
While Others Are Increasing Their Rank: I'm Creating A Game

In a world where some people possess extraordinary abilities such as controlling air, manipulating water, or having a superhuman physique, how can an ordinary and average person without such talents survive? In 1982, the world entered a new era as some individuals began exhibiting unusual powers. However, this ability only appears in one out of every thousand humans. Governments worldwide agreed to assign ranks to those who possessed these powers to maintain peace. Some individuals, known as S-ranks, possess exceptional abilities and are considered all-powerful by ordinary people. Despite the presence of these extraordinary beings, peace still prevails in society. Cedric Jacquier, a non-manifested individual, had one dream - to create a game and earn money. However, his dream was shattered when his old computer broke down, along with his three-year game project. Cedric was once again left in despair due to his misfortune. Cedric fainted due to malnutrition and health problems. Strangely, a blue window screen appeared before him. Cedric decided to recreate the game he had lost. This led to the creation of a hyper-realistic game that could transport users to another world. The game was called "Atlas" and it quickly gained popularity, with both ordinary people and enthusiasts eager to purchase the game capsule and experience the alternate reality. Despite assistance from the system, Cedric found that creating the game was still a challenging task. He had to develop a compelling storyline, design characters and NPCs to drive the plot forward. Despite facing many challenges, Cedric's determination and use of the Game Creator System enabled him to develop a game that has attracted over 5 billion players worldwide. It is renowned for its incredible graphics and lifelike quality, as well as its captivating plot and storyline. Prologue 1: "Atlas" The game known as "Atlas" and dubbed "with the title "Another World" was renowned for its hyperrealistic graphics. Both individuals with manifested abilities and regular people were able to enjoy the game. "Well hello there folks, welcome to Tonight's show with me your host. Michael Moore, and for our special guest the one and only! The Creator of Atlas with over 3 billion players worldwide! Mr. Cedric Jacquier!" The crowd cheered, many players who experienced the game Atlas were all excited to finally see the mysterious creator. As the red curtains were drawn, many gasped in awe, particularly the female players and audience. Meanwhile, the male audience felt envious. "Ohh hello there Mr. Jacquier, it's nice to finally meet you!" "The pleasure is mine." Cedric and Michael were seated on the sofa, and Michael's excitement was palpable upon seeing Cedric's arrival. He was also one of the select few players in the game. "Talent, wealth, skills, and a man with good looks. Truly you are blessed in many ways, Mr. Jacquier" "Well, I wouldn't call blessed." "Can I ask Mr. Jacquier? Where did you get the idea of creating Atlas?" "Well Michael, It's a long story. Well, I first created Atlas on my computer, it was a 2d game. Then from one problem rose another." "Oh, what kind of problems were there Mr. Jacquier?" "My computer got damaged, erasing the game from its data." "I see, but there are many news that you manifested is that true Mr. Jacquier?" "Nope, I'm not one of the manifested individuals. I'm just a common man, who created a game." "Then can you tell us how you became one of the richest men in the world?" "Well, Michael...In short, when others were busy trying to increase their ranks, I was busy creating the game." .... [A/N: Number of Chapters are random, but I update Monday-Saturday. Sunday is my rest day]

Nikhoollas · 都市
74 Chs

Chapter 53: The New Land

"Hey, you heard that?"

"Yeah, there seems to be a commotion happening in the village.."

"We should go back something might have happened..."

Primo and Igyeo as soon as they entered the village noticed the flock of people. The two looked at one another and rushed to the crowd, as soon as they arrived though. Pan was unconscious, meanwhile, Aaron had a few bruises and was standing.

"Aaron won!!"

"I knew my little brother would win! Jahahaha take that you old hag!"

"Pan how could you lose like that?!"


'Just what is happening?'

Primo and Igyeo thought at the same time.


Another three days have passed.

"Everyone can you see it?!"

"Oh my, the land looks green!"

The rhinoceros tribe was getting closer to green land. This was the first time they have saw such a beautiful forest.

"Wow, Mom look at that!"

Mel ruffled her son's hair as they all watched the forest with awe. As soon as they arrived, the rhinoceros stepped on the green grass.

"It's so cool!"

"Chief look at these! Are they edible?"

One of the females has found a bush filled with red berries.

"I'll taste it first!"

Krag raised his hand and proudly took one of the berries. The females were watching him with anticipation. Krag gulped and ate the berry.

"What is it? Is it poisonous!"

"I-Its...Tasty!! Everyone eat this it tastes so good!"


The females and children pleasurably ate the fruit with happiness.

"Oh, what about that fruit over there on that tree?"

"I'm on it!"

Krag climbed the tree and began to eat the fruit, he gave a thumbs up and began to give the fruit to the women and children who were shouting with ecstasy due to the taste.

Mel patted Lerak's shoulder.

"We have found it sweetie, the place we can call home..."


Lerak wiped the tears from his eyes.

'Father, we have found the place you have always told us. The paradise...'

Lerak turned around to face the women who were eating the fruits. Krag his brother jumped from the tree with a smile on his face.

"Everyone we have found it! The place we can call our home!"


As such the rhinoceros tribe has finally found the place they can call home. They had an abundance of fresh fruits, and they indulged themselves in the sweet taste.

In just a few kilometers they have also found a lake to drink.

"Wahh this is paradise!"

The women and children were all ecstatic.

It was already nighttime, and they all fell asleep.

"Brother, we have found it, Father has told us stories of this place. A place filled with beautiful majestic trees, a place filled with tasty and abundant fruits! Guess the journey paid off right?"

"It has...Father would have been glad to see this..."

"He would..."


Morning soon came. The rhinoceros men had started their hunt to feed the children and women.

After catching a boar and three rabbits they made their way home when suddenly a small creature stood in front of them.

The creature had vines on its head and was looking at them curiously.

"Eh? Wow what is it?"

"Don't get too close, it might be a monster!"

"Aww, but it looks so cute! I mean look at it face Lerak!"

Krag was weak when it comes to cute things.

"Come here.."


Suddenly the creature stretched the vines on its head and immediately caught the two.

"What the heck?"

Lerak tried to struggle his way out, but the vines were stopping him to do so.

"If...you keep moving...then Vine might hurt you!"

"It talks!"

The vine started to walk with the two Beastmen it had caught.

'Master will be proud that I caught an enemy! Yeheyy master will praise vine! Yeheyy!'

With a smile, Vine made his way back inside the ogre and goblin village. The two rhinoceros couldn't struggle or put up a fight at all.

"Where is it taking us?"

"Do I look like I know Krag?"

"Is it going to eat us?!"

"I think so..."

Suddenly after walking for an hour straight. The two Beastmen could hear some voices on the tree.

Krag looked up and found a creature with green skin, the creature looked like a Beastmen minus the tails and animal ears. The creature was wearing clothes made of animal skin and had a strange weapon on its back.

"Wow, what are those two? It looks like they have been caught by Vine!"

There were other women on the trees, what amazed Krag and Lerak watching the women was that they moved effortlessly on the tree, they would jump from one tree to another without slipping.

Suddenly a woman jumped down from the tree and faced Vine.

The woman's hair was braided, and she had long ears and green skin.

"Hello there Vine, now who are these two?"

"Vine...caught them in the forest! Vine bringing the two to master!"

"Aww you look so adorable little Vine, alright then you can go. I'll tell the chief first so everyone wouldn't get alarmed ok?"


Vine continued his walk.

Krag flushed red seeing the beautiful women looking at them from up the tree.

"Wow, they're pretty.."

"Don't fall for their looks Krag, they might be enemies!"

"Oh right"

Suddenly a huge wall made of vines greeted the two Beastmen.


The vine stretched and made a path for Vine to walk on. As soon as the vines opened, Vine continued his walk.

If it was a month ago. Vine would still be considered a threat, but after being taught by Vite, he started to help many of the ogres and goblins. Even creating them a sturdy wall that only allows the ogres and goblins to enter.

"Hello there Vine.."

"Hello Nika!"

"Hello there Vine!"

"Hello, Mia!"

"Wow, this little guy is famous.."

Krag commented as they kept on walking. Suddenly the vine stopped in front of a child.

"Vine there you are! I've been looking all over for you!"

"Vine sorry master, Vine was scouting for any enemies in the forest. And Vine caught enemies!"

Vite glanced at the two creatures who were held by the vine. She was confused seeing the two creatures. Many of the goblins and ogres were all curious to see the creature.

"Chief these are the two enemies found by Vine.."

Hnung walked closer and after he saw the silhouette of the people he was quite baffled. They had horns on their head that even Hnung was confused about. Hnung narrowed his eyes and found a tail.

"Oh, can I ask you? Do you serve the goddess of light? Lux?"

Hearing the question, Krag and Lerak glanced at the tall and huge creature in front of them both. The creature was massive and even had bulging muscles.

"Y-Yes! We serve the goddess of light, Lux!"

Krag sweated bullets and answered.

"Second question, are you a Beastmen? If you are what kind of Beastmen are you?"

The two brothers looked at one another and answered the question truthfully.

"I see so you two are rhino Beastmen, it's the first time I saw a Beastmen like you. I'm sorry if Vine maybe has been too much, Vine is our guardian and is just doing its job."

Hnung glanced at Vine.

Vine is now the champion of their tribe, Phi retired from that job since he was going to focus on his family. As such they needed a new champion, and after much deliberation they chose Vine!

At first, they were uneasy when Vine was walking freely ever since their god Orcus had freed Vine.

But after Vine started to help and even protect the ogres and goblins, they started to warm up to Vine. Vine was also very dedicated to his job as such he was the best candidate.

"Vine can you let go of the young man?"

"Hm ok!"

Krag and Lerak heaved a sigh of relief.

"Excuse me but may I ask, you said it was your first time seeing a Beastmen like me and my brother. What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I know some Beastmen, they are called the wolf Beastmen. They live quite far from us, but I am acquainted with them.."

"A wolf Beastmen?"

The two looked at one another and knew that they were in another danger.

"If you like, I can guide you there. It's also been a long time since I have traveled and seen my friends.."

The two brothers stayed quiet. They glanced at the creature in front of them and notified themselves that this creature was very well acquainted with the wolf Beastmen.

"Um, you see my tribe and I have been driven out of our lands. We do not want to cause any more trouble for a fellow Beastmen, as such can we ask that we stay in the forest?"

"Of course, the forest isn't just ours it's for everyone. Your tribe can stay inside the forest, if you need any help though please ask our tribe. You are free to come here.."

"T-Thank you so much!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nikhoollascreators' thoughts