


The King and Queen sat on the throne, grinning wide at their guests but most of all, their baby girl. They named her Lucinda, meaning light. The Queen cradled her baby girl in her arms, Lucinda sound asleep. Luce was the first and only child of the King and Queen of Alvinia. They were located in the north, where lots of snow fell.

"Oh my dear Lucinda. She will grow up to be a beautiful girl," the King agreed and kissed his daughter's forehead, the mother's eyes watering.

There was a sudden a colder chill and the doors opened on their own. Who walked in made the Queen startled but she was expecting this.

"Why have you come Eric? I do not wish to speak to you," the Queen set down Luce in her crib and stood up.

The wind blew through the wizard's raven black hair. His violet eyes were fixed on the crib and the girl inside.

"Oh sister, did you really think I wouldn't attend my niece's celebration? I came to warn you. If you listen, good. If you do not, you will regret it with your life. We do not want that happening to you and your husband, dear sister," his soothing voice made everyone focus on him.

"What warning? You have come here to ruin our happiness," the King accused.

The wizard laughed. "I will say this once and only once." The room was filled with a violet glow and Eric's eyes grew brighter, the temperature dropped.

"A girl will be of age at seventeen. She will be beloved by many. Powers unimaginable seen of her. But," he looked his sister in the eye. "She will grow to be the destructor of this world. Starvation, floods, fires, and earthquakes will just be the beginning. The world will start to crack apart. The only way to stop this?" Eric paused for effect. "The only way to stop this will be love. True love's kiss if I might be specific. She fails to do so by the morning of her eighteenth birthday, she will turn into ice. The girl must find love before the world and herself is destroyed."

The crowd's fear was growing, minute by minute. The glow faded, the fire in his eyes gone, and the wizard looked back at the royals and smiled a wicked smile. He vanished in a pillar of smoke and the King ordered every guest out. The new father and mother worried for the safety of their only daughter. The King knew what he had to do.

"Guards! Get in here," the King's voice was full of authority.

"I want you to find this girl. Search every kingdom if you have to. Do not come back unless you have news of her death."
