

I am John, I am an a ordinary staff in a small sized firm, but the job is pretty good. I also have a stunning wife, named Lisa. She works in a foreign company and is a white-collar worker there. Everyone envies me for having such a pretty wife. She's so out of my league that I must have accumulated a lot of blessings from past lives.

As usual, I finished work and went home and lying on the couch. Out of habit, I took out my phone, intending to scroll some videos on Reddit. However, I found something unexpected : an indecent video. The title of the video said, "Check out what happened between me and the stunning beauty I met on Reddit."

As a man, when encountering such a video, of course, I was curious. With such a benefit available, I naturally wouldn't miss it. But the moment I opened the video, I almost spurted out the water I was drinking.

The video was a bit blurry, and I could only see the woman's profile. She was wearing a white tight shirt, kneeling on white sheets, with a very enchanting posture! There was a man kneeling beside her, holding a phone in his hand, and saying, "How was it? Did it feel good?"

What surprised me was not because the woman in the video was too good in shape, but because she looked so much like my wife, terrifyingly so! Although the video was a bit fuzzy, a sense of insecure crept into my heart.

Her figure was perfect, the shape is halfy visible beneath the white shirt, itching my heart. And that drooping blonde long hair was exactly the same as my wife's hair. The moans sounded so similar to my wife's! It made me even more unsettled.

Could the woman in the video be my wife? My eyes were fixed on the video, adjusting the phone's clarity to the highest level, but even with that, it wasn't enough. I wondered if the man shooting this video would reveal the woman's face. Once her face was shown, I could see if she was my wife.

But the video was short, only about a minute long. After the video ended, my heart felt somewhat insecure because the woman really looked so much like my wife, so much!!

I carefully watched the video again, but still couldn't see the beautiful woman's face clearly. I tried to find some clues from the video, but I couldn't find any.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it. My wife is so virtuous, so gentle, so kind and family-oriented woman. How could she possibly have an affair?" I thought to myself, recalling the scenes of our affectionate moments together. My wife loves me so much, she couldn't possibly cheat, right? It must be my overthinking.

My heart kept reassuring itself. Besides, my wife doesn't seem like to enjoy monopoly relationships. But what puzzled me was, it's already late, my wife should have finished work by now, so why isn't she home yet? Could my wife really be with another man? Is the woman in the video my wife? The thought of my wife kneeling on a hotel bed, surround by another man, made my heart anxious, itchy, and angry.

Glancing at the clock, it was already past ten in the evening, and my wife still hadn't returned home. Normally, if she worked overtime, she would have finished by 8:30 at most. But today, my wife hadn't returned home even by midnight, in addition to what I saw in the video, I felt extremely insecure.

After the contemplation, I picked up my phone and dialed my wife's number, wanting to confirm if she was indeed having an affair with another man.

It's not that I don't trust her, it's just that my wife is really too pretty. In the eyes of other men, she's a goddess. Especially with that inherent charm my wife possesses, she's different from other beautiful women; she's exceptional. And now, it's so late, my wife still hasn't come home. Can you blame me for overthinking?

What frustrated me was that my wife actually hung up my call. Why wouldn't she answer? Whenever I called her in the past, she never hung up on me, yet today, she did. Why?

A bad premonition grew in my heart. Could my wife really be having an affair? Is she lying on a bed somewhere, enjoy the excitement with a different man?

I continued to call her, but she still didn't answer.

Just as I was about to go out to find her, the sound of the door opening echoed.

I opened the door and saw my wife standing in front of me, a strong smell of alcohol hitting me.

Looking at her flushed face, I could tell she had definitely drunk a lot. In all the years of our marriage, she had never drunk so much before. Usually, when I drink, she scolds me; she hates it when I drink. But today, she drank so much.

This made me feel somewhat puzzled. My wife walked in, took off her high heels, and stumbled into the living room. "Honey, you're still awake?" she slurred.

"I was waiting for you."

Seeing her like this, curiosity rose in my heart. What could have caused her to drink so much?

"Babe, why did you drink so much today?"

"Honey, it was my colleague's birthday, and I got a little carried away." She threw her white bag onto the sofa casually and then walked into the bathroom.

I looked back and suddenly felt a chill.

My wife wasn't wearing the black lace stockings she had worn in the morning. I had seen her leave wearing them after we finished our morning activities. Since my wife rarely wore black lace stockings, I had joked with her in the morning. So, I remembered her wearing those stockings clearly.

But tonight, my wife didn't wear them back.

Where did her black lace stockings go?

Did my wife have an affair with another man outside, and the man tore her stockings, so my wife didn't dare to wear them back?

Thinking of another man slowly tearing my wife's stockings, my heart was in unbearable pain, it was agonizing.

I followed my wife into the bathroom.

"Honey, what are you doing?"

My wife asked me in a sweet voice.

"Babe, I remember you were wearing black lace stockings when you went out this morning. Where are they?"

Facing my questioning, my wife seemed to sober up.

She looked at me with wide eyes. "Honey, when I was playing games with my colleague on the party, I accidentally tore my stockings, so I threw them away."
