
Long Lost Crush

Nate wasn't surprised at all. He has seen his wife naked picture a lot of time and that's her job. Why should he care? He tore the pictures into pieces and threw them into the trashcan. He also need to find out who that anonymous person is. Who have been sending him these pictures? This wasn't the first time nor second time. He breath heavily and threw himself on the chair, spinning slowly.

It was 7pm, so he left the office. He got into the car and turned on the radio as he drove back home.

That was the time Paige had also started with the interview with Josh Wick. She was a little bit nervous. It had been a long time she interviewed a celebrity ever since she released a rumor about that.

Everything started off smoothly. Mr Jay was even there to supervise everything. He folded his arms, watching her closely, and also listening to her. Everything was live, of course it was a radio.

"Tell me more about the award Mr Josh" Paige spoke calmly. She also didn't want to lose this job.

"It was my fourteenth award. I didn't expect this one at all but, I had it anyway" he replied and gave a soft chuckle.

"Well, congratulations to you Josh Wick. I'm sure your family and Linda would be very happy" she said.

Josh's expression suddenly changed when he heard Linda.

"Who is Linda?" He asked.

"Oh no..." Mr Jay murmured and hit the music button. He got into the studio and grabbed Paige's hand.

"He's married and his wife name isn't Linda. What if she's listening to this?"

"I'm so sorry. I thought her name was Linda"

"It's fine. I better leave already. It was...." Before he could finish his sentence. He felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.

He sighed and faced them.

"She's calling. I have to go" he said and left. Paige felt bad. She groaned and angrily kicked the chair.

"Don't kick the innocent chair. Kick yourself out of this company Paige, you are fired!" Mr Jay said. Other presenters heard and shot their eyes wide open. Paige has been in this situation before and this was her third time.

"No Mr Jay, you can't fire me. This was a mistake. I'm sure the rumor won't spread. I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry also. Pack up and leave. I'll send the half month salary to you" he said and turned to leave.

"Can't I just stay for the complete month? I have to use the money for..."

"Leave the company in an hour time. Don't let me call the security on you" he threatened and left. Paige leaned on the wall and pulled her hair. She watched as another presenter filled her spot. She groaned and stormed out of the studio. She packed her things and left the company. Mr Jay didn't even call her back. She begged but all fell on deaf ears.


Minutes later, she got to her apartment. There was a letter stuck on the door handle. She grabbed it, walked into the house and closed the door with her leg. After placing her stuffs on the rough looking table, she opened the letter.

She read it and toss it into the trashcan. That was when the telephone rang. She hurriedly picked it and placed it on her ear.

"Hey Paige, it's doctor Wilson, your mother is in a critical condition right now. We need to undergo an operation on her but we need your signature and some money to start"

"Just start right away. I... I promise to bring the money tomorrow" she replied.

"I'm sorry Paige. It's our hospital's obligation. You have to sign and pay before we start any operation. I hope you try to get yourself here first thing in the morning" he said and disconnected the call. Paige dropped the telephone and walked to her fridge. She took two bottles of whiskey and sat opposite her television. She wanted to watch the news. Her light went off.

"Oh great! I didn't pay my bills" she murmured and remained at that spot. She gulped down the drinks and dozed off.



Nate waited up for Quinn. She wasn't home yet. He stared at the clock. It was passed midnight.

"Argh!" He groaned again because she wasn't answering his calls. Suddenly, he heard a car engine outside the house and heaved a breath of relief. He peeped from the balcony. It wasn't her car but she was the one coming out from the car.


"Where have you been? You got me worried" Nate said angrily.

"I'm sorry baby. My car broke down. No one to help me fix it, I had to call Dylan"

"You called Dylan?"

"Of course, I was just coming from the studio when it happened. Do you expect me to disturb you? I know you must be tired" she said wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Was that his car?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's his. I'll have to pick him up tomorrow from his house before heading back to the studio"

"Okay. Just be careful okay?" He asked.

"Sure, I will. I'll be in the shower" she kissed him and left. Nate walked to the balcony and stared at his friend's car. He sighed and walked into the room.



"Dr Wilson, I got here as soon as I can. Here's the money, please start the operation immediately" Paige pleaded.

Dr Wilson stared at the money. It was a lot of money.

"Can I talk to you about this first?"

"What about my mother?" She asked.

"I don't think she'll survive this. Now or after the operation. I'm telling you this because of the money. I know you are all alone. If you use this money for her operation, she won't still survive" he said to her. Tears rolled down her cheek. She took a step back and sniffed in.

"I got fired yesterday. My rent is due. It's either I pay in one month time or I evacuate the house" she said.

"Use the money to take care of your life. You can see your mother, she's conscious now"

Paige hurriedly ran to her mother's room and saw her eating.

"Mom?" She called out and walked to her.

"P..Paige" she stammered. Her voice was so low.

"I'm here mom, I'm here" Paige replied and touched her mother's face. She collected the food from her and fed her slowly with tears in her eyes. Her mother was going to die very soon. It was better she spent her last days with her.

After feeding her, she was given her drugs and asked to rest.

Paige sighted Josh Wick on the television and blinked repeatedly.

They were talking about what she accidentally spilled last night. His wife has filed a divorce on him, asking who Linda was. She thought she was cheating on him.

She sprung up and stared at her mother who was asleep already. She was going to make everything right. She stormed out of the hospital and head to the radio station.

"You are not allowed in here ma'am" the security guards stopped her.

"I wasn't going in. I'm here to tell you about the car burglar that was in the park..." She lied. They hurriedly left their post and left to the park.

"Fools" Paige murmured and ran into the station. She went to the studio and threw the door wide open. Mr Jay saw her and shook his head.

"What is she doing here?" He murmured.

Paige went to the presenter that was live and took the headset from her.

"What are you doing Paige?"

"Just give me a minute. Hello everyone. It's me, yes Paige Finn. I know I've made some mistakes in my life here and I'm here to rectify everyone of them"

The security men rushed into the studio to take Paige away. Mr jay signalled them to stop. He wanted to hear what she has to say. They nodded and left.

"...and with what happened last night. I'm saying a big sorry to Josh and his wife. I thought his wife's name was Linda. There is no Linda in his life ma'am. It was a mistake. I'm sorry Josh, I'm really sorry. Yesterday was like the worst day of my life. I lost my job, my rent is over due, my mom is very sick in the hospital and.. what am I even saying" she chuckled and wiped the tears off her face.

"I'm saying sorry to every person's life I've ruined out there" she concluded and handed back the headset to the former presenter. She left the studio. Mr Jay went after her.

"That was very beautiful" he praised her. She paused and turned to stare at him.

"Uh uh"

"I was about to transfer your money to you. I think you should come back" he said and transferred the money to her.

"I don't want to. I'll just create more mess. Thanks for the cash anyway" she turned and left the studio. Mr Jay just stand and watched her as she left.


Josh Wick got back together with his wife, all thanks to Paige's mistake. She was about to cross the road when a car almost hit her.

"F*ck! Are you blind?!" She yelled. He got out of the car and walked to her.

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea that you were on the black and... Paige?" He called out.

"Do you know me?" She replied with a frown.

"Of course, it's me Dylan. Have you forgotten?"

"Oh yeah! Dylan, jeez! You look so big now" she replied, touching his muscles.

"Get into the car, I'll drop you off"

"Sure" she replied and got into his car. It's been four years since they saw each other.

"Where are you headed? Work?" He asked.

"I just got fired yesterday so... I came to solve all of my problem" she replied.

"Oh, great. You have no idea how much I missed you. You didn't even come to our get together party a year ago"

"I was in the studio that day. So, I couldn't come" she spoke softly, staring out of the window.

"Great!" He exclaimed.

"Drop me off here, it's nice to see you again Dylan" she said.

"You live here?" He asked, staring at the block apartment.

She raised her eyebrows and nodded.

"Yeah, bye!" She walked out of the car. That was when he received a call from Quinn.

"Hey Quinn, what's up?" He asked.

"I'm at your house with your car! Where the f*ck are you?" She almost yelled.

"I'm taking your car back home. You just head to the studio, I'll meet you after I drop your car at home"

"Sure" she replied and disconnected the call. He wanted to use the opportunity to see his best friend.