
Whispers of the Celestial Garden

作者: chyw
連載中 · 79 ビュー
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What is Whispers of the Celestial Garden

WebNovel で公開されている、chyw の作者が書いた Whispers of the Celestial Garden の小説を読んでください。...



Mangull the Mangler

One gull finds himself at the center of a great struggle for control of the Greater Universe. Verbose synopsis: Roughly 3 million years B.M. (Before Mangull), the Greater Universe consisted of the nothing except four 'pools' of mana existing within what is known as the Null Realm. Over time, and for reasons not quite understood by modern sages, these pools began to spew their mana outward into this realm, creating long and branching channels of the four mana types: fire, water, air, and earth. The leading theory by most modern sages is that these channels then began to intermingle, creating complex natural systems and compounds. It is also theorized that at about 2 million B.M. the first sentient being arose from this primordial soup of mana, and that being aided in the creation of the other realms within the Null Realm. Those realms were then populated by gods, who, in turn, populated the realms with lower beings (mortals and 'demi-gods'). During the time of Mangull the Mangler, the power balance of the beings populating the Greater Universe is going through a major shift. Over the eons the various mana pools have waned in power, with some pools nearing their depletion. Still, other pools run strong, and various groups of beings have been vying for control of realms. Enter one simple gull, who, through the interaction of those around him, just may be the variable needed to tip the scales (but in what direction?).

mangullthemangler · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Mr.Bee Violinist

"What did you just say?!" "Y—Yes sir! It's a Beeman playing a violin in the streets! And it can speak too!" He paused before continuing, "It played it so beautifully! I don't think my ears have touched anything more heavenly!" "What in the name of— You're not making any sense!" He snorted disdainfully, "How could there possibly be an insect that can speak? Have you gone mad?!" "Yes, s—sir! But it's just so serene and holy! It's as if the heavens have blessed us with an angel in—" "You've gone mad?" He sighs disappointedly, "Guards! Take him away and lop his head off!" "W—Wait, sir! You have to see it to believe it! It really does exist!" He begged the sire, "Just open your window and listen! Please!" "You're mad, you even admitted it yourself." In a vast world gifted with the beauty of magic and the mystery of adventure, instead of becoming your typical harem-demon-slaying-hero, I am stuck inside an insect's body with absolutely no-clue as to how I got here. What the hell?! I didn't know humans were so savage?! Wait, isn't The Adventurer Guild supposed to be the good guys? Why are they trying to kill me?! I have done no wrong! My name is Riku Yamato, and I've been reincarnated as a Beeman in another world! △▼△ ▼Formerly Known as "The Legend of The Lightning Emperor" and "Twilight's Anthem"△ If you like my story, please support me on Patreon! - https://www.patreon.com/koejisllycc △▼△ ▼ 1 Chapter / Every Saturday & Sunday 5:00 AM ( GMT ) △ ▼ Average of 2000 Words / Chapter △ <-> 125 Power Stone Milestone - 1 ( Extra ) Chapter <-> 65 Power Stone Milestone - 1 ( Extra ) Chapter

KoejiSllycc · ファンタジー
5 Chs


Isabella is the daughter of Rebecca, a beautiful maid who worked in the great palace of king Ragnar, a werewolf. The king loved Rebecca, even though she was just a maid. But One day, Rebecca suddenly died, and the next day, the king tragically died. Astaroth, the king son, became the new king of the kingdom Astaroth began harassing and unfairly judging Isabella, leaving her feeling hopeless and isolated. However, her situation changes when she meets Mick,a werewolf from a different park. Their love blossoms, and Mick becomes her pillar of support during her tough times. Yet, their love is forbidden, forcing them to contemplate their next steps. As their hearts unite in a love deemed unacceptable, they grapple with a pivotal choice: either to sacrifice everything for their affection or to adhere to society's rules. Will they bravely challenge the norms and embrace their love despite the risks, or will they succumb to the pressures of a world that seeks to separate them? As Isabella and Mick delve into the king's death, they unearth a shocking revelation: Isabella's mother wasn't a victim of natural causes but was poisoned by Astaroth. Their quest forces them to confront the risks of unveiling the truth, acknowledging the potential danger to their lives. Yet, fueled by their deep love, they stand resilient, supporting one another in their pursuit of justice. Ultimately, they face a crucial decision: to prioritize their love and pursuit of truth despite the peril, knowing it could jeopardize their safety. The fate of the kingdom hinges on their choice between personal safety and the greater good.

Otunola_Abiodun · SF
2 Chs
Latest Update
1 :“Whispers of the Celestial Garden: The Forgotten Star”


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  • 世界観設定


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