
What the heart wants:Reincarnator meets transmigrator

"If anything he doesn't love me as much as he loved you, I have seen Asher in love. He becomes the softest and gentlest person to the one he loves, but he isn't like that with me. he thinks he loves me but he doesn't-" "That is because he wants to be loved in return" Sabine stated. Isabelle looked at the other woman, "what do you mean? "That look in his eyes when he stares at you? He loves you so much that he is scared of getting hurt, he is afraid that you would not love him back the way he loves you. If there is something I have noticed with Asher is that he sacrifices himself for me, he did the same thing for Giselle too, but with you, he just wants to be loved back." "And that is supposed to be better? He worshipped you two and for me?" "He didn't worship us, Isabelle, on the contrary, you are the one being worshipped. There is nothing more beautiful in this world than to love and be loved. He did not need us to love him back, he did not require our love but he pines for yours. You can see vividly how he searches and does everything he can to receive even a sliver of your affection. You have more power over his sanity, peace of mind, and happiness than Giselle and I combined wished to have. Isabelle, you have it all, every single part of Asher's heart and soul, and as hard as this is to say, you have to stop breaking it." ****************************** This is a love story, a story of fate and fiction, where lifetimes come to play. Do you believe in soulmates? What if you have to endure three lifetimes to end up with your soulmate? Isabelle has suffered heartbreak her past two lifetimes, even though she only remembers one lifetime. Her fate was so twisted she ended up the victim of an ambitious author. When her world is turned into a novel she does not end up as the main lead, hence she does not end up with the male lead, what is worse is that she becomes a cannon fodder that ends up dying tragically.  She reincarnates when a transmigrator possesses the body of the novel's second female Lead, Sabine. With another chance she falls in love with the male lead, her fiance once again. But just like in her first life he doesn't even notice her as more than a nuisance, in fact, in this life she dies by his hand. Now she has reincarnated for the third time, and she remembers her past life, she knows her life is fiction and made for mere entertainment but she cannot accept such a tragic fate again. In the first life, the male lead ended up with her cousin the female lead, Giselle. In her second life, he was in love with the second lead, Sabine. All this when she had the most claim to him as his fiancee' but he manages to break her each time. In this life, she is not going to make the same mistake. Each time she loves him she dies, but not this time. But what happens when he finally wants her? What happens when he remembers his past lives and confesses that she is the one he has wanted all along? ************************** Make no mistake, this is not your normal storyline. The first volume is written in the first person and the main villain is not introduced till volume two. It is a SLOWBURN romance and the story picks up in volume two. But this author promises it is not a read you will regret. It is different but worth it, a deep storyline with flawed characters who make real mistakes and have real stakes and pressure on them.  Stay for the journey and you will never regret reading this at the end, in fact, you won't be able to forget it. A lot of life lessons, but you must be patient through the ride. If superficial and shallow plotlines are what you want then this read isn't for you, but if you are tired of the same old thing then try these. Same concept but with an incredible twist. This author hopes you see this book for what it is. A lesson.

Obliviousstudent · ファンタジー
224 Chs

Do I have a choice?


In my life, I will never ever again sleep where I shouldn't. We were standing a few feet away from each other at this point but my heart thumped so painfully in my chest it felt as though it would thump right out of my chest. I was never a lustful person, in fact, I am such an innocent I've never even been kissed in my twenty-five years on this earth, but why did my body feel like it was on fire? Why did I enjoy touching him the way I did? I mean, seriously this situation was bad already yet I was only thinking about how badly I wanted to feel the heat radiating from his hot body once more.

And his gaze on me wasn't helping my nerves, he looked… angry, damn. As he opened up his mouth to speak I dashed out of the room. He can't fire me if he can't find me, right?

Walking out of the room I ran into the older Madam, talk about bad timing. "G-good day Madam," I stated quickly, bowing.

With suspicious eyes she looked behind me, probably wondering why I was coming from that direction. "You should go help out in the kitchen, the family dinner is this evening." She stated curtly and I nodded quickly, basically running towards the kitchen. Placing my hands on my chest as I walked into the kitchen I bowed again when I saw Florence and went to stand beside the other maids.

"Where have you been?" Carly, another maid asked.

"That's right, you left since morning to clean up the young master's suite you've been gone a while." Another maid, Faye added.

"The older Madam gave me some work to do for her." I lied, looking away, before they began to probe again I turned around and walked away.


"You can't be serious, no way I'm going to move to a hostel and leave Marianne here, in your care," I said, glaring daggers at my uncle and aunt.

My uncle stepped forward and tried to hold on to me but I flinched away from his touch, whilst standing protectively in front of Marianne. Looking hurt, gosh he was good at faking concern, if I didn't already see the outcome of trusting these people then I would have fallen for this again. "Isabelle, your aunt and I only looking out for your best interest, you are in your final year of college wouldn't it be better to stay in the hostels in the general hospital in order to finish properly?"

I scoffed, "I'm already doing alright, if that's what you are afraid of, I am doing very well actually." I lie, if I remember correctly I was a horrible student. "I have to, it's not like I'm going to allow someone else to inherit my father's hospital and foundation. Besides what would be the point? I only have four more months to graduate medical school."

"Exactly, you only have four months, yet you've never really experienced college life. We are worried about you dear, you have had to grow up too soon, worrying about Marianne have some fun." My aunt, that snake, added.

"Did I complain to you?" I spat.

My uncle's eyes widened, "Isabelle! Why are you acting like this all of a sudden? We are not your enemy."

As I opened my mouth to retort I saw Marianne by the door, crying. And it dawned on me, I was reborn, I had an advantage. If I continued to act rashly like this I would squander this opportunity. But eventually, these two traitors before me would show their true colors, I needed to nip this in the bud. But if I waited to do that then Marianne was going to get worse and they would have power over me. I needed a golden thigh to hug and I knew just the perfect person.

"Fine, I'll go, but I want to be present for all of Marianne's doctors' appointments and I will speak to her every day."



When I first left home and went abroad I missed these family dinners, we had family dinners but with the entire family, we had them once a week. I didn't quite get most of the gist while I was still young, I only attended them once a month, and then the only thing I remembered was them gushing and pampering the grandchildren, it was only me at that point though so yeah. But even though I am still the center of attention even with the presence of my little ten-year-old cousin. It felt different, sure they weren't supposed to be asking the questions that they asked fifteen years ago it felt like the only person that had changed was me. Everything was still the same, where I sat at the head of the table, only this time I faced my round-faced chubby little cousin. Who stared at my eyes so wide I couldn't dislike him.

"So what is the plan now?" My uncle asked. And before I had the choice of answering my dad spoke up.

"What else? He'll join the company." He stated bluntly.

Laughing awkwardly, my uncle's wife, I haven't met her physically before but I heard about the wedding, she's an actress, was an actress. "I'm sure my hubby meant what Asher would like to do?"

And I could help but laugh, it was honestly funny but when I had stopped everyone was staring blankly at me. "I'm sorry, I just didn't realize I had a choice."

And she looked honestly shocked, even as the other adults refused to meet my eyes in guilt. "But of course you do" she insisted I smiled at her naivety and the way her husband tried to nudge her quiet. I honestly didn't want to care about this dinner but I couldn't help myself when I turned to my right and spoke.

"Tell me, grandfather, do I have a choice?" I asked, bringing my grandfather into the conversation. He usually preferred to observe in silence but he made all the final decisions. Every single one.

"What do you think? After all the money we spent on your education." He stated bluntly and I nodded in response. It annoyed the hell out of me but I've spent fourteen years in hatred for my family it wasn't a new thing now, I was used to living with the hatred.

"We shouldn't think about this right now, we should be thinking of getting him a good wife now. I can't wait to have a great-grandson." And my breathing stopped at first and my fists formed unconsciously.

"Isn't that being too quick?" The actress asked again.

"Quick? He is already almost thirty" my aunt added. I am twenty-six, I'm not almost thirty.

"Well is there a girl you like?" My uncle asked and I turned to him with a polite smile.

"I'm not sure what you mean," I replied.

"A person that makes your heart beat faster, someone that makes you feel and do things you normally wouldn't, someone whose presence both bothers and makes you pleased."

"I've never felt that before," I stated honestly.

"Well, I'm sure you would like the girl I'll choose for you." My grandmother added.

"And if I don't?"

"Then you won't marry her," the actress said, "grandmother would find you another girl, won't you grandmother?" She asked sweetly.

The malice in my grandmother's eyes towards this woman was evident but before she could retort my grandfather ended the discussion.

"You won't have to marry any girl you don't like, but you must choose from the girls your grandmother selects for you."