

Sitting down on the seat a couple in front of the back ones. I placed my bag on the aisle side, No one ever sits by me. I put on my headphones, turning on my playlist as I lay my head back. Allowing time to speed through as the bus fills with the other kids. The Metal blaring in my ears blocking out the ruckus from the other seats. I never really cared about what they say. As long as it doesn't involve me, I don't care. I deside to look out the window...

That's probably why I'm so lonely, ain't it? I never talk to anyone except for like 3 people. Im always sitting by myself. I just wish something else could happen, something that will happen and make my life better. But I was never a optimist, so I just stared out the window of the bus...

Eh? What is that? A little purple orb showed in my vision. I looked around to see if anyone else sees it but it stayed it's place in my vision, even if I close my eyes. And it keeps getting bigger and bigger. I try swatting at it like it's a real thing. Of course that didn't work you idiot. I degrade myself as it took over my whole vision. I suddenly felt...sleepy...

Ok finished this and editing it. Hopefully it gets popular.

London_Ryecreators' thoughts