
Chapter 0

I stepped outside and felt the first snowflake.

The only thing is, it's July.

My heart is cold.

I'll wait for you forever because I love you, but saying I love you isn't enough, no matter what words I say. It'll never be enough for you. Nothing ever is.

I wasn't enough for you.

Leaving me, who only cherished you.

Unanswered questions swarm my head with the thought of you. If I only got an answer...You're living in my head at the expense of my sanity.

Where did you go?

Did you go far away because you didn't like me anymore? How much longer do I have to wait? How many more nights can I aimlessly remain awake?

I want to see you...I miss you...I want to hold your hand.

I want to touch your heart but it keeps slipping through my fingers. This cold is unbearable.

I want to hold your hand, but you keep slipping away, so I'll wait forever because I love you.

It's funny, saying I love you makes my heart even colder. Nevertheless, I'll still wait. I'll have restless nights. I'll have endless thoughts of you. The one that got away. How long do I have to wait? I'll wait forever if I have to because I love you.

What a load of shit.

I'll wait until you realize that no one loved you as I did. No one will love you as I did. And if I'm being honest...I still love you. That doesn't matter now though. I'll move on with my life while you stay stuck in perpetual negativity.

I'll be better than you. I'll be something greater. I'll overcome this. Something you aren't. I'll be successful.
