
why i in Harry Potter universe?(1,084,170)

Meet Cain Smith, a little child full of curiosity who discovers a magical and mysterious world. He struggles with his forgotten past and his initial interaction with the mysterious Information Centre. When Cain explores the world of wizardry, he is given a fascinating gift that leads him on a quest to learn the truths about himself.

DARK_Kin · 書籍·文学
16 Chs

lecture and old man visit

Kneeling on the floor, Cain listened with a heavy heart as his mother, Angelia, delivered a stern lecture. Her tone was filled with disapproval, and Cain could sense that he was in trouble.

Disappointed then Angelia said "What do you mean you lost that book? We just bought it, you know?"

Cain attempted to explain "but mom..." but was immediately silenced by his mother's stern words. "No 'buts,' Cain. And as your punishment, there will be no Quidditch for a week."

Cain's eyes widened in disbelief, as Quidditch was his passion, but his mother's decision was final.

Its was like you are playing games but then your parent ask you pause the the game for a while... the thing is it a online game.

His father, Jordan, attempted to intervene and support Cain, but his efforts only made things worse. "Honey, I think that is..."


Jordan found himself in the line of fire as well, and he could only send a helpless glance to Cain, conveying, "Well, it looks like we're both in trouble."

Cain remained silent and obedient, kneeling on the floor as he awaited the end of his mother's lecture.

After enduring Angelia's stern lecture, Cain finally found himself free from the confines of his home. He decided to sit on a chair outside and take in the scenery, contemplating the events of the day.

As he gazed at the world before him, his attention was drawn to an old man who approached their home. The elderly gentleman stopped in front of Cain, and his eyes seemed to twinkle with an otherworldly quality.

"Hello, young boy. Is Mr. Smith here?" Said the old man.

Cain was surprised by the unexpected visitor. "You're looking for my father?" he inquired, and the old man nodded in response. Cain continued, "Wait a second."

He entered the house and called out, "Dad, there's an old man who wants to meet you."

Jordan, who had been tasked with cleaning the house as part of his punishment, became rigid at the mention of a visitor. He hurriedly made his way to the door, passing Cain along the way, and looked intently at the old man.

"Hello, Mr. Smith. How are you?"

Jordan couldn't help but release a dense aura of magical pressure, attempting to assert his authority. But the old man dont look like he care about the presure at all.

"I am good, so Headmaster Dumbledore, so why are you here?" Jordan replied

Dumbledore simply shrugged off the magical pressure, as if it didn't faze him at all. "I came here to ask for some help. Even after the downfall of You-Know-Who, his followers continue to roam the streets of London. I'm seeking your assistance in capturing them all."

"Headmaster, you should know that I've retired. I'm no longer involved in that line of work."

Dumbledore sighed, seemingly disappointed. "Contact me when you feel the urge to help, Mr. Smith. And, boy, here's a present for you."

With a casual flick of his wrist, Dumbledore tossed an object toward Cain, and it landed perfectly in his hand. Curious, Cain inspected it and found a piece of candy.

Cain looked back at the old man, but he had already vanished from sight. Then Cain asked his dad "Dad, who is that old man?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"He's the headmaster of Hogwarts..of your future school, Cain." Said Jordan

Cain just nodded as Jordan walk into the house.

"Why did dad dont seem to like that old man?" Thought Cain as he continue to sit on the chair... but then

Feeling an unusual discomfort, Cain swiftly rose from the chair outside and noticed something that sent a shiver down his spine. The rusty nail, which he had previously left in his bedroom, now rested on the chair with its sharp side ominously directed toward him.

"The Fuck?" Said Cain he shocked. He couldn't think how the nail had moved from the bedroom to the chair outside the house.

Cain decided to pick up the nail, and with a sense of unease, he carefully placed it in his pocket. The strange events of the day had left him with more questions than answers, and he felt it better to going back to his bedroom.

"I hope thing dont become muxh worse in the future" muttured Cain


To be Continue