
When The Reincarnated Demon Lord Uses Only 2% Of His Power

Are you so overly overpowered that you can destroy the world yourself with a flick of your fingers? No worries! You can seal your powers and only use 2% of them. After dying a *complicated* death, will his life in this fantasy world be the happy sugar life he dreamed of? Or does fate have dark chocolate in stock for him?

moon_senpai · ファンタジー
67 Chs

I Know Because I have felt that way

I saw a girl sitting on the side of the road; her clothes were torn up and dirty. She had light purple hair and red eyes.

By looking at her I could guess that her age would be around 12 or 13? Her head was down and she was looking at the ground, her presence was close to none. People were passing by but no one was even looking at her.

Two things came to my mind when I saw this scene, the first one is that she is a runaway slave, and the second is that she is a lost child.

I stopped and started staring at her while Carol, Carl, Shiro, and James continued walking. Then after a while I also started walking again, trying to ignore her but then suddenly a memory of the past flashed in my mind.

A lonely kid being ignored by others, all alone sitting in a corner. People were passing by but no one looked at that kid.

Was I doing the same thing as those people? At that time I cursed and yelled at those people, but now... Am I doing the same thing as them?

With this thought, my legs stopped moving.

"Hey Carl, Can you see that child over there?" I asked while putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Yes I can, what about it?"

"Don't you think that girl is lost?"

He stared at the girl and then looked back at me.

"So what do you want to do about it?"

After hearing our conversation, Carol, Shiro, and James also stopped walking and started listening to our talk.

"I think we should drop her to the guards," I said

"It's better to leave her here than take her to the guard," he said with a slightly angry look on his face.

"Why?" I asked.

"If her parents won't come to take her within a day, then there are 90% chances that she will be sold as a slave."

I was surprised after hearing that answer, so I asked out of curiosity.

"How do you know about that?"

"We have been there," he replied.

"That means you guys were guards before becoming adventurers?"

"No, we've been there as homeless kids," As he said that, all of them developed a fearful expression on their faces.

"When we were kids, our hometown was attacked by bandits. They burned our houses and killed the civilians; our parents were also killed and we were homeless. Somehow we reached a guard to ask for help but he sold us in the black market."

I was stunned after hearing that, their past is even darker than mine. I felt wrong to ask more about that so started walking again while facing the ground.

As I passed beside the four of them, Carl asked me.

"Aren't you going to help that girl?"

I stopped and said.

"What can I do about that, you said that it's better to leave her here don't you?"

"I think you heard me wrong; I said it's better to leave her here *if* you are taking her to a guard post."

I had a confused and *Null* look on my face; I understood the part that if I were to help this child then they will help me in that but...

I didn't say anything, I didn't want to. It's true that I wanted to help here but if because of my help she is going to suffer even more then it's better to let her say as she is.

Then Carol put a hand on my shoulder and said.

"Let's go and ask her about her parents, and if we didn't get anything by that then I want to remind you that one more person can fit in our room."

I was surprised; I didn't expect that they will do something like this. They really are good people.

After I joined their party, we all were living in a single inn and that room was pretty big also.

I smiled and said.

"Okay, let's go with that."

We reached where she was sitting; Carol patted her head and asked.

"What is your name?"

The girl lift her head and looked at Carol. But she didn't say anything.

"Are you lost?" Carol asked again but she didn't reply.

Suddenly a fat man appeared behind that girl, he was dressed in something I would call 'Normal clothing for an isekai world'. He had a terrific look in his eyes, when I looked at him more clearly I saw that he was holding a big knife in his right hand.

Along with me Carol, Carl, and James also saw that knife and they instantly put their guard up and were ready for anything.

"What are you doing with that girl?"

He asked Carol, his voice was heavy and filthy and his eyes carried a murderous intent. I was wary of him but I also knew that it would be wrong to judge someone by their looks and voice. That's what they teach in school right?

'Don't judge a book by its cover,' I don't know exactly because I didn't go to school after a certain period of time.

"How do you know her?" Carol asked that fat man.

"Huh, I am her father! You got a problem with that," That man said in an angry tone.

When that girl heard his voice and detected his presence she started trembling; she wrapped herself within Carol's arms and tried to hide in them with the hope that those arms will protect her from that man.

At least that's what it looked like; I mean you won't try to hide in the arms of a person you just meet if you are not in a life or death situation right?

"By her behavior, I don't think that you are her father or she is your child. Tell me clearly how you know her!" I asked that man.

"How dare you!" He screamed and charged toward me in order to punch me or something like that.

No wait, he is not planning to punch or kick me. He is planning to...

He ran towards me and raised his right hand in which he was holding the knife and then he tried to slash my neck with that.

I had a fireball ready in my left hand which I was hiding behind my back but when I was about to use it on him suddenly a sword clashed with his knife and with the sound of two metals clashing, burning sparks were launched in the air.

It was James's sword, He then pushed the man back with his sword and that man fell down on the road.

James picked up his knife and threw it toward that man. The knife landed just an inch away from his right eye and got stuck in the ground.

That was intentional, that knife attack was used to scare him; not to kill him. I think this is what you call experience; I was going to do something very immature by attacking him with my fireball.

"Now, Speak," James said in a heavy and angry tone which is mainly used to scare someone.

That fat man (doesn't he have a name? addressing him by *fat man* is pretty weird) was frozen with fear.

He was sweating badly and his eyes were wide open like they were about to come out of his eye sockets.

He somehow managed to get up; he walked toward us and sat on his knees. Power can really show you your place in this world; no I think it's the same for every world.

"I found this girl roaming on the streets two weeks ago, then when I found out that she is alone I captured her and used her to help me in my shop. Bu…..But I also gave her food and a place to stay in exchange; I swear I didn't do any bad thing to her. I…I swear."

"Oh, so you didn't do any bad thing to her?" James asked.

"Yes," He replied with a slight smile on his face.

"Do you know anything about her parents?" Carl asked him.

"About tha..."

Suddenly that girl started crying and sobbing; I can't blame her for this. She is already scared and we are beating a guy in front of him. Maybe we should depend on violence as least as we can.

That fat man again faced Carl and answered him.

"No, I don't know anything about them. When I found her she was alone."

Did his answer change? No, it must be my imagination. No one can dare to tell a lie when his life is in our hands.

"Carol, can you ask that girl about her parents?" I said.

Carl nodded and then asked the girl.

"Did you get separated from your mother?" She asked in a calming and relaxing voice so that the girl doesn't get scared.

She looked at Carol for quite a few seconds and then finally, finally she said.

"Y…Ye…Yes," She replied.

Omg! Her voice is so cute I can't describe it in words; No wait, she is underage and a lost kid.

I should focus on finding her parents!

"When did you find her? How many days ago?" Carl asked the fat guy.

"About two weeks ago."

Then for cross questioning, Carol asked that girl the same question.

"How many days ago did you got separated from your mother?"

"I don't remember, but it's been more than 6 days," She said.

We all looked at each other; everyone knew the decision we were going to make now and everyone was satisfied with it. (Here everyone means Carol, Carl, James, Shiro, and Me).

We all nodded to each other; then Carol faced that girl and asked her.

"Will you come with us? We will help you in finding your parents."

That girl was confused and in a troublesome position; if I were in her shoes I would also do the same.

I mean you can't go with a group of strangers who just appeared and then they beat the guy who was keeping you for many days.

She stayed quiet and didn't answer.

"Don't worry, we are not bad guys," James said.

Come on James, that's the thing every bad guy says. You are good a strategist but your normal common sense is near zero I think.

"Don't push yourself, you can take it easy. How about we start by telling each other our name?" Carol said to her.

She definitely knows how to handle kids. We then told our names to her and also that we are adventurers. But then something happened, as soon as she heard that we are adventurers she relaxed a bit.

"Are you guys really adventurers?" She asked in a low and down voice tone.

"Yes, we are. Here, this is the proof," Carol replied and showed her adventurer ID card.

When she saw that card, the tension and confusion she had on her face were gone in an instant and a little smile appeared on her face.

"Mamma said that adventurers are good people," Oh, now I understand the reason behind that smile.

"Will you help me find mamma?" This time she asked but in a cheerful tone.

"Yes, definitely," Carol replied with her eyes closed and a smile.

"My name is Lilly," She revealed her name, and believe me her name suits her very well.

There's a thing I learned about this world regarding names, normal people don't have surnames here. Only the royal family is allowed to have surnames.

"It's evening already, pretty soon it will get dark. Will you come with us for today; then tomorrow we will go to find your mom," Carol asked her.

And she agreed it's all thanks to her mom that she believes us. If her mom didn't tell her that adventurers are good people then all of us would be kidnappers from her point of view.

Thank you, Miss Mother, I mean it.

"We are taking her with us; you don't have any problem with that right?" I said to the fat guy.

"No No, how can I have any problem with that," Or so he said.

"Here climb up and hold tightly."

Carol lifted Lily on her back and we went towards our inn.

"Are okay now?" Carol asked me.

"Yes I am all right, what could happen to me?"

"No, I mean stress could be clearly seen on your face when we were about to leave Lily," she said.

"So, you noticed, but don't worry I am all right. How is she doing?" I asked.

"She is asleep already."

"Yeah, she must be tired; both mentally and physically."

"Sorry to disturb but we should walk fast or we will be late for dinner," Carl said to both of us.



And we walked towards the setting sun which was shining bright orange.

But a question still remains in my mind; why did I help her? Because I am a good guy, No that's not it. It's because I know that pain and emptiness you feel when everyone ignores you and treat you as a non-living object. I know because I have felt that way; that must be the reason.

No, it has to be the only reason.

A new member is now added in the gang!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Also if you guys are thinking that, "Hey moon, this is a novel with action tag! Where is the action?" so I'd say currently you are reading the world building and character developent phase.

When the action scenes will come, they will satsfying and worth the wait. So till then please keep reading.

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Thanks for reading!

-Peace out

moon_senpaicreators' thoughts