
what if naruto had the powerful six eyes with gojo's power {Completed}

Anime & Comics
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What is what if naruto had the powerful six eyes with gojo's power {Completed}

WebNovel で公開されている、AARYAN_PATHAK の作者が書いた what if naruto had the powerful six eyes with gojo's power {Completed} の小説を読んでください。In the Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto Uzumaki has always been an enigma. As the host of the Nine-Tails fox spirit, he grew up isolated and scorned by the villagers. However, his life takes a dramatic tur...


In the Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto Uzumaki has always been an enigma. As the host of the Nine-Tails fox spirit, he grew up isolated and scorned by the villagers. However, his life takes a dramatic turn during the Chunin Exams when he awakens a mysterious power within himself - the Six Eyes.

3 タグ

In Quest of buildings a kingdom!

[This novel is filled with kingdom building and war type . For those who are interested in this type of plot , this novel is best for you guys. There will be tons of upgrades and improvements , it is not fast growing but slow yet fun. At the starting of the novel there will be some stories and after reaching 7 -8 He will start the Quest of kingdom building .] The Blaze Kingdom "You are not worthy to be the king of the Blaze Kingdom " A beautiful woman looked at him coldly and said with overbearing manner. Aaron couldn't help but say in despair "Aunt ...why ?" The beautiful eyes of the women narrowed and said with indifference "This is the rule of the jungle . Only the strong has the right to rule as for weak like you do not deserve this fortune ". Later Aaron was ruthlessly fell down from the rightful heir of blaze Kingdom . Now he became someone with no status and support. His loyal followers who once said that they will follow him to the end now looked at him with mockery and disdain . The officials and general kept silent while his enemies tried to kill him . Even his future wife broke up the engagement pact which made him a joke in the royal family. With no one supporting him and the constant pursuit of the enemy made him sick of his life . "Alright it's time to end this" He looked below the cliff and ready to end his life but something happened which changed his life . [QUEST TO BUILD A KINGDOM ] Will he strive forward or doomed in the scheme of power struggle ? Only the time will tell !

Depressed_life · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Mengenal cinta

Awal yang rumit untuk menggambarkan kisahku saat pertama kali aku menggenalmu ,kau yang begitu dingin terhadap wanita smpai di juluki pangeran es karena kau tampan dan bersikap dingin , sampai aku tak sengaja menabrakmu di depan kantin sekolah dan sialnya lagi aku tak sengaja menumpahkan minuman ku kebajumu,,,,uhhhhhhhhh ada apa denganku ini apakah aku menggali lubang ku sendiri,,,,dengan perasaan takut aku pun berusaha melihat dan meminta maaf padamu,, ,ma ma maaf kak aku engak sengaja dengan rasa takut aku menundukkan kepala dan bersiap dengan resiko yang telah aku lakukan terhadapmu,,,,,entah apa yang terjadi aku melihatmu tidak marah padaku malahan kau tersenyum yang aku yakin membuat semua cewek disekolah meleh,,,,karena rasa binggung aku pun bertanya padamu,,,,kak menggapa kau tersenyum dan tidak memarahiku,,,,,,,dan anehnya kamu pun tertawa,,,"dasar gadis kecil bodoh apakah kau ingin aku marahi"?ti ti tidak kak maaf,kau pun berkata padaku ,,tak apalah aku akan membersihkan bajuku dan kau gadis kecil bodoh aku tunggu kamu di depan gerbang sekolah pulang sekolah nanti kalau sampai kamu gak datang aku akan memberimu hukuman,,,,,,,dengan rasa terkejut aku pun menjawab aaaaaapa kak die hukum,,,,dan kau pun menjawab iya ,,,dengan rasa takut aku menjawab baiklah kak,,,,dan disitulah awal mula kisah,,,,,,itulah cerita dariku percaya ngak percaya itulah kenyataan nya,,,,,tulis cerita dalam dairy?? Namaku Artika putri pratama biasa di pangil tika die kluargaku dan putri oleh teman temanku,,,,aku bukan lah gadis populer disekolah,,,tpi aq cukup populer di sosmed bukan apa karena aku menghormati sekolahku karena disitu tempat menimba ilmu dan bukan tempat ajang mencari popularitas sesama siswa di sekolah dimana peraturan di junjung tinggi untuk menciptakan muda mudi yang bisa membuat negara menjadi lebih baik karenanya,,,,oh ya kata orang akutuh cantik tinggi pokoknya cewek ideal harapan cowok tpi aku orangya tuh cuek,kutu buku,dan gak suka keramaian gitudeh intinya aq dimata merka kisah ini menceritakan kehidupan sehari2 tika entah sama keluarga ,teman bahkan tetangga?? Tak selamanya hidup itu bahagia dengan cinta, karena cinta dapat merubah yang buruk menjadi baik dan baik menjadi lebih buruk. Maafkan aq yang dulu telah mnyakitimu dan maafkan aq yang dulu tak pernah percaya pad a perasaan mu padaku, karena dulu aku tak mengerti tentang cinta dan tak mau terlibat urusan tentang cinta, di mana takdir mempertemukan kita dan mejadikan kita satu diakhir coobaan yang kita hadapi dengan ikhlas dan berselah diri pada tuhan. MAAF,,,,,,,,,YA,,,,,GAEYS kalau ceritanya kurang menarik?Karena aku lagi belajar membuat cerita,?aku yang biasanya membaca kini aq memilih menulis sendiri aq masih harus belajar lebih giat lagi agar dapat membuat cerita menarik dan bisa disukai banyak orang ,,,,,,, ,

089647997437 · SF
4 Chs


Its an inspiring novel that centres around the life of Thuany Flo, a young woman whose life is turned upside down by tragedy and betrayal. After the sudden loss of her mother, Thuany finds herself at the mercy of her greedy uncles who strip her off her inheritance,leaving her to fend for herself in the unforgiving streets of Nairobi City. With her back against the wall,Thuany takes a job as a barrista in a modest restaurant. It's here,among the steam and the aroma of espresso that she discovers a passion for the hospitality industry. Determined to reclaim her life, Thuany embarks on a restless pursuit of success. The novel follows Thuany's transformation from a grieving daughter to a formidable force in the hotel industry. Her journey is fraught with challenges,from the sexism,to elitism that pervade the corporate world to the cutthroat competition that threatens to crush her dreams. Yet, with every setback, Thuany resolve only strengthens. emboding the very essence of glamour and grit. As she rises through the ranks,from barista to a renowned hotellier,Thuany not only builds her life but redefines what it means to be a successful woman in a make dominated field. "Glamour and Grit" is a testament to the power of perseverance,the beauty of self discovery, and the triumph of a woman who refuses to be defined by her circumstances. Its a novel that will resonate with anyone who has ever have to fight for their dreams and emerge victorious against all odds

AriesSaner · 都市
10 Chs

The Holocaust case

An organization has been carrying out massacres for long now. In order to stop them, the SF called on a resigned agent who was reluctant. As they pursed the case, mysteries that should have been kept secret, romance entwined and they discovered the mission was more complicated than they thought. please read the prologue. Prologue There was the certain knock on the door; three taps and a knock. The style had always sent shivers to it's hearers who knew the meaning of it. The poster that had been having hung in towns where the knock was heard embodied: Slavery is Freedom Ignorance is a bliss Rights and stubbornness is death Of course, the meaning was known. It wasn't ironic or in any figurative way. It was direct. Plain as it was written. The Kralove cult were here. It was the home of a certain civilian who made his money as an errand boy. He had a family of four; his wife and two children and then himself. The knock wasn't a surprise to him neither did he caught him unaware. Earlier, before he had all the curtains, he had looked out to see the massacre that was going on in his town. The Hoodiecut had sent a division, that is the Kralove cult, to invade their once peaceful town. "What are we going to do?" His wife panicked. Bead of sweats had already formed on her head and she held the children tightly. "Don't worry and stay calm," he repiled. "It's gonna be fine." His wife nodded shakily and he understood that. He found it difficult to believe those words himself. He was also shivering like this others but managed to keep his head high. There was another certain knock on the door followed by a shrill whistle and he knew what it meant. The door flew open instantly; his wife gripped the children more and he shield his face. Three people walked in; they were in their normal red clothes and white mask. Now they didn't wore this for Christmas. It was simply to symbolize how little merciful they were. "Hradec gave a command to come, see and conquer," one of them said. "And you know what that means; any stubbornness won't be tolerated. Stubbornness is death you know." That sent shivers to the inhabitants of the house. "Please leave my family?" The man cried out. "We are not merciful you know." Then he was dragged.

Enoch15 · アクション

Escapism Of The Lunatics

An extract from the forbidden fantasy that test's an adolescent's morality, sexuality and strength: Peter watched my reaction. Eyeing every contortion and breath I made. I shyly looked down at his intimidating gaze, tangling my fingers in my tousled hair. Parts of me want to explore and be fine with this. With what he does. The way he treats me. Parts of me feign for how far I'm willing with his predatory side. Submit to his will. Parts of me willing to be his prey. But there's limits to me. There's limits to all of us mortals. And although he is capable of grief, I'm uncertain he's capable of sentiment. He's limitless. There isn't a number on how much Peter can stretch out your bones. Or shovel you so deep into the ground that you feel as though you belong with the dirt. He can tug your veins until they're wrapped around the Earth a thousand times. Still, no limit. He can show me greatest horrors in the mere palm of his weirdly uncalloused hand. I've seen him manipulate, abuse and bring terror first hand. I think off all the times he placed himself on me and it was more than 'I want to hurt you.', but it wasn't 'I want to please you.' either. It was, "I want you to satisfy me in the strangest ways." I don't satisfy his romantic desires, because, clearly, he obtains none. I might've satisfied his...dare I say...sexual desires when we kissed. I let him touch me all he wants. I know I shouldn't, but he is intoxicating. A shot of liquid gold. I loose control, I've always been in control. Although he is a monster, there is still a human amongst the remnants of what's left of Peter Pan.

Sadistic_sail0r · ファンタジー
17 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

I want to assume that this was written mostly using ChatGPT. It's basically a summary, there are many repeats of the same words across chapters and the same can be said about the dialogue. If it isn't Sakura who says that power can corrupt, its Sasuke or Jiraiya or the Hokage.Another reason why I think it's chatgpt is because the conversations are one-dimensional, and characters have none of Naruto don't have the right personality. Sasuke should be jealous, Sakura should be amazed but not put much mind to it, she is more of a child in mentality power wise than the others and should not really understand what power entails.


Not what I was hoping for, the idea is great, but the execution of the story isn't good at all. Instead of clear writing of a story with great potential, it all seems like one BIG summary. Writing Quality is goodStory Development isn't horribleCharacter Designs are badAt the time of this review I assume it to be doneNo world background



General Audiencesmature rating