
When The Reincarnated Demon Lord Uses Only 2% Of His Power

Are you so overly overpowered that you can destroy the world yourself with a flick of your fingers? No worries! You can seal your powers and only use 2% of them. After dying a *complicated* death, will his life in this fantasy world be the happy sugar life he dreamed of? Or does fate have dark chocolate in stock for him?

moon_senpai · ファンタジー
67 Chs

Rescue Mission [2]

'Scary!' was the only thing that came to my mind.

Miss. Assistant sure does things without a hint of mercy, well what else would I expect she's an AI after all.

But calling her "assistant" is kind of weird and time taking. I should give her a name, shouldn't I?

'Hey assistant, can I assign you a name?'

<That is possible>

I just happen to have the perfect name for her, basically, it's the name of the AI assistant I had on my phone before I died.

'From now on I will call you Uriel.'


<Name 'Uriel' is now ready for use>

Perfect! Now I should go find Mia.

I turned around and began to leave in the direction Mia went but as I took a step forward sensed someone coming at me from behind.

I turned around and punched that thing, and sent him flying backward. It crashed onto the ground a few meters away from me, when I got a closer look I saw that it was a wolf and not a normal one.

It had blood-red eyes and a pair of two tails, its body was also more muscular than the normal wolf while saliva was dripping from his mouth.

But that thing was that he was not the only one there, a man who held a wooden wand; there was a green-colored stone placed on the top of his wand and it was emitting dim green-colored light.

"You are not going away that easily," said that man as a creepy grin appeared on his face.

"Are you with these bastards—I mean bandits?" I asked and stood in a defensive posture.

"Well, I wonder if I am," he said and walked a few steps backward.

"Then just get lost, I don't have anything to do with you," I said and tried to warn him.

If he does not interfere then I also don't have anything to do with him.

"I'm sorry but that is not possible, after all, I can't let you go inside," said the man.

"Sigh! Talk about doing things in a roundabout way," I mumbled.

"Listen, I have some stuff to take care of and I'm going inside, stop me or do whatever you want I don't care. But if you do try to get in the way then be prepared to die."

If he was with the bandits then he doesn't have the right to live, though that's from my point of view and I am also prepared to get killed if I'm killing.

That's if someone has the power to kill me.

I turned and began to leave and at that moment the green stone on his wand emitted a bright, almost blinding light that encompassed the whole area.

It only lasted for a few seconds but it was almost as if I was standing near the sun.

When the light went away I saw that two huge bears were standing beside that man. Just like the wolf, the size and body structure of these bears were different from the normal ones.

<Report: Enemy is using summoning magic to summon monsters>

Yeah, figures.

"I can't let you go in or I won't get my money," said the man as he raised both of his hands.

The bears beside him opened their mouth and some yellow-colored energy started taking the form of a ball there. In a matter of seconds, it converted into a big bright white ball of energy, and a beam was blasted with them toward me.

'So he is going for a fight after all, okay then.'

I dashed straight toward the man ignoring the beams that came my way; the beams hit me and eventually died out after clashing with the barrier around me.

The wolf was now ready to fight again ran towards me and jumped to slash me with his claws, "Seventh-tier magic: [Discharge]," black-colored energy took the shape of a dome around me and expanded in the blink of an eye, covering the wolf in its range of effect and burning him.

I jumped high in the air as I reached the bears, one of them moved his hand in a way to slap me which I dodged why stepping on his arm and launching myself up in the air.

"Fifth-tier magic: [Fire control]," I said and two fire lances formed beside me.

I grabbed the lances while being in the air and threw them at the bears; both the lances drilled their way through the bear's heads causing them to die instantly.

Before I could land on the ground I used [Dimensional Step] and appeared right before that man. Using [Fire control] again I created a sword and stabbed him with it.

"The best way to deal with summoners is to kill them before they could summon their armies," I whispered in that man's ears.

I would have avoided dealing with bears and the wolf also but Uriel told me that the already summoned monsters won't die even if I killed the summoner.

"You…are a monster," said the man as he lived the last moments of his life.

I broke the spell and the flame sword in my hand disappeared leaving a big hole in that man's stomach. He fell to his knees as a great amount of blood dripped from his mouth.

"Now don't blame me for this, I *did* warn you beforehand," I said as walked past him.


Leaving that man behind I entered the inner areas of this fortress, after roaming around for a while I found the staircase that led to the basement. The structure of this fortress was different from the one before, to be exact I will say this one was a lot bigger.

The staircase was also wider and went deeper into the darkness, there were torches hung on the walls but they were not giving enough light to illuminate the whole area.

There was no other bandit around so I went down the stairs and made my way to the basement. It took me around five minutes to reach down here and what I found out was mind-blowing.

I know I should not get excited in a situation like this but this basement was like a whole new floor. There are hallways, rooms, and prison cells and this is totally different from the small and narrow basement I saw in the previous fortress.



'What's this?'

I heard the sounds of metal clashing; it was like a swordfight was going on somewhere.

No, wait! This sound… is not only the sound of metal clashing.

These! There is also the sound of gunfire mixed in it!

Vote with power stones if you liked this chapter! Add this novel to your library if you haven't already.

And things are going to get a bit intense from the next chapter so be prepared!

Thanks for reading!

-Peace out

moon_senpaicreators' thoughts