
Why the hell was I summoned to this part of another world

Colt Pelter, your average high school boy, was living his daily life when one day all of his classmates were transported to another world, he opened his eyes to see some of his classmates with him while others were not. Colt was surprised to be informed by a so called King, of the impending threat that they were tasked to stop if ever they want to survive together with the inhabitants of this world "Wait where are our other classmates?" "Your companions?, all the other kingdoms agreed to divide you evenly, some to the elven territory, some to the land of sands and others to the city of gold" The king answered. "Ummm may I ask where we are in this world?" a female classmate asked "Oh that's simple, you're in the military kingdom of Ileria, basically you're at the frontier" 'F*ck, we're going to die', Colt and his two other companions thought. _I'm a new author and i started this series to experience writing and I would like constructive criticism_ Cover is not mine. Full credit to https://www.reddit.com/r/silverhair/comments/f45onw/underwater_original/

Yezzac · ファンタジー
13 Chs

A Bad day


A large banging was heard all around a large round room

decorated with stone statues.

"General! Explain to me why our troops keep getting

decimated despite having the numerical advantage"

A round man said with extravagant clothes draped with a

luxurious cape and adorned a shining crown.

"At this rate those monsters are going straight through our

borders and once they do, they're going straight here to kill us all"

The room turned quiet as everyone present in the space

waited for the military man wearing a black coat with badges of stars stuck

around his chest to speak.

He looked around coldly with an expressionless face as he

recounted the sight he saw on the battlefield.

"My king….." he said slowly

"You would not believe what I'm about to say but please keep

in mind that this is the absolute truth, my men died trying to get this


"Just get on with it and stop making excuses!" a nobleman interjected.

"SILENCE" the king said

A cold air hung around as the general resumed speaking.

"… The reason that we cant win your majesty despite the

military might of our army is because they have.."

Everyone stared at the man

"Champions or to be more precise altereds"


Multiple reactions spread around the room, with most of it

being of shock, fear, disbelief and most of all despair.


"Preposterous, we should have your head at the guillotine

for this deception"

"Your majesty, this man should be hanged for making excuses

for his defeat"

The noblemen started to erupt with complaints at the absurd




The noise died down

"Is what you said....true?" the king said as he stared into

the generals eyes

The general paused and then stared right at the kings eyes "I

swear by my family name, Edward Stillspire, that what we are facing now is

indeed the legendary and the once forgotten champions of old, if we stand still

and do nothing, the only thing awaiting us will be death and doom"

Once someone of noble birth swears their name in public, the

person making the oath is risking erasing his or her family name in the

register of the Kingdom's domain because once the oath is found false or broken, the

deed will be immediately done.

Everyone present in the room could not make anymore

complaints at this juncture nor could they run away in face of the reality that their

fates are sealed.

The king looked at his people then placed his hand on a

golden pendant around his chest.

"General, how many of them are there and how is their


"My men have confirmed multiple alterian champions within the enemy

camp but we are not sure of they're exact number at the enemy's main base,

furthermore we have confirmed that they have only began to grow only recently

evidenced by how only one of them was fighting on the frontlines"

"It does not matter how strong they are now because everyone

in this room must be aware that as long as those filthy monsters have their own

"altered", they're troops would benefit and further strengthen as long as they

are present"

The room was filled with murmurs and speculations of the


"What of other kingdoms General?" the king asked

"As you've might have guessed you're majesty, other kingdoms

are also facing this threat as we speak specially the kingdom of Irelia which

is further situated at the enemy's closest base" the general said reading a

report in his hand

The King looked around the room as everyone present must

have come to the vague idea of the course of action that everybody in their

world will once again must do to face the impending threat.

The king slowly stood up, facing all those that were

present, knowing that what he was about to do will plunge this era into turmoil

once again.

"I, Alliston Leopold Von Ulther, announce and swear by my

royal name, to call upon the Rulers of this world, to heed my call and respond

to our once promised armistice!" , King Ulther roared as he destroyed the

pendant clutched in his hand along with the stone within it.

Once it was destroyed a mark with the size of incredible proportions hovered around the

skies above the palace of Ulther, the symbol showing a fair maiden with wings

praying and once it glowed and hovered for a while, suddenly multiple line of

lights scattered to different directions breaking the image of the once fair


Everyone in the kingdom was shocked as every man, women and

child knew what that symbol meant as panic ensued. Commoners started to lock

themselves in their homes as the nobles quickly gathered themselves around the

palace grounds.

The king addressed the noblemen

"You gentlemen will inform our kingdom of the current

situation and tell them to prepare for the coming battle"

Ulther then turned to Edward

"General protect this Kingdom while I'll have to meet with

some stubborn old hags and men, let my son take charge for now, lets hope that

we will make it in time" the king said solemnly as his body started glowing in

white light

"Yes your majesty, I and your troops will protect this

kingdom until your return" As Edward saluted to the King

"Yes, its best if that were the

case" the King finally said as his body gradually disappeared into thin air.


??? POV

*Kring Kring

A loud sound from an alarm resounded in a room full of mess,

with a computer still turned on and boxes of cup noodles strewn around.

A youth could be seen still sleeping despite the loud noise

as loud snoring could be heard as well when suddenly…

"Oi!, get up you lazy bum, you're going to be late again" said a middle aged lady with a ponytail to the side.

She barged into the room then proceeded to open the curtains

as light entered the bedroom however the youth still did not wake, seeing her

son being a lazy ass today, she then started to slap the sense out of him

"Wake up!"

The boy suddenly opened his eyes as he felt the sudden pain

of being slapped senseless

"I'm up!, I'm up!, why the hell are you beating me up so

early in the morning?!" now fully awake the boy stared at his mother

"Like hell I give a damn, now go down stairs and have your

breakfast, you're going to be late for school" the lady stood up then left the


The boy stood up, showing his below average face with green

eyes and black hair accompanied with bedhair.

"She keeps getting more violent as she grows older damn it, I

wonder how dad manages to get along so well with that old hag" said the youth

as he scratches his hair

"I heard that Colt!" a woman bellowed

"Ok!, ok I'm coming down, sheesh"

This is turning out to be a bad day, thought Colt as he went

downstairs, little did he know he would soon confirm those thoughts.