
When The Reincarnated Demon Lord Uses Only 2% Of His Power

Are you so overly overpowered that you can destroy the world yourself with a flick of your fingers? No worries! You can seal your powers and only use 2% of them. After dying a *complicated* death, will his life in this fantasy world be the happy sugar life he dreamed of? Or does fate have dark chocolate in stock for him?

moon_senpai · ファンタジー
67 Chs

The Demon-Human War [1]

'I can just hope that I'm not late!' I thought to myself while flying in the vast sky with my newly acquired wings.

I was headed toward the borders of the demon kingdom; now that all my plans have failed I have no choice but to stop this war from happening by violence and brute force.

And the best part is that I'm late! Why? Well, that's because I overslept.

Yeah…I overslept! I was not getting enough sleep for the past few days so when I got the chance to rest a little, I slept for a whole day (24 hours).

After I escaped from the castle I was hiding deep in the forest and while doing so…I don't know how exactly but I fell asleep. I also got these fantastical "bat-like" wings.

Actually, *got* won't be the right word for this as having wings is a thing all demons can have once their mana pool crossed a certain limit and I was one of them.

I had them from the start but I didn't know about it at that time, I discovered this in that book, [Myths of magical beasts] I read in the library. Aside from the magical beasts it also had information on demons and other races.

'Ah! I can't see them! I have to go down a little,' I was flying at quite a height and wasn't able to see the Ronze army.

I closed my wings for a moment and let myself free-fall for a while, I was not a pro in flying yet so I was using shortcuts like these.

When I was able to see the ground, I opened my wings again and started flying forward.

"What's this?" I mumbled.

I felt a strange sensation all of a sudden. It was like someone was casting a very big spell.

I closed my eyes to sense the mana in my surroundings. When I did, I sensed that the amount of mana that was present in the surroundings was not normal, it was sure that a spell was cast and it was a long-range spell.

I was busy pinpointing the location of the caster when the presence of that spell suddenly vanished.

Opening my eyes, I saw that the landscape was completely changed and below me were the Ronze and the demon armies.

'I get it now,' I said inwardly.

That spell was an illusion spell that was cast to change the landscape. It was a trap set up by the demon army to lure the Ronze army inside their borders and attack them.

When I took a closer look at both of the armies, they were charging toward each other. Probably the battle had just started.

'I'm glad I'm on time!'

But I should do something quickly or this battle will turn into a historical event that started the second Great War.

I stopped in the air, right between both the armies, and looked down. I held my hand up and a small portal appeared after it. Pulling out a wooden mask from the portal I wore it on my face, it covered even my eyes but I was able to see through it because it was enchanted with a spell.

It was the same mask I bought for Carol; I was wearing it to hide my face from the demon army, the mask covered my whole face so it was the perfect thing for this.

I'm ready now I guess.

"Stop at your place! Take one another step and both of the armies will be annihilated!" I screamed will all my might.

"Cough! Cough! I screamed too hard," I mumbled. (Haruto don't know that he can use magic to make his voice reach them).

My voice reached each and every soldier as they stopped at their places and started looking for me.

I closed my wings and dropped myself to the ground. As I landed, I dust cloud formed around me due to the impact but soon the dust settles back.

"Sorry, but no war is happening today," I said, again in a loud voice.

The size of my wings decreased and soon they disappeared. Since I had this function of making them disappear, I used it because right now they'll only give me struggle in moving around.

I looked around at both the armies and they were around half a mile away from each other, Zen was leading the Ronze army and a demon in black armor was leading the demon army.

"Who the hell are you?" asked the demon in black armor.

How the hell I can hear his voice clearly even at this distance!

Could it be that he's using magic? I think I should give it a try too. I concentrated a bit of mana around my throat and voice box.

"Me? Ah, don't bother me. I'm just a random nobody who's trying to stop this war," I said. Damn, the technique was working; I can speak loudly without hurting my throat.

"A random nobody huh, get out of here before you get hurt or you're going to die here," he said in a rude manner.

Damn, I knew they won't listen to me like this. It's good that I have made preparations beforehand; spending time in that library will come in handy.

I stretched my hands and cracked my fingers and neck.

"Well well, you left me no choice."

"Summoning magic: [Greater mythical beast]" I chanted as I raised my right hand up in the air.

A gigantic magic circle appeared on the ground in front of me. The magic circle shone a brilliant pink, and translucent diagrams of characters and symbols appeared. These images changed ceaselessly, with kaleidoscopic speed, differing from second to second.

A few seconds later, something started coming out of it. I was a dragon, a big black dragon. Its size was almost double the size of any normal dragon. Yes, it was a magical beast.

The same as the one I had added to my game and read about in that book. When I first found out that he exists, I was sure that the spell to summon him will also work.

But he's a little different from an NPC dragon, he had his own personality.

[I just have to stop them from fighting each other right?] I heard a voice in my head; it was the dragon who was talking with me.

'Yeah, use whatever method you want. But make sure you don't kill them,' I said to him. He was using telepathy so I was also to talk to him through my mind.

[Can I use my dragon breadth on them in a way they take damage but won't die?]

'Yeah yeah, sure; Roast them, fry them, chop them, I don't care. Do it in a way that their soul doesn't leave their body.'

[Understood, I shall handle this then.]

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-Peace out

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