
Why did it have to be you?

Ring ring. Mmmmm? Ring Ring. Who is calling me? "Hello?", I answered groggily. "Oh hello. Don't tell me you were sleeping again?" I glanced at the clock. 8 pm. Right on schedule.

"And how can I help you today Mr. Samuel?" I heard a chuckle on the phone "It's a ritual Bella. I have to give you a daily phone call or else you'll be lonely". I couldn't help but smile. In fact hearing his voice made me smile.

I hated that it did though....

"And why would I want to get a phone call from you?"

"Because, Bella, I know you look forward to hearing my voice everyday".

"Gross Sam". I hear him chuckle again.

"So when am I seeing you". My heart skipped a beat. I'm seeing him soon. "My flight is in five days, but you'd know that already stalker". "First off, not a stalker and it's a thing where we have to see each other every two weeks".

"Hah. Why? Miss me that much already?" There was a slight pause on the other line. "I always do Bella"

My heart ached. Damn. I hated this feeling.

"Ew Sam save the lovey dovey talk for your girl-friend". My voice shook.

"Righhhhttttt you mean the anarchist?"

Good. He didn't notice.

Slightly regaining my composure I laughed. "SAM. You can't say those things".

"Why not? It's fine she won't know"

"Yeah yeah".

You're still dating her though.

"Anyways Bells my boss invited me for dinner so I'll talk to you later".

I looked up at the clock hanging on my wall. 30 minutes went by so fast.

I really didn't want this phone call to end. "Okayyy have fun see you soon. Bye Bye". "Talk to you soon. Bye". Beep.

I stared at my ceiling. I had to like him out of all people.

Why? Why did it have to be my best friend?

Hi everyone! This is my first novel so please be nice and any critique would help :D I hope my novel brings out the realism in love between friends.

Kiss to you all,

xoxodreamercreators' thoughts