3 When The War Starts

I see a glowing large figure appear out of the sky. he looks very very evil I asked him what is he doing here he didn't answer me my anger started to fill up. somehow I blasted him with my hands when I woke up everything was in black and white and they were soldiers and civilians rushing into large Tower buildings. I heard gunshots and bomb I heard volcano eruptions the worst of all there was a ringing noise it made me so angry I ran up to someone and try pushing them over didn't even notice I was invisible no one knew I was there then I ran into a large building and I see my mom and my dad this time they look sad. I run up to my dad and say mom is evil but he couldn't hear me. I had to do something about it. later I started to feel nauseous then started throwing up I felt like I was dying everything went dark again and I couldn't open my eyes soon all the pain went away and there was no one I realized I needed everyone but they couldn't save me now I was dead.

to be continued...
