a keen wit and is not afraid to use her charisma to navigate the social intricacies of Hogwarts. Confident and ambitious, she is not easily deterred from achieving her goals.

Seraphina has a knack for turning casual conversations into playful banter, often leaving a trail of admirers in her wake. She enjoys the attention and is unapologetic about using her charm to her advantage. While some may find her behavior enchanting, others might view it as calculated.


After leaving Elmi's side, she approached Marcus Flint and other upperclassmen,

"He claims he learned that spell from a family grimoire, but I can't say I completely believe him."

Terence Higgs said,

"What is with your obsession with every bit of spell? It wasn't even that powerful; I would have used a protego spell."

Seraphina smiled at Higgs charmingly and said,

"You wish you could use a protego; I have doubts you could even use a contego charm."

Contego was a weaker version of Protego, and it could only stop magical attacks, contrary to Protego, which could also defend against kinetic energy. She shook her head,

"I really don't understand you guys; he used a never-seen shield charm, and even if they were first years, he beat five pure-blood; which one of you could beat five people when you were 1st year?"

Flint said,

"You are just a 3rd year, but for us, it is not a big deal; yes, I have never heard that charm, but what of it? As Higgs said, it was weak; it wasn't as good as a protego charm, and he must have learned some ancient niche charm to look smart. "

She turned and looked at Elmi, then said,

"I am telling you this: he is different. You might be idiots, but he intrigues me."

She left them and returned to Elmi's side to talk with him. Coming from a long line of pure-blood witches and wizards, Seraphina embraces her Slytherin heritage with pride. Her family values ambition, and she is determined to make a name for herself in the wizarding world. Despite her flirtatious demeanor, she is a shrewd person, and she has a need to understand everyone; she needs to find what makes them tick, and she is always hungry for more knowledge.


Elmi strolled into the Great Hall for breakfast, his eyes catching Harry deeply engaged in conversation with his Gryffindor companions. A wave from Harry prompted a nod of acknowledgment from Elmi as he settled into a seat at the Slytherin table. The Gryffindors nearby shot disapproving glances, their warnings echoing with the lingering bitterness of past conflicts, having lost family members in the war against Death Eaters.

Dean Thomas leaned in, whispering, "Why's Potter talking to that Slytherin? Does he not know what kind of people they are?"

Parvati Patil responded, "He's probably just trying to get information for his snake friends. You can't trust a Slytherin, Harry."

Seamus Finnigan joined the gossip, stating, "Potter, you should know better. We're not supposed to be fraternizing with them. They are all from Death Eater families."

Undeterred, Harry defended Elmi, "Look, guys, he's not like the others. You can't judge him based on the house he's in. Besides, he's different."

Ron chimed in, "Different? Do you think Slytherins can be different? Wake up, Harry. They are a bad bunch, a bad bunch."

Harry shook his head, "I'm telling you, he's not like the Death Eaters. He's got a good heart, and his family didn't join the Death Eaters."

Dean Thomas retorted, "They didn't help either, did they? I bet they were waiting for their Death Eater friends to win. Potter, we've lost too many loved ones to trust Slytherins. You're playing a dangerous game."

Despite Harry's impassioned defense of Elmi, skepticism prevailed among his Gryffindor peers, their mistrust deeply entrenched in the scars of a tumultuous past.