
Chapter 1 I am your guardian spirit

"Lidovia, what time is it?" In the dark room, Chen Shi on the bed had a splitting headache.

"It's five o'clock in the afternoon."

Lidoviya then said, "I noticed that your headache is getting worse. Do you need me to help you contact Dr. Ji?"

The director of artificial intelligence, whose full name is Lidovia Marseille, was given to him by his parents after Chen Shi was successfully admitted to Wangshu Outpost.

It is a masterpiece of human beings in AI. In short, it is the most sophisticated prototype inside.

"Thank you for your concern. No need, I'll rest for a while, and the curtains will open."

After saying this wearily, Chen Shi turned over to get the painkiller.

On the first day of work at Wangshu Outpost, this annoying headache also started.

It has been more than five months now.

Inject skillfully, again increasing the dose.

Chen Shi also knew that this would not work: "If it goes on like this, it will lead to drug dependence."

"Lidovia, do as you said. Help me find out what time Ji Yuan can make an appointment today." Chen Shi went to the toilet and started brushing her teeth.

Chen Shi, who was on the night shift last night and returned to the dormitory in the morning, had already slept for a day. If it wasn't for the headache, she might still be able to sleep.

"The time has been checked. Should it be sent or broadcast directly?" Lidoviya's voice was very nice, and Chen Shi had deliberately debugged for a month for this voice.

"Post it on the display."

While brushing her teeth, Chen Shi looked at the message from Lidoviya on the mirror: "Well, you can still make an appointment at 19 and 21." After that, Chen Shi clicked "19 o'clock" on the mirror.

Lidoviya's beautiful and beautiful voice came: "The appointment has been made as required, and the other party shows acceptance. Do you need to pre-start the car for you?"

"Okay." Chen Shi put down her toothbrush and washed her face with clean water.

Look at yourself in the mirror: "Is your body so bad?"

Chen Shi picked up the black trench coat and put it on her body: "Lidoviya, help me drive today."

"Okay, according to your physical condition, I suggest you choose the driving plan we made together, okay?" Lidoviya's voice came from Chen Shi's implanted earphones.

Open the door, close the door.

"Okay. Excuse me, Lidovia."

"This is what I should do. The temperature outside is minus ten degrees, and the temperature setting of the clothes has been changed."

Chen Shi smiled: "I don't know how to live without you."

"This is the meaning of my existence."

Lidovia's gentle voice, like a girl's hands, gently soothed Chen Shi's nerves.

Coming to the garage, after the automatic identification system verified the identity, a black off-road vehicle rose from the ground.

Chen Shi pressed his temple with his left hand, opened the passenger's door with his right hand, sat up, and closed his eyes.

At this time, there was a woman in the driver's seat, Li Duoweiya, who described in eight words "Peach Blossom Jade Face, Yijing and Leisure".

It's just that Lidovia exists in the form of augmented reality.

This is a traffic regulation requirement to prove that the AI ​​is driving the vehicle.

Lidovia turned her head and smiled sweetly and said, "It is expected to arrive in an hour and a half, you can try to sleep for a while."


Chen Shi's headache began to intensify again, and Lidovia saw all of this in her eyes.

Activate the flight mode directly, and fly to Ji Yuanna at the fastest speed while complying with the traffic rules.

The one-and-a-half hour trip was not long, but with the help of the headache, the time was stretched infinitely.

After just over half an hour of driving, Chen Shi started to make a "hum, hum, chirp" sound.

This is accompanied by a rise in body temperature, a racing heart, and shortness of breath.

Lidovia started a body test and found that several of Chen Shi's main vital signs were declining, approaching a critical value.

Lidovia showed that the AI ​​was designed to care about feelings:

"Can you hear me?"

"Poetry, can you answer me?"

"Chenshi, according to your physical condition. I'm going to activate Article 2 of the AI ​​Restriction Act now. Change your order. Execute the plan to return to your home and give you first aid."

As soon as Lidoviya finished speaking, she turned around and quickly returned to the dormitory.

Chen Shi, who didn't respond, actually heard every word.

It's just that he couldn't use any strength. The inside of his head seemed to be bitten by countless insects.

All this seems to indicate that Chen Shi is in danger.

"Thank you...Thank you, Li...do...Weiya." Chen Shi used all his strength to squeeze out seven words and fell into a deep coma.

In the dormitory, Chen Shi, who had been in a coma a few hours ago, gradually woke up.

Chen Shi slowly opened her eyes, realizing that in her dormitory, she remembered what Lidoviya said before she lost consciousness.

"Lidovia, thank you!"

Chen Shi felt that her body seemed to be fine, and her head didn't hurt at all.

Then, when he was still wondering how Lidoviya operated, his body recovered so quickly.

Suddenly realized: "Lidovia didn't speak."

"Lidovia?" Chen Shi tried to shout again.

Still no answer.

Chen Shi carefully got out of bed and tried again: "Lidoviya, are you there?"

There was silence, and Chen Shi couldn't help feeling a chill on the back of his neck.

There are only two situations in which Lidovia is like this:

1. The source system is turned off;

2. Being invaded by other AI.

As Chen Shi walked out the door, she quickly cleared her mind: "The first one is impossible, because the control source system only exists in my personal portable computer, does not intervene in the public network, and is implanted in my left arm. The second kind, if other AIs have hacked the inner system, then I may have to hurry up and run."

Just as Chen Shi moved to the toilet door, a figure pushed open the toilet door and walked out.

"Who are you?"

"You're awake!"

Then the figure rushed towards Chen Shi, and Chen Shi jumped back.

Seeing that the figure did not rush, he immediately prepared to do it again.

"Stop." Chen Shi raised his left hand to keep his distance.

Only then did he realize that it was a woman and that she was beautiful.

Big pink waves, blue eyes, mesmerizing facial features, slender legs and a slender figure.

She was wearing a white T-shirt with a black jacket, camouflage pants and combat boots.

Chen Shi was stunned.

"Hey, when are you going to stare at me?" the woman said with a slight smile.

Only then did Chen Shi come back to her senses and realize, "Does Lidoviya's disappearance have anything to do with this strange woman?"

"Who are you? How did you get in?" Chen Shi picked up the fruit knife on the bar.

The woman looked at Chen Shi's reaction and bit her lip: "Sorry for appearing so suddenly. Let me introduce myself, I am your guardian spirit - Xin'er."

"What?" Chen Shi was at a loss, but he was more concerned about Lidovia. Holding the fruit knife in both hands: "What about my AI?"

"Oh, you said that female robot. I shut her down," Xin'er, who claimed to be a guardian spirit, looked innocent.

Then he said:

"Can't blame me, she's too noisy. Just... shut it down." Blushing, head down, like a child who was caught making a mistake.

The doubts in Chen Shi's heart were even bigger, but he himself didn't know why this woman felt a little kind to him.

He asked tentatively, "Can you open my personal laptop?"

Xin'er went to the bed and sat down, pointing at Chen Shi:

"You said the one on your left forearm. Don't you just use your eyes and then type a string of passwords? It's very simple, okay?"

"You know my password?" Chen Shi also pulled out a stool and sat down.

Xin'er laughed out loud:

"Yes. I am your guardian spirit, and my daily job is to stay by your side."

After Xin'er finished saying these words, she glanced at Chen Shi and saw that he looked stupid. Just say:

"I'll prove it to you!" Then he stood up, ready to come over.

Chen Shi, who had already relaxed a little, instantly became nervous:

"Don't move, sit...that."

Xin'er rolled up the hair that fell between her brows and said solemnly:

"No, I don't like being suspected."

As soon as she finished saying those words, Chen Shi felt that her body was out of control.

I saw Chen Shi's whole body, slowly floating into the air. The original sitting position was smashed into a large font by an inexplicable force. Strangely, no harm was done to his body.

It seems that it is only Chen Shi's spirit that resists, but the body itself does not resist.

As if being pulled by gravity, Chen Shi, who was floating in the air, gradually drifted towards her heart.

Then Chen Shi bent his left hand inward of his body, and moved the inner side of his forearm to the place parallel to his eyes.

Xin'er stretched out her slender jade fingers, which were as white as jade, like a heavenly craftsmanship.

"Click this place." Xin'er gently touched Chen Shi's skin with her fingers.

Then, a computer interface appeared on the skin of Chen Shi's left forearm, with a light blue light spot flashing in the upper left corner.

"Then put your eyes on this bright light and scan."

After Xin'er finished speaking, Chen Shi's head was not controlled by Chen Shi, and was close to the pupil verification place of the private portable computer.

The woman then expertly enters a long string of characters.

The password set by Chenshi is very long and without any logic, just like the one automatically generated by the computer.

And she didn't type a single character wrong, Chen Shi was shocked beyond words.

"Look, come in." Xin'er's face almost touched Chen Shi's.

The heat exhaled between the words, like a breeze blowing across the face, seems to have the ability to soothe people's hearts.

And this feeling, Chen Shi felt very familiar.

Chen Shi said weakly:

"Can you put me down?"

Startled, she covered her mouth with her right hand:

"Ah, I forgot. I'll let you down right now."

After Chen Shi landed steadily, she felt that she had regained control over her body, so she quickly restarted Lidoviya.

Lidovia's first words after waking up were:

"Chen Shi, are you alright? I found a stranger before I shut down."

Before the word "sheng" could be said, Chen Shi interrupted.

"A misunderstanding, it's all right. And my body is getting better." After Chen Shi finished speaking, she asked Lidovia to test.

But Chen Shi himself didn't know why he described the incredible things just now as "misunderstandings". It might be the inexplicable intimacy that made him react subconsciously.

"Your body is fully recovered, I can't understand that." Lidovia's voice showed a trace of doubt.

Xin'er rested her chin with her left hand and said lazily:

"It took me so much effort to break through, and I can still let him have an accident."