
Chapter 1: White Jack

'Raghav where are you?' The voice that called out to Raghav was the voice of a young and beautiful girl. Raghav turned around to see the person who had called out to him. As Raghav turned he saw a beautiful young lady who was dressed in a shiny black dress. Raghav looks at the girl and says 'You look beautiful as ever.'.

Raghav goes near the girl and hugs her, that girl hugs Raghav affectionately. Raghav stops hugging her and tells her 'I'll be ready in a minute Naina, why don't you sit till then?' Naina listens to Raghav and sits on his bed, as she was getting bored she started to surf through the internet with her smart bracelet, she sees an article about 'White Jack' Naina reads it and calls Raghav 'Hey Raghav did you see the news today?' Raghav was completely ready to leave with Naina.

Raghav hears her and responds 'Why did something interesting happen today?' Naina looks at Raghav and says 'White Jack is all over the news today.' Raghav listens to Naina and gets disinterested and replies 'I thought you were going to say something interesting but it's about that outdated Urban legend' when Naina hears Raghav speaking that way she gets shocked and goes near him and says 'You know for a person who loves superheroes, Anime and whatnot you sound like a hater.' Raghav listens to Naina and replies 'It's not that I hate White Jack but I just don't believe in it. I mean a humanoid life form that has white skin, grey hair and a crystal orb on its chest and can fly, it just sounds ridiculous! That said I do commend the concept.' Naina listens to Raghav and says 'I see!' Naina sulks a bit. Raghav couldn't bear the sad look on her face and he passionately kisses her on the lips, Naina gets a bit surprised by this sudden display of affection and smiles and says 'What are you doing Raghav?' Raghav looks at her sweet smiling face and replies 'Oh nothing! I just couldn't watch you sulking. That said let's go our reservation is waiting.'.

Naina listens to Raghav and her face brightens up and she grabs Raghav's hand and says 'You're right let's go!' Raghav smiles at her and they both start going out of Raghav's house towards the lifts. The lift reaches Raghav's floor and Raghav and Naina get inside the lift, Raghav and Naina hold their hands together tightly, Raghav looks at Naina continuously and Naina starts blushing and asks 'What is it?' Raghav smiles and says 'Well, I thought I would give you this at the dinner but I just can't wait to see you wearing this.' Naina looks at Raghav with confusion and then Raghav removes a round box from his pocket and gives it to Naina, Naina looks at the box and asks 'What is this Raghav?'.

Raghav looks at Naina and smiles, he tells her 'Open it!' Naina looks at the box with sparkling eyes and slowly opens it, she sees that the box has a sparkling diamond necklace and she's overjoyed and says 'Raghav is this real?' Raghav looks at her smiling face and replies 'Yes!'. The lift reaches the ground floor and the lift door opens. Naina and Raghav come out of the lift and look at each other, Raghav looks at her and says 'Can I put this on you?' Naina smiles and replies 'Of course!' Raghav takes the necklace and tells Naina to turn around, he starts to put the necklace on Naina's thin and beautiful neck. Raghav starts to think 'I used up all my birthday money and all my savings on this necklace, it might be expensive but I think it's worth it!' Naina is overjoyed and looks at Raghav and says 'Thanks Raghav I will cherish it forever!' Raghav is stunned by her beautiful form and thinks 'Yeah it was worth it!'. He tells her 'I am glad! Let's go and enjoy our dinner then!' Naina looks at Raghav with a beautiful smile and replies 'Yes!' both of them start to go outside the block while holding hands, Raghav sees a pretty girl with long hair walking in the opposite direction of him and Naina and Raghav starts to recognize her and says 'Sia?' That girl turns around and looks at Raghav and says 'Raghav?' Raghav looks at her and replies 'Hey it's been a long time!' Naina looks at Raghav and asks him 'Hey who is this?' Raghav looks at Naina and says ' Oh this is my childhood friend we're like brother and sister.' Sia looks at Naina and asks 'Hey is this girl Naina?'

Raghav looks at Sia and says 'Yeah you're right!' Naina smiles and asks 'How do you know my name?' Sia replies 'Raghav talks a lot about you!'

Naina smiles and looks at Raghav and says ' Is that so?' Raghav is a bit embarrassed and says 'Well... we gotta go but I will be sure to catch up with you Sia!' Sia looks at them go and says 'Yeah sure let's meet later!' Sia starts to think 'I guess I lost but at least she's a good person.' Sia sulks a bit. Raghav and Naina walk outside the building and wait for their cab, Naina continuously looks at Raghav and says 'I guess you talk about me a lot!' Raghav gets a bit embarrassed and says 'Of course I do because I like you so isn't it normal?' Naina replies to Raghav 'Of course it is!'. Naina and Raghav continue to talk but then they see a big hologram broadcast on the sky and everybody around them start to look at the sky and keep pointing there. Raghav and Naina look at the sky and Naina asks 'What's going on?' and Raghav replies 'I don't know but don't they do a sky hologram broadcast only when there is a national emergency?' Naina looks at Raghav and replies ' You're right!' everybody looking at the sky start to get concerned and people start talking to each other. Everybody is looking at the broadcast attentively and then they see 6 humanoid figures with grey hair, white skin, a glowing crystal orb on their upper bodies. Everybody looking at the hologram gets shocked and start to say 'Hey isn't that the urban legend that is very famous recently? I forgot the name... right! White Jack!'

everybody starts to talk more about the humanoid figures in the hologram. Naina looks at Raghav who is shocked and she says 'Raghav that's White Jack! No to be exact it's 6 White Jack's!' Raghav looks at Naina with concern and replies 'You're right but what the hell is going on? Is this some hackers trick? But that's very unlikely I mean we're talking about national security!'. The humanoid figures in the hologram start to speak 'Earthlings! Many of you know as the urban legends, White Jack!'. Everybody looks at the hologram attentively including Raghav and Naina. As they were paying attention to the hologram Naina receives a message and she gets shocked! She looks at Raghav and tells him ' Raghav my friend that studies in the UK she has sent me this picture check it out!' Raghav replies 'Is it more important than this?' Naina gets a bit irritated and says 'Just look at it, will you?' Raghav looks at the picture and gets shocked and says 'How is this possible? There is a broadcast in the UK too!!'. The humanoid figures continue to say 'We've decided that any living being on this planet will become our cattle!'. Everybody gets shocked and start shouting 'What do you mean your cattle huh?!' The humanoid figures continue to say 'All of you will be mutated in 3 seconds!' Everybody starts panicking and saying 'Mutated what's going on?! What does that thing mean?!'. Raghav and Naina get worried and look at each other. As they looked at each other they started to see a bright yellow light coming from the ground and covering it entirely, everybody started to get even more worried about the light and tried to run but as they tried that bright rays of yellow light started to hit everyone and everything on the planet. Raghav and Naina also get hit by the light and they start to shout in pain even though they were hit by the light they saw some people instantly melting because of it and they got horrified.

Buildings and other architecture started to get destroyed due to the light and animals also started to mutate because of that. After some time the beams of light stopped and everybody that was hit by it and did not get melted had a crystal orb embedded in their upper bodies and their orbs started to glow. Everybody started to speak 'What the hell is this?! Why do I have this on my body?! Damn it I can't even take it out?!'. Naina painfully tries to reach Raghav and once she reaches she says 'Raghav! are you alright?!' Raghav replies 'Yeah I am not burnt but I do have some pain. What the hell just happened?!' Naina replies 'I don't know?! What's that in the centre of your chest?!' Raghav looks at his chest and says 'I don't know?' Naina replies 'It looks like a black orb!' Raghav says ' You've one on your chest too. It's green in colour.' . The humanoid figures continue to speak 'It looks as if that the mutation is complete.' Everybody looks at the hologram again, the humanoid figures smile sinisterly and say 'In The next 30 years we will come to get you all till then take care our 'Cattle'!'

To be continued...
