
She Can be a Freak

But everything slowly changed as the time went by. Our group got seperared as Cassandra, Dianne and precious were sent to another section together while me and marga were once again classmates. At the start of the quarter me and marga were still very close and we still talked a lot. I didn't know many of my new classmates but they sure did know me for some reason. I slowly gained popularity in the class for being very fluent in english while my other classmates werefar from being fluent. But they were all really kind to me as I was having problems with my stuttering. I also made friend switch the new transferees as I didn't want them to feel left out. And there I met Alexandra a new transferee. She was a really nice girl and she was also very fluent in English. I made friends with her because I noticed she had no other friends with her. She was quite lonely as no one really approcged her. Everyone but me... I quickly made friends with her and we had a lot of fun. Marga was also having a hard time getting new friends so I introduced them to each other. They slowly but surely became friends and we hung around together. One day our class was doing a project and we were just on standby. I saw Alexandra's drawing and wanted to see it. So I tried to check it out but Alexandra hit my arm and scolded me. I didn't know how to apologize and I was quite afraid to talk as I was bullied when I was younger. Marga quickly sided with her and scolded me too. I was still in quite a shock and I didn't know what to do. Marga angrily stormed off with Alexandra. I just gave them a smile... I was told scared to even say sorry... All I could give was a forced smile on my face as I held back my tears. I was so confused. Alexandra didn't talk to me at all. The day after marga didn't even give me a chance to apologize to Alexandra. I herd hear say to Alexandra "Alex just don't mind her. I apologize in her behalf as you can see she can be a freak. " I was in shock. But I had to keep my mouth shut because I was with my other classmates when we overheard them. My classmates just gave me a worried look but I just smiled and laughed it off. But in the inside it killed me every second of that day... Marga during lunch approached me and tried to complain to me about her daily life and how annoyed she was at things. I tried to be a good friend and listen but I can never believe that she called me a freak. It hurts to be criticized by the ones you value most after all. As the days pass marga and I slowly talked less and less. Our new seating arrangements also didn't help. She was seated close to Alexandra and they talked a lot. While I just stare at them at the side. I felt very happy for the both of them because I could see them enjoying each other's company so I thought I was just being too sensitive. But each day I realized all of the friends I've made at the start of the school year was now taken away by marga and Alexandra... When I was first seated I was at the 3rd group. I made 3 friends all boys. Andrei, jyuan and Maximus us three would always joke around as I didn't want to make the girls in our group uncomfortable as I was a bit boyish. I got along with the three and we always hung out together. But marga would always go to me and visit me in my area and I'd introduce her to my friends. Andrei treated marga well and said hi and same as jyuan. Maximus on the other hand I had a strange feeling. Whenever marga would visit me it turned to us talking to her and Maximus talking instead. I thought oh it's cute it's fine she finally has a crush but I noticed her kind of pulling Maximus away from the group. He slowly got distant to us. He would still talk to us but never like before. Jyuan also got sick so he wasn't able to go to school and Andrei would talk to me also but he had other friends. I was now stuck. But I still had Dianne, precious and Cassandra. Us 4 would meet at lunch to hug and talk about our sad lessons. Marga would still come along but not as often as before. Dianne was always busy with her other friends but she made sure to show us that she would always have time for us and Cassandra was the same. Precious on the other hand was the shy girl in our group. She had a bit of a problem talking as she had no "Uvula" so she couldn't speak properly. She was the sweetest in the group and we'd always be together. I'd confide in the 3 about marga's strange behavior and they'd say maybe she's tired. And I agreed as I could see everyone is just tired and we just laughed it off. They always reassured me that everything will be fine and everything will go back to normal. They said it's just the pressure from school that marga doesn't have time to talk that much in class or at break time. They were right and we were all getting along well anyways. We'd still see each other and we were all very happy and understanding of each and every one of us. We still were always there for each other and we were always happy and okay with our groups decisions in life and at school. Until we weren't anymore as something was missing now...

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