
Nightmares between murder

In the day of May 13, 2016 5:00 PM, one child named Alexander O. Whens (O - Onion), Male, 7 years old born in May 13, 2009. He was walking down in the streets alone and well that came from the school going in their homes with the happiness in the smile since it was Alexander birthday, he expected something great or even something insane when he arrived since he was very intelligent child that even are impressed by being able to correct them at a few times in their answer just to be able to get with highest honor despite all of that but he does not have interest on being the top 1 student in the class but rather have interest taking the top 3 or below give him enough satisfaction (Alexander are top 2 in class) until Alexander got in his home he has been in the process of crossing the street, and being half exhausted, Alexander when he arrive he see the door somewhat open despite the doors are being closed in the pure silent and then there are screems of someone inside he rushed while being silent (He always run in very little noise) to see whats going on in his shock the view killing of his mother already want to makes him cry he tried to gain information himself and to view the situation while hiding to protect himself, in the process of doing so he gain many crucial information he seen 5 mens doing very suspicious things such as cleaning the handle of a knife, planting a some sort of a tape like object being placed in the knife, making things messy, and a conversation with their names and someone they are in contact in phone with and they are Victor, Damon, Harrison, Nathaniel, and Marcus. The person in the phone are heard that his name card sadly it was not heard complete only the card sounded to be clear enough. When they are done they leave the scene quiet and quick leaving the mother corpse behind and thats when the child Alexander come close to see it further while shaking in fear of what he just witness, a body of his mother named Alexa O. Whens (O - Onion) full of blood as the tears began to fall one by one he started to cry for his mother he tried to find a phone to call in the house until he found his mother phone in the bedroom to contact the cops but it have password in his luck he knew the password and it was "3141997" so he continue on contacting the cops he manage to be in contact and the conversion started

Reciever: Hello whats the emergancy?

Alexander: There are murder that took place in here my mother is murdered!

Reciever: Calm down! calm down!

Alexander: Ok.

Reciever: May I know the state of your mother, your age, and your location?

Alexander: My location Whispering Pines Estate, I am 7 years old and my mother are stabbed with the knife in the stomach.

Reciever: So heres what you have to do. Do not touch the knife no matter what check if she was breathing.


Alexander go to his mother to check if she was breathing by putting his hands very near to her nose but not blocking the air way to feel if she still breathing or not.

Alexander: My mother is breathing.

Reciever: make sure to inform us about the situation the emergancy is on the way.

Alexander looks in the time on the phone to see it was already 6:47 PM and to proceed to check in the changes especially on breathing and it looks like his mother Alexa struggling to breathe

Alexander: My mother seems to struggling breathing.

Reciever: I see how does she look like now.

Alexander: Its a little pale but pure in pain.

Reciever: Don't panic.

Alexander: They are here.

The emergancy have arrived they rushed on the mother and to be taken in ambulance while the cops also arrive to secure the area and took Alexander away for his security and to gain information on the events that happen to analyze the situation. The Cop started to talk with Alexander.

Cop: Are you Ok?

Alexander: I do not know.

Cop: Whats your name?

Alexander: Alexander. How about you?

Cop: Victoria D. Blackwood (D - Dark). So may I know what happen here?

Alexander: My mother was stabbed by someone.

Victoria: I, I, I am so sorry for your lost

Alexander: Its ok.

The thoughts of the Victoria is that this is too much for a child and to make a child take a rest first.3

Victoria: How about you take a rest first its already night, and its bad for a child to be sleeping late.

Alexander: Sure I go to my bedroom

Alexander runs to his room as fast as possible even all of that his footsteps are giving tiny noise which is hardly be heard and Victoria give a shout.

Victoria: Not there I mean on my place!

Alexander turns back and go to victoria while saying

Alexander: oh

Both Victoria and Alexander walks to the vehicle which cops have used just to go to Victoria home until they arrived at the destination.

Victoria: Were in here!

Alexander: Where are we?

Victoria: At my house of course.

Alexander: I mean the location of this area?

Victoria: The Enigma Estates. Why?

Alexander: So I wont get lost.

Victoria: Oh.

Alexander: Lets go down.

Victoria: Sure.

Both Victoria and Alexander go down the vehicle and enters Victoria house.

Victoria: Is it beautiful

Alexander: Your point of view is?

Victoria: nevermind.

Both of them go in the bedroom for Alexander to sleep peacefully

Alexander: Thank you for letting me sleep here

Victoria: No problem

Alexander: Anyways before I sleep, what time is it?

Victoria: 7:58 PM.

Alexander: And when the emergancy arrived?

Victoria: 7:00PM not exactly

Alexander: Thanks

So Alexander jumps to the bed and sleep very peacefully.

Sorry if i write too slow this is my first time but heres the clue how story unfolded. thank you for reading and when it comes to voting its up to you since I dont mind winning or losing in this competition ad long i can keep you happy

I am so sorry if I rushed in the end part of Chapter 1


-All Characters have secret.

-The child are the main character.

-The country are full of corrupt officials.

-All major Antagonist are ment to be smart.

-The time are used for the purpose to improve the story, to increase the length time of the story, and additional information about them.

-The title i want already been taken the intended story are based on it (it can affect the story because of title).

-Many if not every chapter there are information hidden on what trully happen.

-The starting chapter are for the development of the main character

Aloneinthevisioncreators' thoughts