

She is a renowned assassin and a saying was made " the more she smiles ... The more she kill". Feng Ming is known for being ruthless not until she loses her mentor and her entire organization is wiped out and lastly she is killed. Su yuoyue is a lazy student and known as a beauty with no brain... After witnessing the affair of her fiance and her cousin , she can't face the emotional turmoil and dies on her way home... leaving behind her family . Feng Ming , now Su Yuoyue seeks revenge for both of thier grievances, while keeping her heart a mile away from him " Nangong Jingshen" We see a story of ruthless to others but accommodating to me .

Simon_Chukwu · ファンタジー
46 Chs

Su Yuoyue , You Have changed

 All Assistant Fang could do was complain in his heart but he dared not speak it out on the contary he had a big smile plastered on his face.

 "Are you sure" Su Hanchen asked this before after a while.

" Yeah , I thinking of three dishes and one dessert " On the other side of the phone, Su Yuoyue had a very serious look , if her brother refused this , what else could she offer , according to her memories , Su Hanchen and Su Linxun were the people who thought her programming. Wait if he refused I will make a strong poison for him , after all as the president he must have a lot of enemies .

 " Okay , you must remember your words when you come home next time" Su Hanchen could not wait to see how his sister burns the kitchen.

 " Now you will tell me, right " Su Yuoyue curiosity was already at the limit , She almost forgot that her dorm mates were still in the same room as her .

 Su Hanchen knew that he would not be able to hide it from Su Yuoyue anymore and more over she was going to cook for him and he felt that it was worth it " I hid camera in your school uniform and your badge " 

 "Huh " Su Yuoyue almost could not believe it her School uniform was the spy " Brother since when? " She didn't know how she asked that question, she glanced at her School uniform that was hanging in the wardrobe .

 Who would have thought that it was the snitch.

 " Ever since you joined middle School , But it was not only my idea, Su Linxun was also involved "

 Su Yuoyue could tell that Su Hanchen was trying to put the blame on Su Linxun, but judging from the previous owner of the body , She would have been bullied to the end of the Earth so in the end her brothers did it for her own good.

 " So you saw , every thing that happened today " 

" Which incident " Su Hanchen asked .

 " The one I beat my fellow students up and broke their bones " Su Yuoyue had never planned to tell her brother about that incident but he saw it .

 " Su Yuoyue , you have changed but I prefer this you compared to the other side of you ... Do you understand what I said " 

 Su Yuoyue nodded but she recalled that he could not see her at the moment, so she answered " I understand " but in her heart she knew that if Su Hanchen found out that his little sister had died over five months ago , she was sure that he would probably kill her .

 " Su Yuoyue , are you still there ? "

" Yes , don't you find it strange that I could break their bones ?"

 On the other side of the phone, Su Hanchen frowned , he recalled that moment when he saw his sister was being surrounded by bullies , he was very worried , just a few months ago she had just under gone a very serious Surgery and he also felt very angry . But then again ,Su Yuoyue stood up for herself fought back , he felt relieved and the same time proud , So he answered " No" 

 " Ok , forget all that " Su Hanchen could tell that Su Yuoyue mood had plummeted , So he tried to cheer her up.

 "Su Yuoyue , do you know the people you sat down with today lunch today " 

Su Yuoyue curiosity was piqued " who are they ? " She asked but her voice was still very low and her happy melody was gone.

 Su Hanchen secretly blamed himself for ruining Su Yuoyue mood "the nice girl you mentioned is the daughter of the Yui Luochen , he is the best industrialist of his generation "

 Su Yuoyue was shocked , She knew that Yui meiyuan grandfather was the famous artist and was the artist behind the crying stone But she didn't know that her dad was Yui Luochen , even though in her past life she didn't live in China but she had heard the name Yui Luochen , His buiness strategy could not be defeated ... She recalled the silly face that always smiled and talked non-stop , she really could not connect her to the businessman named Yui Luochen .

" And " Su Hanchen could tell that Su Yuoyue foul mood was gone 

" And what? " Su Yuoyue could tell that there was more.

"She is the apple of her father eyes and her mom is tgt director of DW designs , the only reason he didn't interfere with what happened with Wang Shi was because , he believed that his daughter should be able to fight for herself " Su Yuoyue ears heard too much information at once so she was flabbergasted.

 Who didn't know the DW designs , it ranked top in designing jewelry and each one of their designs were limited edition ,if one was able to get one of their designs , it meant that connection was used and every top socialite in the country was always in line to get the newest edition, She got to know all these the last time she visited China to carry out a mission and that was to assassinate an employee of DW that was selling out the new designs before it was officially announced.

  Su Yuoyue low mood was no where to be found , it was long gone...iinfact she had a big smile on her face .

 Even her dorm mates that was feigning ignorance could not help but look over. 

 " Look , she is smiling like a fool " 

" You are wrong , she is a fool look, she is probably thinking of Ye Siting , really too stupid " 

" You think so ?" 

" I am sure "

Su Yuoyue heard what they said but she didn't care to correct them , all she could think of was that she was very lucky , she decided to help a person for the first time in her life and it turned out to be someone with such strong background .

 Su Hanchen on the other side of the phone made a mental note to change Su Yuoyue dorm mates .

 He had being planing this for a long time but Su Yuoyue hated anyone getting involved in her life , she would smile and laugh with you but in actual fact she locked herself away in a cage .

 He really wondered what happened that day to get his sister to change to this extent , he could no longer connect this Su Yuoyue to the previous Su Yuoyue , but he was very grateful for whatever reason Su Yuoyue changed .

 " Brother , and ?" 

" Song Ling is the second son of the famous potter , Mr Song and Ye Siting Family is a medical family and it is like a talent in their family " Su Hanchen continued.

 Su Yuoyue finally understood why Ye Siting had such strong knowledge in chemistry , whoa, she really had such good luck .

"That's enough , anymore information I think you will faint .

 " There is more!" 

" Yes , that is for another day , okay , be a good girl and go to sleep it is already seven forty" 

Assistant Fang , who had been standing for who knew how long , almost jumped for joy 

"Is the task done " his gentle voice was long gone and was replaced by a strong one that contained a lot of authority.

 Su Hanchen smile was wiped out and his frown was very vivid , Assistant Fang could tell that Mr President was very angry .

 " No , no it is very important , it is about Mr X , he is going to come back to China very soon " 

" Are you sure of this information " Su Hanchen face could not be described at the moment , his handsome face had a frown and also admiration for the so called Mr X 

 "Keep me updated on this " 

" Yes , Mr President " 

" Let's go , don't we have a meeting to attend " 

Assistant Fang glanced at the clock , they were over thirty minutes late , a new realization hit him , the president could actually be late to an event.


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