

"Hello, is anybody here?" Tracy called out, her voice echoing through the forest. "Aaaaaaaaaah!" Tracy screamed as the hag revealed her decaying smile. "Welcome, chosen one," the hag sneered. "Mom, I think there's something you need to know," Tracy whispered, clutching her injured shoulder. "Lately, I've been having these creepy dreams... and the injuries I get in the dreams appear when I wake up," Tracy confessed. "Your father was one of the angels," Mrs. Hayley revealed, tears welling up in her eyes. "Run, run, run!" Mrs. Hayley yelled as the Hades attacked, sacrificing herself to save Tracy. "Welcome to Wilmer Academy," Principal Wilmer greeted with a warm smile. "Here, you'll learn to be the best version of yourself." "Hi, I'm Daisy. Welcome to Wilmer Academy," Daisy said with a bright smile. "Nice one, babe," Shadley commented after Daisy's witty retort to Sharpay. "What's up with the gloves?" Tracy asked, curious about Shadley's accessory. "They help me manage my psychometric abilities," Shadley explained. Tracy Kendall wakes up in the woods, with no idea how she got there. Her calls for help go unanswered until she finds an eerie, seemingly abandoned cottage. Inside, she's confronted by a malevolent hag who calls her the "chosen one," sending monstrous Hades after her. Just as she's about to be captured, she wakes up, realizing it was another of her disturbingly realistic nightmares, complete with real injuries. Tracy's mother, Mrs. Hayley, notices her daughter's distress and the mysterious scratch on her shoulder. Tracy confesses her nightmares and the inexplicable injuries. Mrs. Hayley then reveals a shocking truth: Tracy is the descendant of angels who were banished from heaven, and her father was one of them. As they prepare to flee from the dark forces pursuing Tracy, Hades attack, killing Mrs. Hayley. Tracy is saved by five teenagers with supernatural abilities from Wilmer Academy, a school for the gifted. At Wilmer Academy, Tracy learns about her heritage and the significance of her powers. The academy, led by the enigmatic Principal Wilmer, becomes her new home where she must uncover her abilities and prepare for the dangers ahead. Among her new friends are Daisy, who can create portals, and Shadley, the principal's son with the power of psychometry.

Praizy_7 · ファンタジー
46 Chs


In the sleepy town of Moonvale, nestled deep within the shadows of the ancient forest, a tragedy was about to unfold. The moon hung heavy in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the quaint houses and winding streets. A coven of witches, their dark robes billowing in the wind, gathered in a secluded clearing, their whispered incantations carrying on the breeze.

In the center of the circle lay a young girl, her chest rising and falling in shallow breaths. Her name was Malischa a delicate flower of innocence caught in the web of darkness woven by the witches. With a final chant, the coven raised their hands, and a surge of dark magic engulfed the girl, snuffing out her life like a candle in the wind.

But as Malischa's spirit drifted into the void, a flicker of light called out to her. A distant voice whispered promises of rebirth, of a new beginning in a different time and place. And so, with a burst of ethereal energy, Malischa's essence found its way into the small town of Silverwood, where a newborn baby girl took her first breath.

Named Tracy by her loving parents, the child grew up with a sense of unease, a feeling of being watched by unseen eyes. As she slept, haunting dreams filled her nights, visions of the witches and their dark rituals plaguing her mind. Tracy's parents dismissed her fears as mere nightmares, but she knew deep down that something sinister lurked in the shadows, waiting to claim her once more.

And so, the stage was set for a battle between light and darkness, between the echoes of the past and the hopes of the future. Tracy, unknowingly carrying the spirit of Malischa within her, would soon learn that her destiny was intertwined with that of the coven, and that only by facing her fears head-on could she break free from the chains of the past and embrace the magic that lay within her soul.

As the moon rose high in the night sky, casting its silvery glow over the town of Silverwood, a new chapter in the tale of Lily and Tracy was about to unfold. And with each passing moment, the tangled web of fate drew tighter, weaving their destinies together in a dance of darkness and light.

Hey guys I'm an upcoming writer so please don't mind the errors. I hope you enjoy the story... lots of love ♥️♥️Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Like it ? Add to library!

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