
When The PlayBoy Meets The PlayGirl

'She looks like a pure flower who is blooming beautifully.' thought Dylan as he saw the girl in front of him.  'Hmm….this guy he looks good but at the same time looks like the guy who would get a girl at the very last moment.…that too somehow..' Diana thought as she saw Dylan in front of her.  Their thoughts about each other are contradictory to their personalities. What will happen when they find out each other's true personality? 

Pakohoshino29 · 都市
20 Chs

Sweet Pea


Although Diana was recovering really well but her mood was not getting good at all. It was just getting worse and worse. It had been 4 days that she had stayed in the hospital. In the 4 days, Brian, Dylan, David, Sebastian, Suzan & Kate had come to visit her a several times but her own father hadn't shown up even once. 

It was evening. David & Sebastian had visited Diana with the girls so Dylan went alone with some snacks. 

*Knock knock* 

"Come in." Diana said.

Dylan entered the room and put the snacks on the side table and took a seat beside her bed.

"So..how is your hand now?" Dylan asked.

"It's good. Can make some movements now." Diana said with a serious face. 

"Nice. By the way..for couple of days...although I noticed but I had some things in mind at that time so I couldn't ask but you seem in a really bad mood." Dylan asked with slight concerned looks. 

"Well, if you get into an accident and your own father doesn't show up. How'd you feel?" Diana said as she clenched her fist trying to herself calm. 

"I would feel really mad." Dylan said as he took a moment to imagine the situation. 

"I know right." Diana said as she took a big bite from the snacks that Dylan had bought. 

"Hmm, well I think that uncle will come here. He is just busy I guess." Dylan said as he leaned back on the chair. 

"So busy that he can't take 15 minutes from his schedule?" Diana asked. 


Diana was shocked to see Dylan defending her father. It was weird for her to see this. 

"I know you must be thinking I'm crazy but believe me he'll be here. He might be dealing with some things." Dylan said as he looked at his phone screen which had flashed with a message. 

"Hmm. Anyways, thanks for these cookies. These are delicious." Diana said with a smile. 

"Oh, you like them? My mum made them as soon as I told her that my friend is in hospital." Dylan said.

"Ah, I see." Diana went numb hearing the word 'mum'. 

Seeing so many sudden changes in her expressions. Dylan shifted the topic to something else and told her various things about college that she had not known. They both had a nice conversation but in the middle of the conversation, the door was knocked by someone. 

"Must be Brian." Diana said. 

Diana was surpised to see that it wasn't Brian but her father. Unexpectedly what Dylan said came true. Diana's eyes had widened as she saw her father entering the room.

"Told you." Dylan lip synced the words as he stood behind her father closing the door. 

"How are you sweet pea?" Her father asked as he took a seat beside her bed. 

"Um, you guys chat. I should leave." Dylan said as he left the room.

After Dylan left, there was awkward silence between the two. 

"So finally you remembered you have a daughter?" Diana asked in a sarcastic voice. 

"I'm sorry sweet pea….I wanted to come on the first day but things kept popping up. The situations needed to be handled as soon as possible or...it'd be bad for us. But the problem is solved now...so.." Her father said with disappointed expression. 

"Yeah….it's always work first for you. It doesn't matter if your wife is dying, or your daughter had in injury. Work comes first." Diana said with anger in her voice but her face had no expression. 

After the little conversation Diana and her father had their dinner in the pin drop silence. 

"You don't need to stay. If you stay here you won't have a good sleep which will result you to take leave from work and THAT CANNOT HAPPEN." Diana said as she looked away. 

"You're right. Sleep well sweet pea." Her father said as he smiled bitterly. 

Just when her father left the room Diana got under the sheets and tears started to shed. After crying for a while, Diana was fast asleep. 

Mr. Jones who was actually standing outside, only pretending to leave the hospital heard those cries. But when he realised the cries had stopped he peeked through the small glass window on the door and found Diana sleeping. He sighed lightly and entered the room 

"I'm sorry sweet pea...I know dad does a lot of things wrong…" Her father said as he  kissed Diana's forehead. 

After 3 more days, Diana was discharged from the hospital and her hand was now perfectly fine. She attended the college the next day, took notes, assignments and in evening she was back to her party self. She went to the bar as she had not had a drink with Suzan and Kate yet. 

"Hey girls!" Diana said with her cheery smile. 

"Hey! Finally you are here!" Suzan said. 

"Yeahh! So I will have tequila." Diana said as she called a waiter.

"Same." Suzan said.

"Ah...Cocktail, non alcoholic." Kate said. 

Diana looked at Kate with her eyes widened. 

"You sure you'll be able to handle two drinking girls?" Diana asked. 

"Yep. Plus if I get drunk..I won't be able to see things." Kate said.

"Why use the code words, just say you won't be able to see Sebastian clearly..or..you could see 4 Sebastians if you drink!"  Diana said as she winked at Kate. 

"Wow...you are at the same level of Suzan!" Kate said as she heard this. 

After a little bit of talking and drinking Diana had to go to restroom. She got up and had only taken a step that a guy came running towards her. 

Just when the guy was done huffing and puffing and catching his breath. He looked at Diana. The face was familiar for Diana. The green eyes, thin lips, curly hair, that silky slight brown skin..it was all familiar to her. It was Daniel. 

"Diana,I need a favour right now!" Daniel said with desperate look. 

"Okay…" Diana said with confused look. 

As soon as Diana said this, Daniel took Diana's hand and pulled her closer from her waist and kissed her. 

The trio and the girls were looking at this. The kiss looked so passionate that it felt like Diana & Daniel were two lovers that had met after a long time and that their bodies were longing for each other. 

After a min or two, Daniel decided to let go of Diana. 

"You know you could've directly.." 

Before Diana could complete her sentence Daniel pointed his thumb at the back towards a certain girl. Seeing that, Diana understood what the situation was and she played along. 

"Ah! I'm glad Daniel you came back! I'm really sorry we fought before you went to your buisness trip but I'm really glad we sorted it out last night!" Diana said in a slightly higher voice so the girl could hear it too as she hugged Daniel. 

"What the hell is going on?" Kate asked to Suzan.

"I have no clue." Suzan said as her eyes got set on Daniel. 

On the other hand, the trio was as clueless as the girls. This guy hadn't appeared in Diana's life neither did she tell about him so guys too had a lot of questions in their head. 

"Fight? What fight? Is he her boyfriend then does that mean Diana was cheating all this while?* Sebastian asked as he looked at the scene in front of him. 

"Maybe?" David said. 

"Nah, this is definitely something else. Diana did not have a relationship with any of the guys till now so she won't have with this one either." Dylan said as he took a sip from his drink and analysed the situation quickly. 

"She's gone." Diana whispered as she saw the girl had gone away. 

Hearing that Daniel took a sigh of relief and ended the hug. 

"I'm really sorry for all that! It's just that girl had been stalking me from my office and she really looked too creepy so I saw you sitting here and I just ran in the bar." Daniel said with apologetic look. 

"It's fine. Though, I have to say you have improved!" Diana said as she patted on his shoulder and winked at him.

"Oh?" Daniel said as he tilted his head a bit and raised an eyebrow.

"Mhm-hm. I guess now you have become a complete package." Diana said. 

"Learnt from the best you know." Daniel too winked at Diana saying this. 

Diana laughed and started talking to him while standing. But their conversation was interrupted in between by Suzan's voice from behind. 

"Um, Diana! Introduce us?" Suzan said. 

"Ah yeah, right! So Daniel, this is Ex enemy current best friend Suzan and this is Kate." Diana said as she quickly introduced bim to the girls. 

After a while Daniel took a seat with the girls. As Diana was coming back from washroom Suzan walked to Diana and asked if Daniel was single.

"He..is..but! I can set you up with another guy...I am really thinking if setting him up with David." Diana said with slight tensed look.

"Isn't David gay...ohhhhh. Wait if he is gay why'd he kiss you?" Suzan asked. 

"Because he is bisexual and we are not dating. It was just a trick to get rid of his stalker." Diana said as she explained the whole situation to Suzan. 

"Ohhh...okay but yeah set do set me up with someone really good." Suzan said as with her optimistic look. 

"Of course of course. But first I really wanna set those two up..though...I really think it'd a bit hard job to set them up after what happened today…" Diana said with slight disappointment. 

Hello dear readers! So...I always try to write chapters on Friday, Sat and Sun but... what happens is the order becomes Sat, Sun & Mon due to me writing late or thinking at the last moment...ahh gotta change that for sure. But anyways, here is the chapter! I hope you liked it!

See ya tomorrow!

Love ya all!


Pakohoshino29creators' thoughts