
The Unexpected (2)

The whole drive home after was a awkward silence.

They stopped in front of Mits apartment, they all got out the car and Shane told Mits "Go up with your parents I will get the bags out the car."

Mits just nod and she told her parents to come with here.

Before Mits could even unlock the front door her dad started talking with anger reflecting in his eyes and face.

"Did you know that this Shane guy is married?"

"He is not married dad, he has been divorced for a year now."

"Did you started seeing him when he was still married?" Her dad could really not control his anger any more.

"Yes I did dad, we were seeing other for 5 months while he was still married."

Screaming at her now her dad said "What the hell where you thinking??"

Looking at her mother not knowing what to say, she managed to open the door and they walked inside.

"Well I asked you a question young lady?"

"I did not know that he was married at the time dad!"

"O so the lying bastard seduced you?"

"NO dad that was not how it happened!"

"Then in lighten me, we came all the way here to find out what is going on."

"We work together dad, my car broke down one night and he gave me a lift home, we started talking and started seeing each other. After 5 months he told me that is wife wanted to meet me."

Silence fall over Mits remembering that Saturday morning.

Her parents did not say a word they just waited for her to continue. All the while Shane was standing outside the apartment listening to everything they were talking about.

After a deep breath Mits continued. "I left him that day dad, I told him that is was over between us, and that I did not want to see him anymore."

With tears in her eyes she looks at her parents.

"Well if that was the chase what is he still doing here?"

Mits could not handle the pressure any more and screamed at her parents for the first time in her life.

"I love him okay, and he staying with me, we have an great relationship and I have never been more happy, why can't you just accept that!"

With tears running down her face she ran to here room, just then Shane came walking into the apartment, not able to look at her parents he said, "I will put your bags in the guest room." And he walked past them.

After putting Mits parents bags in the guest room Shane went to Mits room, knocking softly on the door to let her know someone is there, he pushed the door open.

"Hey beautiful you mind if I come in?"

Mits turned he head and saw that is was Shane standing at the door, she started crying again and Shane went to sit next to her, picked her up and put her on his lap, stroking her hair he said "Everything will work out my angel, your parents is just shocked with the news, I think that they would have reacted differently is they have heard is from you and not a complete stranger over the phone."

"I guess so." Mits managed to say through her tears running down her face.