
Where To Next ?

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  • 1 章
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What is Where To Next ?

WebNovel で公開されている、CallMeDielmar の作者が書いた Where To Next ? の小説を読んでください。A king will be caged by their subjects, a noble will be caged by their dignity, and a peasant will be caged by their circumstances.But what will someone do if their cage, doesn't exist?Cover is not ow...


A king will be caged by their subjects, a noble will be caged by their dignity, and a peasant will be caged by their circumstances. But what will someone do if their cage, doesn't exist? Cover is not owned by me, if you are the owner and doesn't wish for your image to be used, then feel free to contact me and I will immediately take it down.


Love triangle-female alphas choice

???-"Agh my body",???-"stay still" ??-"huh?",???-"its me-jax your body guard...." ???-"what happend?" Jax-"hehe~" ???-"WAAAAA *blushes like crazy* u better not have jax!!!" Jax-"relax kitty ill tell u what happend" ???-"ok?" Jax-"good girl Kat" Kat-"its alpha to u mister"-! ???-"am i interupting something here?" Jax-"no nothing at all- kai my brother" Kat-mind:so awkward rn- Nurse-"time is up u may leave now kat anne-rose" *everyone left* THE NEXT DAY kat-"so u knocked my head on the wall huh?*choking sara while jenny is shoked and frightened* Jenny-"P-plz put her down s-sis...!!!!" Kay-"i am not your "sis" anymore Jenny!"*drops sarah and runs away" IN THE BATHROOM Kat-"what a stupid rat" ???-"what r u doing here alpha?" *kat turns around*-oh its u nicky" Nicky-"hehe the one and only, bestie" Kat-"lets just get to class before the teacher loses her nut...AGAIN" nicky-"ok" AT CLASS teacher-"ok class we r learning-" nicky-"sorry were late miss" teacher-"its ok dont be late again" teacher-"as i was saying we will be teaching math-" *BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH MATH MATH MATH* Teacher-"before u go class there is gonna be a male alpha in gym class,so be prepared". LUNCH TIME Nicky-"H-hey leave my twin alone!" ???-"shut up brat" nicky-"ALPHA!!!!" Kat-"throws ??? To the floor*leave them alone josh!". Puase-Josh is Kat's ex byw now continue Josh-"B-bitch!" Kat-"and proud". Ok im just gonna go to the front gate now after that senario kai invites kat for a sleep over blah blah blah The end JUST KIDDING *At kai's house* kai-"so kitty-*pins kat to the bed* wanna have some.fun-?" Kat-mind: ah~ i feel the temptations of turning on i feel some wierd way as he is petting my tail- kai-"too slow~" *kai pulls my cloths off as he starts to rub my tail* kat-mind:DONT MOAN DONT MOAN DONT MOAN-* kat-"ah nyah~~~~" Kai-"so i found my kittens weak spot so lets get this show started ay?~" IN THE MORNING Kat-"ugh-ow my ass hurts!" Kai-"morning baby" To Be Continued (for real this time)

x_PastelXfvck_x · その他
1 Chs


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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating