
why the monsters have health bar?

Li Jing traveled through time and entered a modern world where all people cultivate immortality. Everything here must be driven by the spiritual energy gained through one's own cultivation. With no relatives, no money in his pocket, and no knowledge of how to practice cultivation, life was difficult. Until Li Jing walked into a spiritual chicken shop and found that he could see the health bars of the spiritual chickens. ...

Wanted_Lama · 都市
47 Chs

chapter -22 The Feixian Group asks for help.




A cutting-edge instrument to detect demon miasma?


Li Jing and Yi Xiuzhu both turned their heads.


Lu Yangcheng said this.


It was sudden and attractive.


After all, it was an urgent order from the inspectorate.


At this juncture, when the real cause of the demonization incident is not yet clear, it is easy for people to make associations.


Li Jing frowned as he thought that the information Lu Yangcheng had learned from his father should be very reliable.


"Inhaling demonic miasma does have a chance of demonizing and transforming beasts. But as far as I know, the conditions for the emergence of demonic miasma are extremely harsh, and it takes a long time to develop."


He whispered as he spoke.


"If a demon miasma appeared in Beicheng District, the Inspection Bureau should have responded long ago to eliminate its source so that the demon miasma would not develop to the extent that it could affect all living creatures." Before he finished speaking,


Yi Xiuzhu agreed.


"Compared to the impact on animals, demon miasma has a more obvious impact on the human body. Even if the demon miasma has not yet matured, excessive inhalation by the human body will affect the mind, and in severe cases, it may even cause irreversible damage to the body."


After finishing speaking, he continued.


"Before affecting monsters, people must be affected first. If the demonization incidents that occurred yesterday were caused by demon miasma, the major hospitals in Beicheng District would have been overcrowded. It is impossible for the Inspection Bureau not to be aware of such a big event. ."


Lu Yangcheng scratched his head when he heard the two voices.


"This thing is indeed evil. The possibility of a demonic miasma becoming a climate in the city is extremely low. After yesterday's continuous demonization incidents almost covered the entire Beicheng District, how large a scale of demonic miasma must be?" He opened the can in


    his hand and drank. After taking a sip of Coke, Lu Yangcheng rambled.


"But in my opinion, the inspection bureau's urgent ordering of cutting-edge instruments for detecting demon miasma is definitely not unreasonable. Cutting-edge detection instruments are not cheap, and those specially used to detect demon miasma are rarely used." "


My family's business is quite large. , but what they are selling are actually some relatively ordinary detectors. One guy came in with such a large urgent order, worth tens of millions. My dad contacted many colleagues and suppliers from other places to just scrape it together. Can I do it tomorrow morning? There is no guarantee that the goods will arrive."


"The inspection bureau itself has a reserve of relevant instruments. No matter how bad it is, there will definitely be a few. If it were not an urgent need, they would not place such a large order. I guess they must have discovered something. ."


Li Jing frowned after listening to Lu Yangcheng's words.


What Lu Yangcheng said makes sense.


An order worth tens of millions is worth nothing to the inspection bureau.


But it certainly won't be that casual.


When placing an order, it is necessary to use it properly.


It can be said that the entire Beicheng District is covered by demon miasma, and the probability is almost zero.


As Yi Xiuzhu said before,.


Before the demonic miasma reaches the point where it can affect animals and creatures, people will be affected first.


Beicheng District has a permanent population of nearly 20 million.


If it is covered by the demon miasma, the world will be in chaos.


Furthermore, the inspection bureau itself has relevant instruments and equipment. If it is really that serious, wouldn't it be possible to just do a random test on the roadside and get the result?




Li Jing and the other three discussed a lot about the topic of demon miasma.


He even did his "homework" on the spot and used his mobile phone to check various information about demon miasma on the Internet.


But that's all.


They have just joined the job as assistant investigators and are far from being called professionals.


Discussion is okay.


When it comes to how to go deep, the three of them don't have the ability.


After resting for a while on the top floor of the tall building, the three of them began their first round of patrol.


The uniforms issued by the auxiliary examination are not just a set of uniforms.


The uniform itself is somewhat defensive.


Not only that, but there is also a locator sewn into the uniform that is directly connected to the auxiliary inspection network.


As long as they are wearing uniforms, their location will be monitored by the auxiliary inspection intranet.


This function exists mainly for security reasons.


However, catching those who fish at work is a sure thing.




The eastern coastal areas are very lively as midnight approaches.


In this world, everyone is cultivating immortality. Everyone is particularly energetic at night, and people's nightlife is quite rich.


Li Jing and the other three people inspected the area responsible for the Tianwang Group and found nothing worth noting.


Just as they were looking for a place to rest, the three of them heard the communicator ring in their ears.


"Team King, please reply if you hear it."


There was a sudden movement on the communicator, which made Li Jing and the other three people stunned for a moment.


The voice comes from Kong Wu.


Hovering in the air, Li Jing raised his hand to input a spiritual power into the communicator and connected it with Kong Wu.


"The Heavenly King Group received it."


At the same time, Yi Xiuzhu and Lu Yangcheng also connected their communicators to Kong Wu.


Just as the communicator completed the connection, Kong Wu's voice sounded again.


"Suspected monster traces were found along the coast of the area under the responsibility of the Feixian Group. It may be that a monster came ashore in the sea. I haven't seen the monster yet. I'm not sure if it is a newly demonized monster. The three of them are currently trying to find it. You guys go over to support Assist in the search."


Hearing Kong Wu's words from the communicator, Li Jing and the other three looked at each other in confusion.


Then Li Jing spoke.


"Understood, the King Team will go to support you immediately."


"Pay attention to safety and report the situation immediately."


Kong Wu ordered, cutting off the channel connection.


Seeing that Kong Wu was no longer on the channel, Lu Yangcheng made a strange noise.


"The Feixian team is so lucky, isn't it? It's only been two hours on the first day of work, and they discovered traces of monsters in their first round of patrol? Do you want it to be so exciting?" " It


It's just a suspicion; let's go and take a look first."


Li Jing said, and while Yukong walked towards the area in charge of the Feixian Group, he switched the communicator to the channel of Zhao Junfeng, the leader of the Feixian Group.


"This is the Tianwang Group. We have received support instructions from Team Kong and will arrive at the uplink section of the eastern coast in ten minutes."


"Feixian Group received it."


Zhao Junfeng replied quickly.


"The traces of the monster were found on the coastal beach. You will see it as you walk along the road. It is very conspicuous. Our Feixian group is searching south of the highway. Please tell the three members of the Tianwang group to search north. In addition, I have already contacted the auxiliary ground crew, and the personnel transfer will be completed soon, and they will be responsible for the residential areas along the coast."




It will take about fifteen minutes.


Li Jing and three others arrived at the coastal highway mentioned by Zhao Junfeng.


Yukong didn't go far when the three of them found a long series of ditches on the beach outside the highway that looked like snakes and reptiles swimming around. They went from the sea, along the beach, to the highway.


As Zhao Junfeng said, the traces could not be more obvious.


Just a visual inspection.


It was an S-shaped ditch trace, at least one meter wide.


Looking at the thick marks on the beach, Lu Yangcheng was speechless.


"The Feixian Group really encountered a monster. Such a thick mark is obviously not something that ordinary marine creatures can leave."


As he spoke, he took out an instrument that looked like a remote control from the storage space and took it out. The sand in the impression is stuffed into the groove of the instrument.


Li Jing frowned upon seeing this.


"This instrument is in your hand."


"Universal detector."


Lu Yangcheng responded.


"My family is in the testing equipment business after all. I always carry one with me, and this will come in handy. Wait a minute, brothers, the readings will come out soon."


While he was speaking, the detector in his hand "beeped"  a soft sound.


Lu Yangcheng looked down at the sound and said it firmly.


"It is indeed a monster, and it is not the kind that has just transformed. The instrument has detected the monster energy, and it

It is estimated that the intensity is at least above the late stage of the first realm."


As soon as he finished speaking, the universal detector "di-di-di-di" sounded rapidly.