
When The Reincarnated Demon Lord Uses Only 2% Of His Power

Are you so overly overpowered that you can destroy the world yourself with a flick of your fingers? No worries! You can seal your powers and only use 2% of them. After dying a *complicated* death, will his life in this fantasy world be the happy sugar life he dreamed of? Or does fate have dark chocolate in stock for him?

moon_senpai · ファンタジー
67 Chs

Reunion [1]

Umm…what do I say? I'm just…very confused right now!

The girl who was fighting with me a moment ago is bowing before Zen right now, and all the people in this room including that girl are calling him *Your majesty*.

'Umm, you guys…are you sure this is not a misunderstanding? I think you got the wrong person!' I thought to myself, while a weird expression was on my face.

"That's enough, everyone please raise your head," said Zen.

Is this guy taking advantage of this misunderstanding?

"I never expected to meet with you here, Haruto," he said as he walked toward me.

"No your majesty, he is a monster!" said that girl while stopping Zen from coming near me.

"Hey, why are you calling me monster continuously!" I said, in a slightly angry tone.

Seriously, she was calling me a monster for no reason! There's a limit on how many insults I can take.

"It's obvious, isn't it? A monster will be called a monster," she said, mocking me.

"Tch" I clicked my tongue.

Now she was crossing her limits.

"Wait, Alicia, he is not a monster, he is a friend. He was the one who saved our lives back then," Zen said as he put his hand on that girl's shoulder.

So her name is Alicia huh?

"But your majesty, the aura he has around him is definitely the proof that he's a monster! A human can't possess an aura this big," she said as she looked at me with disgust.

My aura? Hmm...

Shit! After Aki teleported me back here, I totally forgot about my aura!

Don't tell me that till then my aura was being released openly!

'No that can't be, I remember I sucked my entire aura inside my body.' I thought.

If that's not it then what's the reason?

"Hey, how much of my aura can you see now?" I asked Alicia.

"Huh, what are you talking about? It's filling this whole room," she replied.

Oh no, that's serious.

But why can't anyone else see it?

"You're saying that my aura is in this whole room, then why can't anyone else see it?" I asked.

"Are you dumb? You are releasing your aura on a low frequency, that's why they can't see it. Even I can't see it, I can only sense it thanks to my enhanced senses," she said.

Ah, so that's how it is.

That means my aura is getting leaked, and because it's not leaked fully that's why people can't see it but can sense it.

If that's it then it's not a big problem, I just have to suck my entire aura in again.

'Here I go!'

After that, with a deep breath, I sucked my entire aura inside my body once again.

"Is it okay now? I pulled my aura back,"

And just when I thought this problem was solved, she again held her sword against me.

"Huh! Now what?" I shouted.

"Humans can't pull their aura inside their body," she said as she went into an attacking position.


How should I explain this? No, why did I even forget that I'm a demon now!

"Now now Alicia, take it easy. He is not a monster, he is a talented mage. He can even use two types of element magic," said Zen, stopping Alicia from attacking.

"Hmmm, a mage who can keep up with me in a swordfight, aren't you a little too good?" she looked at me with suspicion.

I can't do anything anymore so I nodded with a wired smile.

Even so, I shouldn't have used two types of elemental magic in front of them, well it's not like I knew normal people can use only one type at that time so it's not my mistake.

"Rest assured Alicia, you can put your sword down," said Zen.

"If that's what you say your majesty then I shall spare him for now," Alicia said as she put her sword back in its sheath.

"So Haruto, I didn't expect you to see here! Do you have any business with me?" he asked me.

"Ah not with you, I came here to meet the crown prince who is the king now. Anyway, what's up with that 'Your Majesty' thing?"

As I said that, everyone's eyes fixated on me. There was dead silence in the room.

"What?" I said as I looked toward Mary but she turned her face away, it looked like she didn't want to face me now.

Wait, it can't be that right? I mean there's no way! See this idiot who can't even save her waifu's from goblins, he can't be, right?

"Uhm, Haruto...I am the crown prince and the current king," he said.

"You're kidding right?"


"No way, you're definitely kidding, there's no way!"

"No, I'm not kidding."

"No, No…I don't believe this!"


"Yeah, I'm disappointed so much you can't even imagine!"

I mean, if this person can be king then there's nothing left in this world that can surprise me anymore.

"I'm sorry Haruto, we didn't tell you before!" he apologized.


"Me, my elder sister Mary and my little sister Jessica,"

Okay, I was wrong, there are many things left that can surprise me.

As I heard that, I looked at Mary again. At first, she hesitated a bit then she replied.

"Yeah, he's right. Zen's my little brother."

"Then…you are a princess I guess?"



"Your majesty, I don't like him insulting you and Princess Mary like this. Can I kill him?" Alicia asked Zen.

"And who is she? An empress?" I asked sarcastically.

"No, she is a SSS class adventurer," replied Zen.

"Ah, great!"

I wanted to stay low-key in public but I fought a SSS class adventurer in front of everyone! No not everyone, I fought straight in front of royalty!

Is there anything left? If there is, this is the time for surprises, come out!

"By the way Haruto, what was the reason for coming here," Zen asked.

"Yeah that, we can't talk here. Mary knows the seriousness of the matter if you don't believe me," I said.

Zen looked at Mary for confirmation and she nodded.

"Okay then, let's talk inside," he said and gave me a signal to come with him.


Enough with this little—hey we are royalty—talk, now I have to do what I came here for. For my plan of stopping the upcoming war, I need the cooperation of Zen and this country's government, geographical information of this world, and finally some information about the demon kingdom.

I thought as a walked behind Zen, along with Mary.

-----------------------AUTHORS NOTE--------------------------

Hey guys moon senpai here!

I hope you all liked this chapter. Things were going pretty serious in the story so I made this chapter a little lighthearted, I hope you all enjoyed.

Please support this story with your power stones and leave a review if you are enjoying this.

—Thank you.