
What is dead may never die (Theon SI)

What to do when you wake up in a world that shouldn't exist? When can you look forward only to your death and nothing much more? You live, that's what you do, but in this world, it isn't as easy as you think. Check Fanfiction(dot)net for the rest of the chapters and other stories. It is the same name. (I am the original author, just transitioning to Webnovel too.)

Ironwolf852 · 書籍·文学
122 Chs

City of rats

City of rats

Loras POV

The morning was clear. It was perfect weather to train. In the time I spent in the streets of King's Landing, I learned that a sword was for killing. So, I swung my sword for only one reason, to kill. I put more strength into every swing, trying to deliver my sword faster and more powerfully than the previous swing.

Sweat clung to me even if it still was a cool morning. I wanted to train until midday when the city started to cook. Living in castles made of stone, I never imagined how stuffy it could be. Without proper shoes, your feet burn walking on the small rocks in the road. Not speaking of the smell, it becomes unbearable to breathe when piss and shit stand in the hot sun for a bit.

"Ser Loras, there you are," A weak-looking young man walked towards me. "Lord Tyrell was looking for you."

"Again?" I asked, looking at the weedy and pinch-faced rat. "Tell him I will come to him at midday."

"But you said the same yesterday and never came to see him."

It seems I can't avoid my family any longer. I was happy to see them, but I was not fond of the rats around them. Now that the Lannisters had weakened so much, the Tyrells became the most powerful family. With Joffrey's wedding with my sister, my family is guaranteed to hold high positions in the court.

With power came the rats. The weak-looking young man was one of them. Lord Lorent Clement had nothing else but his family name. From one look, I could tell he had a weak will and even weaker arms, just like that damn Joffrey, the bastard my family will help keep his throne. All of them were rats. If I could, I would cut them all down.

"Lead the way," I didn't bother to clean before I sheathed my sword and beckoned the rat to lead the way.

The Red Keep has become redder since the Lannister took control of it. The carpets and the curtains were all red. The red banners on the walls had golden lions. You could not escape from it. Whenever you went, it was there. It made me sick. How can these people show themselves so proudly when they are nothing but honorless, lying rats?

"They are waiting inside, ser," The weak rat showed me to the garden inside the Red Keep.

They? I didn't ask aloud but pushed him aside and walked into the garden. My father, mother, brother, sister, and grandmother awaited me there. Only Willas was missing for a family reunion. They all were wearing silky clothes. Every outfit could feed a family for a year in the slums. No, if someone had such an outfit in the slums, they would be killed for it.

"Loras, it is good to see you. I hope you had enough rest," My father went to hug me. I walked past him and sat at the table.

"Why have you called for me?" I asked my grandmother and took some bread to munch upon. I wouldn't say I liked the cheese variety on the table. Part of me wondered if my grandmother kept the cheese to lure out the rats.

"If we didn't call you, would you have come by yourself?" Garlan asked.

"If you wanted to see me, you could have done that at the training field."

"I know you have experienced a lot during your stay in King's Landing, but there is no need for you to be so cold to us, brother," Margaery grabbed my hands and smiled at me sweetly. "We are family. We should stick together."

"Sweet words from my sweet sister," I commented. "But you must try harder with Joffrey if you want him to listen to you. Once he gets bored of you, he will throw you away like a broken toy."

"Don't insult your sister, Loras," Garlan yelled.

"It isn't me forcing her to marry a bastard."

"Watch your words. You are speaking of the King," My father got agitated.

"I rather return to my training than listen to you all getting angry at me," I told them.

"You do nothing but play with that sword of yours like a little boy who got his first toy," My grandmother said. "There are more important things than swinging a stick."

"Without that stick, I would have been killed," I replied. "The men that you are all too happy to marry into would have killed me."

"Please, son, calm down," My mother hugged me. "I know you had to endure a lot, but you must stay strong."

"Enough," I gently pushed my mother aside. "Why have you called me?"

"You are to enter the Kingsguard," Father proclaimed proudly.

"To guard a bastard and serve under the Kingslayer?" I asked. "You have to be joking?"

"It is a prestigious position. Glory and honor will await you, son," Mother said.

I got sick of hearing such words. Are they mocking me? No, seeing their eyes and soft smiles, they treated me like I was a child. They think they understand me, but they know nothing. All they cared about was game of thrones. Power and influence were the most important to them. But I didn't care for such a thing.

"There is no honor in this city, where killers and tyrants rule. What glory and honor will I get serving under a man who killed lord Stark, Renly, and the King."

"You shouldn't talk about ser Jaime like this," Father berated me.

"I will speak as I like," I had no patients for them. "We are done. I will return to my training."

"Sit down," My grandmother told me. "We heard you last time about what happened, but it doesn't matter anymore. Put down your grudges. For our family to grow stronger, we need all of us to do what is necessary."

"How can we grow stronger with a bastard and a family of murderers ruling over us?"

"It doesn't matter what they are, swords rule the realm, and we have the swords," Grandmother told me. "If we do not seize this opportunity, someone else will."

"Swords rule the realm?" I asked. "How many swords did Theon Greyjoy have when he defeated the Kingslayer and the Mountain? He only needed a hundred or so men to break Kevan and Tywin Lannister. It is not how many swords we have. It is how we use them, grandmother. And you wouldn't know it, as swords are just sticks we play with. Play your games, but don't involve me in them."

I had nothing else to say to them. While they think they can take control over the realm with their numbers, I knew better. In the slums, nobody cared what banner you bore, how many men were serving you, or how rich you were. A sword wasn't suited to rule. A sword was only for killing.

Lady Eri wasn't surprised to see me. I had been sneaking out of the Red Keep since my family arrived. Since I didn't need to hide anymore, I thought I should return to them. The Lannisters claimed they were worried about me and looking for me. My family accepted their words. I doubt they believed them, but it was better to take upon their words than question them.

"You shouldn't have returned," Eri said. "You don't belong in a place like this."

"Then I don't belong anywhere. Not with my family, not in the Red Keep," I replied. "It is a place filled with rats."

"So is the whole city, Lor," Lady Eri sighed and poured cheap wine for me. "What about your revenge? I hope you dropped it. Nothing good will come out of it."

"I had. Even if I don't like it, I can't fight against the Lannisters. Even if I don't support my family, I will not harm them."

"What will you do then?"

"Nothing, I will sit and wait," I said. "I can't do anything. The truth doesn't matter. Nobody will hear or believe it."

"Don't beat yourself over it," Eri gently smiled. "You did everything you could. Let it go and as you said, do nothing. It is time for you to rest."

She was right. Even if I wanted to kill all the Lannisters, it wouldn't bring back Renly. It would only put my family against the rest of the realm. The Kingslayer was already crippled with no sign of recovery. I could kill him, but what then? Plunge the city into a battlefield? Hide in the streets once again?

"I am considering leaving," I said.

"Leaving to where?"

"Essos, maybe I will find a purpose there."

"Don't be foolish. You will be the Queen's brother soon."

"That's one of the reasons I want to leave," I said. "After the wedding, I will take some gold, sail to Bravos, and maybe learn water dance. I don't think I can stand this place any longer. Everywhere I turn, I see rats. I'm afraid I will turn into one if I stay here any longer."

"It won't be easy to leave. Stannis' fleet is still in Dragonstone."

"The Redwyne fleet will defeat it."

"Not if the Greyjoys interfere."

"It doesn't involve me," I said. "Let them fight. When they kill each other, I will be gone."

I meant it, let Stannis burn the Westerlands. I don't care. The Reach had already sent their men to pursue him, and Garlan will leave with another host soon too. Even with the Riverlands and the Vale Stannis will face difficulties fighting the Reach. And even if he did win, Reach is prominent and wealthy. They will gather another host to hold against Stannis.

Everyone had swords, thousands upon thousands of them. Yet there still needs to be a clear winner. King Robb Stark will return home, and nobody will be able to do anything about him. Going to the North with exhausted men will not bring anyone victory. Theon Greyjoy won't sit idle either.

For now, all everyone know is that he returned to the Iron Islands. All let out their sighs, hoping that he wouldn't return. But even a fool knows that Theon Greyjoy will bring another storm to the Realm, alone or with the Iron Islands behind him. By now, his name was synonymous with death. Those who faced him don't want to meet him ever again.

"I never thought I would meet ser Loras Tyrell in such a place," I looked up from my cup to the voice that spoke to me, then I had to look down again to see the Dwarf of Casterly Rock. "Enjoying your wine?"

"I was, yet you ruined it."

"What would the hero of King's Landing like?" Eri spoke to the dwarf with respect.

Last time she wasn't afraid to insult him, but now he was a hero. He singlehandedly pushed back Stannis' force. He had the gold cloaks in his pockets, and their number increased daily. Lannisters needed men, and King's Landing had plenty to offer. Of course, they were paid by the gold from the Reach.

"The best wine and I wouldn't mind a room with you waiting for me," The dwarf said as he touched lady Eri improperly.

"I have to disappoint the lord. I am not available for you or anyone else," Lady Eri smacked the Dwarf's hand away.

"Anyone is available for a price," The dwarf didn't give up.

"The lady had refused you already, Tyrion of House Lannister," I caught the hand of the Master of the coin.

"Oh, my apologizes, where you already had reserved her," Tyrion laughed. "Color me surprised, and I thought you liked to sleep with men. More specifically, with tall, dark-haired, and blue-eyed men."

"And I heard you liked to only sleep with whores when they were done with your household guards first," I replied. "Don't try to provoke me, dwarf. Now, I would like to drink alone."

I would lie if I said his words didn't hurt me. I felt angry and guilty that I couldn't avenge Renly. I watched as the men responsible for his death were going to rule the realm. They will not face any punishment for their crimes. I would love to smash his face into the table and show how little his power meant to me. Yet I drank my wine and kept silent as the dwarf left in anger.