

Moki wakes up, looking at the fields of flowers in front of him as he stands up. Smiling, he looks off into the distance and sees the city of Zelder.

"So that's what the city of Zelder looks like, it seems like it will be quite interesting." Moki says and states as he smiles and walks toward the city after grabbing all of his stuff. He enters the city and notices several shops and immediately enters a housing store. Moki and a girl both grab a housing slip that they like and show it to the real estate agent. The agent looks at the housing slips that they were handed and laughs.

"It looks like the two of you both want to buy the same house." They remark and smile.

"What do you mean? How are there two housing slips for the same house?" The girl asks as she scoffs and glares at him.

"Well, the seller of the house originally wanted to sell the house on its own, but it was considered too expensive for a house, so he'd have to sell it as a mansion or sell it in two parts. He decided to divide the house on the left side and the right side, where they would share the kitchen and exercise room. He was hoping that two friends would agree to buy it and live there together, because he figured it would be fun." The agent says with a heavy business smile.

"My name is Moki Samlu Velmora, what's your name?" Moki says, smiles, then asks.

"My name is Yuzumi Feltain Vivianus, are you thinking something similar to me?" Yuzumi introduces herself as she smiles, then asks.

"How does making a rule chart for all of us to follow seem?" Moki throws out, shrugging his shoulders.

"Close enough to what I was thinking." Yuzumi states as the two of them look at the agent and put their hands out. The agent hands them each their housing papers. "Send us the information for payment in the mail." Yuzumi says as she exits the building.

"Could you give me the directions to where this house is?" Moki asks and the agent tells him. "Okie, thanks!" Moki says happily as he exits the building and is immediately stopped by Yuzumi grabbing onto his arm.

"You got the directions, right?" She asks as she glares at him.

"Yup." Moki replies.

"Okie, I'll follow then." Yuzumi says as she picks up her bag and smiles. Moki looks at her and grins.

"Keep up, if you can!" Moki says as he jumps onto the top of the agency, and begins running toward the house.

"That little Rat!" Yuzumi remarks as she jumps and follows right behind him. "Couldn't you have at least warned me beforehand?" She says as she runs right up beside him.

"Well, I want to have some fun as I run to the house, especially since I have school at an academy later today." Moki states and explains as he jumps in the air while running, doing a front flip.

"So you're also starting at an Academy? How intriguing! What academy is it if you don't mind me asking?" Yuzumi says, then asks as she jumps over a bird.

"I will be attending Zeldurn Academy and I will be in the magic division." Moki says and smiles as he jumps down into the trees. Yuzumi follows as she lands in the tree branches and begins jumping from branch to branch as Moki runs through the trees on the ground.

"Okie, so that means we will probably be in the same class since I will also be attending Zeldurn Academy in the magic division!" Yuzumi says happily as she jumps down from the trees and joins Moki on the ground, running beside him. Moki suddenly slides into a stop as he comes across a lake in the middle of the forest. Yuzumi slides up next to him. "What's wrong, why'd you suddenly stop?" She asks as she follows him, approaching the lake.

"Excuse me, but might I ask what you're doing alone in such a forest?" Moki asks as he kneels down to the child in front of him. The young girl looks at him strangely.

"Gola?" The young girl says.

"It seems like she doesn't know how to speak despite being around the age of 7." Yuzumi says as she observes the child and notices that her clothes seem to mostly be rags, covered up with plants. "I think this girl might have grown up alone in this forest, if I had to make a guess." Yuzumi states as she smiles and pats the girl on her head.

"I see, that would explain why she has such a strong aura at such a young age." Moki says as he begins drawing a leaf fort onto the ground.

"Wait, you can sense Aura?" Yuzumi questions as she watches him drawing.

"Yeah, but mostly I only sense faint Auras, only you and this girl seem to have strong Auras, though I don't know why. My Grandfather told me that it probably has to do with my mother being a fortune teller, though I could never find out why, since I've rarely ever seen my parents." Moki says and explains as he finishes his drawing. The Girl looks at him and smiles as she starts running in a certain direction. Yuzumi and Moki look at each other, nod, then follow her. They arrive in an overgrown car that looks like it crashed into the tree that it's in. The girl smiles as she shows them the car. Yuzumi enters the car, opens the cabinets, and finds documents.

"Moki, I'll look at these documents to see if I find anything important regarding her identity." Yuzumi says as she begins reading. Moki draws an image of someone punching another person, and points for her to fight him.

"Gola!" The girl shouts as she charges and punches him. He blocks it with his hands and smiles. She begins throwing a flurry of punches with him blocking each and every single one of them. The girl jumps back and glares at Moki. She breathes in as a deca-element magic circle appears around her mouth, and shouts with extreme force, causing a huge magic breath eruption. Moki appears behind her and observes the destruction that she caused.

"I'm so glad that I decided to evade that." Moki says as he breathes a sigh of relief and then smiles as he pats her head. The two of them continue to play around along with more lessons.

"I've found out that she's the child of the people who died in the car crash, though I found what seemed to be a birth certificate, but due to all the moss that grew on them along with wear and tear from the weather, they have no purpose anymore since nothing is legible." Yuzumi states as she exits the car and sees Moki holding the girl in his arms. "What are you doing?" She asks as she stares at him.

"We were playing around along with practice fighting and she seemed to have tired herself out and fell asleep." Moki says as he stands in the middle of a crater.

"How the heck did that lead to all this destruction?" Yuzumi asks as she walks up to him.

"All I can honestly say is that this girl has an immense amount of power. Especially since not only can she use Aura, the first magic attack she unleashed against me was a Deca-Element magic breath attack." Moki explains and smiles brightly.

"Seriously?" Yuzumi says as she sighs and looks around. "I'm going to use a magic scroll to restore this land." Yuzumi says as she reaches into her bag and takes out a scroll.

"Hold on a sec." Moki says as he softly lays the girl on the ground, and walks over to his bag, taking out a smaller bag. He taps the bag, then taps the car, and the car gets transported inside the bag. He walks over and puts away the small bag, and picks up the girl again.

"Ahh, a Dimensional storage bag, smart idea, now time for the clean up." Yuzumi says and smiles as she rips the scroll, and the land starts rebuilding itself.

"That must've been a fairly expensive scroll." Moki remarks.

"Well, my father said not to use it in case of an emergency since it was a gift from his magician friend." Yuzumi says as she sighs. Moki walks over and picks up the remnants of the scroll.

"So in other words, it was a priceless scroll.In that case, we shall not let it go to waste." Moki says and smiles as he puts the remnants of it into a small bag of his. "I know of a way to restore a scroll, though it will have to wait until another day since I won't be able to set up the chamber today." Moki states and explains as he smiles.

"Is such a thing truly possible?" Yuzumi asks as she follows Moki, and the two of them begin running toward their house again, with the girl in tow.

"Yeah, but it requires a lot of precise work in order to set up and do, though I should probably ask you if it'd be alright to do such a thing beforehand." Moki replies and explains.

"Why would you need my permission?" Yuzumi asks as the two of them jump over a lake and continue to run.

"Because it requires setting up the entire house with a magic circle and summoning a house spirit." Moki states as the two of them slide to a stop in front of their house.

"I'm assuming you're saying that because you know of a way to do that, but that would require so much time. How long do you plan on working on it?" Yuzumi asks as she sighs and looks at him.

"Probably about a month since I would only have about three hours before bedtime to be able to do it." Moki says as he estimates the amount of time to fully complete the circle without any minor problems.

"What if I were to help you?" Yuzumi asks as she grins. Moki thinks about it for a second.

"Probably around one week if I had to say since we could cover different parts of the same area." Moki says and estimates.

"Good, then let's go with that." Yuzumi says bluntly without hesitation. "Now let's head inside and get ready since I heard that on the first day of the Academy, you don't go to the academy itself, but rather they come to check your living conditions." Yuzumi says and explains as she looks up at the house.

"What time do we have until they come?" Moki asks.

"Well since I told them I would be moving, they said it would be an hour after I register my new address on their website." Yuzumi says.

"Okie, how does around 2 in the afternoon sound?" Moki suggests.

"Sounds good to me." Yuzumi says as the two of them rush in and begin taking out all of their belongings, and organizing the house. Moki lays the girl down on his bed as he organizes his room. The two of them spend the next two hours organizing the house and coming up with the rules of the house.

"Okay so now that we have the rules down, what should we do with her?" Moki states as he smiles and pats the girl's head as she sits next to him and smiles.

"Well, I came up with a wild idea, though it would require us changing our names." Yuzumi says as she looks off into the distance.

"Are you implying we adopt her as our daughter and change our names by getting married, or something?" Moki asks as he looks at her.

"Maybe?" Yuzumi replies as she looks down, avoiding Moki's gaze.

"Sounds wild, I like it!" Moki says and laughs.

"You don't mind? I was sure you'd be against it though." Yuzumi states as she goes into deep thought.

"You mean because most people get married because of love, or lust? I've never really been too interested in stuff like that, and my family always wanted me to "get'' a child and marry someone, so I see this as an absolute win since we can just start from here. If we happen to get closer, then that's what happens. What do you think? We could also combine our last names instead of choosing one over the other." Moki states, explains, then says as he smiles and suggests.

"Well, that is a fair point since my family also said something similar, and I've always been focused on learning more about Aura and Magic instead." Yuzumi responds as she goes into deeper thought.

"In that case, we could go even wilder, and do a Magic Aura Marriage." Moki says, throwing it out there. Yuzumi immediately looks up at him and smiles.

"Sounds Perfect!" Yuzumi says grinning. The two of them head toward the city hall while carrying the young girl.

"How may I help the two of you?" The City Hall Guard asks.

"We are here to apply for a Magic Aura Marriage, then register this child as our daughter, Secretly though." Yuzumi says softly. The Guard nods and shows them inside as another Guard takes their place. They walk up to the City Hall Head Guard.

"What's the reason you brought these three to me?" The head guard asks.

"These two would like to perform a Magic Aura marriage, then register the child that they carry as their daughter." The guard says, then leaves. The head Guard smiles and looks at the two of them.

"Why do you two want to get married that way?" The head guard asks.

Moki and Yuzumi look at each other and nod, then look at the guard.

"Because it seems like fun!" Moki and Yuzumi say as they smile.

"Okay, follow me." The head guard says and sighs as he shows them inside the Grand City Hall. "Please wait here as I go get the Grandmaster." He says as he walks away for a second. The Head Guard comes back with the Grandmaster behind him. Moki sets down the girl and signals for her to stay where she is. Moki and Yuzumi go to the center of the room and stand in the center of the magic circle on the ground.

"The One Love of Law, The One Love of Magic, The One Love Of Aura. Far From The Land Of The Great One." The Grandmaster chants as he inserts his Aura into the air of the room, causing the magic circle to light up with many different types of magic appearing from it. "Yuzumi Feltain Vivianus, Moki Samlu Velmora, These Two Shall Become One, Under The Power Of Magic Aura!" The Grandmaster finishes chanting. The Magic and Aura surround the two of them forming an orb of Magic Aura.

"I, Who Uses The Aura Of Fists Swear To Uphold The Oath Of Spirits!" Moki chants as he releases his Aura into the room.

{Are these brats seriously doing that?} The Grandmaster thinks as he sits on the sidelines controlling his Aura and Magic.

"I, Who Uses The Aura Of Minds Swear To Uphold The Oath Of Spirits!" Yuzumi chants as she releases her Aura into the room. The young girl looks at all the aura and magic surrounding the room and smiles.

"Gola, Bmuday Aqufoy Velmora Vivianus!" The girl chants, mimicking the three of them, as she smiles, then opening her mouth softly releasing Deca-Elemental Magic into the air along with her Aura, causing the room to become shrouded with Magic Aura. The Grandmaster signals to the head guard to put the child into the magic circle with the two of them. The Head Guard takes a deep breath and resolves himself as he picks her up and puts her in the magic circle among the chaos of energy within the room.

"The Two Shall Be United Along With Their Daughter Bmuday Aqufoy Velmora Vivianus, Making The Two Of Them Moki Samlu Velmora Vivianus And Yuzumi Feltain Velmora Vivianus. I Hereby Acknowledge This Marriage And Adoption! Shall Their Spirits Be Connected From Here On!" The Grandmaster chants as the three of them absorb all of that energy within their bodies, causing a mark to appear under the left eye of all three of them. The Grandmaster falls to his knees. "It is completed." He states as he catches his breath. The Head Guard rushes over to him and helps him up.

"I was not expecting her to mimic us." Moki says as he picks her up and carries her in his arms.

"Honestly, Day, what were you thinking?" Yuzumi says as she looks at Day and smiles softly.

"But I wanted to be with Mama and Dad!" Day says happily.

"It seems that after connecting the souls of the three of you, she is now able to understand and speak unlike before." The Grandmaster explains.

"Please don't worry, we will make sure to keep quiet about the Marriage as agreed, so if anyone asks us if the two of you are married we will simply reply with a yes and not mention any other details." The Head Guard says and explains.

"Thank you." Moki says and smiles.

"How much does this cost?" Yuzumi asks as she and Moki approach the Grandmaster.

"Honestly I found This Marriage Quite Entertaining as It was something I've never experienced before. I haven't felt that way in over 20 years, so I'll make it only about 100 Felms.

"Seriously? That's cheaper than a lollipop, is that really okay?" Yuzumi asks.

"Yeah, It should be fine!" The Grandmaster says and smiles. Yuzumi hands him 100 Felms, and the three of them head back home.

They Finish registering their new address into the school database, and then decide to eat lunch as they await for the teachers to arrive.

"It should be about time that the two of them show up." Yuzumi says as she stands up.

"Ah, it's time already? Let's go see." Moki says as he puts down the playing cards.

"Dang it, I almost won." Day pouts as she sets down the cards, then heads upstairs to her bedroom.

"You almost lost?" Yuzumi asks as they head toward the door.

"She's a monstrous genius. I'm more amazed by the fact that I was able to last that long with a game I only learned three days ago." Moki says as he reaches for the door.

{You've only known the game for three days? I couldn't even tell what was happening between the two of them.} "Seems like we're a family of monsters then." Yuzumi thinks, then says softly as she smiles and exits the house with Moki. Two people appear in front of them.

"This is the household of Velmora, right?" Gildor asks.

"This is the household of Vivianus, right?" Fayla asks. The two of them turn and glare at each other.

"Yes, the two of you are at the correct place." Moki says and smiles as he makes his presence known to the two of them.

"We've been looking forward to seeing you." Yuzumi says as she appears behind them and directs them into the house. They all sit around the dining table as Moki walks over and serves them tea.

"So is there a reason as to why the two of you are living in the same house?" Gildor asks after taking a sip of tea.

"I was wondering the same thing actually." Fayla states as she takes a sip of tea.

"Please let us reintroduce ourselves." Yuzumi says and smiles. "My name is Yuzumi Feltain Velmora Vivianus." She says.

"My name is Moki Samlu Velmora Vivianus." Moki says and grins as Day appears from behind him.

"My name is Bmuday Aqufoy Velmora Vivianus." Day says happily.

"The two of us decided to get married, and we adopted Day as our daughter." Yuzumi explains as she walks over and picks up Day.

"Were the two of you dating beforehand?" Fayla asks.

"Nope, all three of us just met today." Moki says.

"Why?" Gildor and Fayla ask simultaneously.

"Because it sounded fun." Yuzumi, Moki, and Day reply happily.

"If you're wondering why we decided to do such a thing, I just have one question for you. Who said that being in love or feeling lust was the only reason for getting married. After all if you look at many Nobles and Royalty, a lot of them certainly don't marry for love, but rather to increase the power of their family, or because it seems like a good business trade. I've also heard of people getting married because they've simply known each other for their entire lives and didn't want to get pestered by their family. In such a way, Yuzumi and I got married for a similar reason, but the main reason was because it sounded Fun and Wild." Moki says and explains.

"I see, that is fair." Gildor states as he goes into deep thought while drinking his tea.

"I've never thought of it that way before." Fayla says softly. Moki and Yuzumi look at each other and grin.

"If you're truly that curious, why don't the two of you get married and live with each other." Yuzumi says and smirks.

"Why would I marry this bastard?" Fayla instantly remarks.

"I don't want to get married to such a wild beast." Gildor says as the two of them glare at each other.

"I would just like the two of you to think about it as you explore and examine our house." Moki says with a soft grin. The two of them explore and examine the house thoroughly.

"The house seems like it's livable and has no infrastructure problems, seems like we don't need to have the two of you move into the dorms." Gildor says and explains. "I'll be right back if you don't mind." He says as he heads to the bathroom.

"Can I ask why the two of you suggest we get married when we clearly hate each other?" Fayla asks.

"It's precisely because the two of you hate each other that we suggested you guys get married." Yuzumi says.

"Exactly, because, are you not curious as to how a marriage between two people who hate each other will turn out?" Moki says and smiles.

"Solely because of that reason you suggested we get married?" Fayla questions.

"Yes." Yuzumi and Moki reply. Gildor comes out of the bathroom.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Nothing much, just some small talk." Fayla states, then exits the house and leaves.

"Guess that's my sign to head back as well. I'll see the two of you later." Gildor says as he leaves.

"Moki, what was the real reason you agreed to go along with my wild antics?" Yuzumi asks as she glares at him.

"Because they have opposite Aura elements." Moki says and smiles.

"How interesting, I didn't even notice they had opposite elements. I simply did it because the way the two of them use their Aura was opposite from each other." Yuzumi states and grins.

"You can sense Aura now? Now that I think about it, the magic aura marriage connected our spirits together, so that might be why." Moki questions, then answers himself. Yuzumi chuckles at him.

"If they do end up with each other, then we just created two more monsters didn't we?" Moki says and states.

"Sounds about right." Yuzumi says.

"Mama, Dada, why do the two of you always have your eyes closed?" Day asks as Yuzmi sets her down. "It's weird when you glare at each other with closed eyes!" She says.

"Sweetie, the reason I always keep my eyes closed is because I have special eyes, and because it helps with Aura training to be able to sense things without looking at them. As for why Dada has his eyes closed all the time, I have no idea why." Yuzumi says and smiles as she kneels down and pats Day. Moki smiles and kneels down.

"Sweetie pie, the reason I always keep my eyes closed, is for the same reason as Mama, but it's also because I gather a lot of energy in my eyes when I open them. So I also have very special eyes like Yuzu does." Moki says and smiles softly as he pats Day's head.

"Can I see the two of you open your eyes?" Day asks with puppy eyes.

"I don't see why not, after all, you are our daughter." Moki says as he stands up and heads toward the door. "Let's go to a place where it's much safer to do so first." Moki says and the three of them head outside toward the backyard.

"I didn't realize this house had such a large backyard." Yuzu states.

"It was one of the main reasons I wanted this house." Moki says as they walk toward the center of the backyard.

"Shall we open our eyes at the same time?" Yuzu suggests as she stands side by side with Moki.

"Sounds like fun." He says and smiles.

"Day, make sure to brace for impact." Yuzu says as the two of them stand still. Yuzu slightly opens her eyes, causing a large burst of energy to appear, cracking the ground. Moki slightly opens his eyes, causing a large gust of wind to appear all around him. Yuzu fully opens her eyes, causing the ground to turn into dust, and immediately gets blown upward by the wind surrounding Moki, instantly dissolving the dust cloud. Moki fully opens his eyes, causing the ground to shake violently. After a few minutes the two of them manage to gain control of their energy without blinking. They turn around and look at Day, only to see her floating above the ground. She floats over to them.

"Oh, I have an idea." Moki says as he takes out his camera.

"Let's take a photo so we can celebrate the new family, and see what our eyes actually look like." Moki says happily.

"Sounds perfect." Yuzu says as she picks up Day and holds her in her arms. Moki puts his arms around her shoulders and takes two selfies. Moki and Yuzu close their eyes.

"To be honest, that kind of hurt. I've never had my eyes open for so long before." Moki says as the three of them head inside. They sit down on the couch and relax. "Let's take a look at the image to see how we look, shall we?" Moki says and smiles as he selects the image and looks at it with Yuzu and Day.

"Mama has pretty pink eyes." Day says and smiles happily as she snuggles against Yuzu.

"Thank you sweetie." Yuzu says as she looks at herself and smiles.

"I agree with Day, those are very pretty eyes. I like how you have a horizontal lime green slit pupil, it gives your eyes a very unique, yet beautiful charm to them." Moki says and smiles.

"Thanks." Yuzu says and chuckles a little. "Your eyes on the other hand are a beautiful violet and your vertical crimson slit pupils are also very beautiful." Yuzu says and grins as she looks at Moki.

"Why thank you, I'm Glad that we love each other's eyes." Moki says then smiles as he puts away the image. He stands up, walking toward the kitchen. "What would the two of you like for dinner?" Moki asks as he puts on his apron.

"I feel like having some nice juicy steak, what about you sweetheart?" Yuzu says as she pats Day.

"I would like some Vein Steak!" Day says joyfully.

"Did she ask what I think she just did?" Moki questions as he walks over to them.

"Yup." Yuzu replies laughing.

"So I guess it's time for some hunting then." Moki says as he heads toward the door. Yuzu gets off the couch and sets Day on it.

"Day, I have to go do some hunting with Dada for dinner, do you think you could wait here for us?" Yuzu explains, then asks.

"Aye!" Day replies and smiles as she waves bye bye to them. Yuzu heads to the door and puts on her shoes, then leaves with Moki. The two of them run through their backyard that is practically a desert now.

"So what exactly are we hunting to make Vein Steak?" Yuzu asks as she kicks up a cloud of dust behind her.

"Well, the regular version of it would be made using Goat Blood and Chili Peppers, but since we don't have any Goats around here, we'll be hunting a Rabul Tormel." Moki explains as they enter the forest.

"Ugh, those hardy bastards." Yuzu remarks with disgust.

"Yeah, I feel you on that one." Moki sighs.

The two of them slide into a stop inside some bushes near the horrendous smell. They slowly approach the Rabul, being cautious as to not awaken it. A Voltu charges past them, causing the Rabul to wake up as it stands on all fours. It glares at the two of them, and roars extremely loudly. The two of them smile at each other, then rush and charge at the creature. Moki kicks the Rabul, sending it sliding back a little bit as it gals at him. Yuzu punches the Rabul in the face, causing it to lose its balance for a quick second as it roars at her. It makes her slide back with the wind pressure from its roar.

"Don't forget about me!" Moki says as he slams its head into the ground with a kick, causing its body to go to the side. Yuzu grabs the body of the Rabul Tormel while Moki grabs its neck and one of its horns.

"Time for some fun!" Yuzu says as the two of them pull, ripping the Rabul apart, removing its head from the body at the same time. Blood splatters everywhere. The two of them drain the blood into a bucket that Moki brought in his Dimensional Pouch. They seal the bucket and then head back home and begin making the Vein steak. Moki takes out ground steak, onions, and peppers. He dices up the onions and peppers, then puts them into a bowl with the ground beef. He cracks an egg into the bowl and pours a little bit of the Rabul blood and mixes it and lets it sit for a few minutes as he prepares the potatoes. He forms the ground meat mixture into 3 patties.

"Mama, do you have any idea on what Dad's making?" Day asks as she watches him from the couch.

"He's making the Vein Steak you asked for, sweetie." Yuzu says as she pats Day's head. "As to what he's doing specifically, I have no idea since I can't cook." She says as she sits down and sighs.

"Could the two of you help me with the food for a bit?" Moki asks as he cubes the potatoes. The two of them walk over and begin helping him. The three of them finish making dinner. Moki sets down the food at the table for everyone to eat. They begin eating.

"Day, would you like to study in a similar way to Mama and I?" Moki asks as he scarfs down the steak in one go.

"You mean like school?" Yuzu asks as she neatly cuts up Day's steak.

"I want to attend school like the two of you!" Day says as she eats a piece of vein steak.

"Okie, so I'll make sure to sign you up later today so that you can attend Zeldurn Elementary while we attend the Academy." Moki says as the three of them enjoy the rest of their meal.
